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Can you take energy from others?

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Some background...

Last month I was at a spiritual retreat where I met a girl that was strongly drawn to. On the last day of the retreat, I was able to get into a non-dual state naturally. The non-dual state started when I was near this girl. She told me afterward that she felt like I was taking away her energy and that is why she couldn't get into that state herself. Is this something that is possible? Can I take energy from others?

My intent wasn't to take, especially not from her.  



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I think so. I refer to it as psychic vampirism.

You've probably had an experience with friends, family members, or coworkers who seem to suck the atmosphere out of a room as soon as they walk in and drag everybody down. These people emotionally drain energy out of other people around them.

It can be intentional psychic attack, but in most cases it's unintentional.

Every time you engage in drama, upset someone, rely on them for support and advice, or are just in a bad mood around someone else, you're probably unintentionally stealing energy from them.

You probably weren't engaged in that kind of activity at a retreat though, so it's not obvious what the mechanism would have been. Maybe she was attracted to you and so distracted by her thoughts that she couldn't get into state herself. Opposite of being a psychic vampire, maybe she was unintentionally feeding that desire and energy to you.

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I wouldn't put a lot of worth into what she said. 

If you aren't someone who hurts others intentionally, you have nothing to worry, you stole nothing. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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7 minutes ago, Yarco said:

Opposite of being a psychic vampire, maybe she was unintentionally feeding that desire and energy to you.

Thanks for the answer @Yarco

I do not understand the mechanism by which I could drain energy unintentionally from her. The only thing that comes to mind is that I was completely honest and transparent about everything while she seemed reserved. 

9 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

If you aren't someone who hurts others intentionally, you have nothing to worry, you stole nothing. 

I agree.

If there is no conscious intent to take her energy, there might be some subconscious intent.

How does one become aware of subconscious intent?

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2 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

The only thing that comes to mind is that I was completely honest and transparent about everything while she seemed reserved.

You know how sometimes someone who is really confident might seem to make you feel insecure in comparison? But really it's because you're just thinking insecure thoughts about yourself, it's not that the other person actually caused that. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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16 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

I agree.

If there is no conscious intent to take her energy, there might be some subconscious intent.

How does one become aware of subconscious intent?

We're deeply connected to our subconscious. Our subconscious is connected to our conscious. The subconscious is a psychic reserve that helps the conscious be more aware of deeper things. There's nothing called "subconscious intent." If you didn't do anything at all, the question of unconsciously harming or invading someone doesn't arise 

An action should already exist for it to have an unconscious or subconscious outcome. In your case such action did not happen. An action takes place in the tangible world, not in the intangible world, saying otherwise would be akin to witchcraft that doesn't exist/isn't true. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@JosephKnecht I like Eckhart Tolle's take on this when a burning log is placed next to another log a larger fire is being created, I am obviously paraphrasing. I contemplated this too online and offline with retreats offline and online about energy transmisson...

Speaking from personal experiences I am quiet sensetive to energy, emotions, vibes of a room or field. There have been cases where I felt the whole group drags me down as well as the whole group uplifts me. It's like similar when you go out and everyone is in a super good mood because of a warm summer day and suddenly you get infected by the mood of the group, when you allow sort of the experience. 

At a zen retreat I felt after people finally stopped complaining as beginners and started to get into the practice the headmonk of the monastary lead the isness of the experience this was in Soto Zen. I was amazed by the level of guidance on an energetic level how well he adjusted to the whole field of influxes that occures. Every tiny bit and I generally felt very uplifted and my experienced deepend everytime the energy shifted towards depth of what consciouness is. 

Same with online retreats as people reported their practice and talked in a Vipassana style, as apparently they talk to much. You get a sense or impression of the field of people and their mental state, physical state, experiences etc. Some reported very advanced states that I could not comprehend so I moved back sort of to my reality bubble. When I had an incling of getting into the depth of consciouness the guidance was often so good, it felt like I even orchastrated the whole experience, via my "state" as well as uplifted and deepend other peoples practice. Like a great coach etc. who would give in any given area drive towards more depth of the experience. So I definitely felt the energy of the group as well as even the weather, depth and experience of the coach and/or teacher helped with the deepening, Not with explaining the technique in a better way, but with their own depth of consciouness. 

Generally this contains the whole idea of Shaktipa (energy transmission) or not? I am not very familiar with it.

Not wanting to derail the specifics of the questions, yet I definitely would say that there she could have experienced it that way and it actually just happend, she could have caused it herself or you legit caused it lol. There are so many scenarios. Of how, what and why.

I'd definitely believe it's possible, yet I would not believe by accident, she could have made it up etc. 

TLDR; Simply said I do think energy is contagious that goes for for the push and pull of it too as well positivity and negativty. For example feeling drawing to an exotic place, women, nature, certain animals etc. As well as repusled by some of it. Etc.

I never hit a "true" non-dual state, so this is sort of my take on this. 

This is Shinzens explanation, yes it's a bias.


Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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21 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

@JosephKnecht I like Eckhart Tolle's take on this when a burning log is placed next to another log a larger fire is being created, I am obviously paraphrasing. I contemplated this too online and offline with retreats offline and online about energy transmisson...

There is some truth to this. 

I too can feel the energy of the people but I have no explanation why I was drawn to the energy of this particular girl so strongly. 

21 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

yet I definitely would say that there she could have experienced it that way and it actually just happend, she could have caused it herself or you legit caused it lol. There are so many scenarios. Of how, what and why.

I believe that she is honest about her experience. If I am indeed the culprit of the situation I want to know how I can stop doing this. 

In the ultimate sense, we all chose to whom we give our energy and attention.

I will watch the video. Thanks @ValiantSalvatore

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The real terminology of an energy vampire is a person who has low quality of consciousness they are usually unconscious about their behaviour. Their behaviour is gonna be naturally experienced as draining by more conscious beings even if they don't wanna drain people it would still be draining for some other people to be around you. 

Edited by SpermDonor

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I’ve heard that you can’t actually take energy from someone or something but can only influence them to inhibit their own source of energy/block it. So maybe you caused her to start thinking negatively or you were a trigger for her or something. 

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If you want to get energy sound healing the best and popular method for providing the peace to your mind. It now become very popular and good option in modern times. They have used different instruments which is really effective and curable from any disease. Depending on the practitioner and the goal, sessions vary widely. Many begin with simple breathing exercises, which help slow the mind and shift focus to hearing. For sessions like sound baths and vibrational therapy, participants sit or lie down in a comfortable position, sometimes with an eye mask or blanket. Often, bowls are placed on the body and around the head.

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This is about subtleties so there are many factors or ways of looking at it. When you are in a very high energetic state, people are often magnetically drawn to you, but it's YOU that brought them there. This was a very hard lesson I had to learn. If it was as she described, she was as much a magnet as you were.

It depends on how weak their own boundaries are. Connections energetically happen often before we know it. You can certainly manipulate others into giving up energy and you can certainly do it without thinking about it. A good way to become conscious of energy dynamics is by doing regular energetic work, like Kundalini Yoga or Taoist practices under Mantak Chia (great teacher) which I gave in that search link above. Some teachers talk about visualizations of removing energetic connections in a calm relaxed way.

Example: This post drew a certain amount of energy to type. Let's say you made another post that was deep down just seeking attention but wrapped up as a question. Then you gave it to someone who forms their own identity around helping others. You could have a constant energy dynamic where they gave up their time/energy to help you, and both of you were getting what you need. - This would be a relatively benign energy exchange from both parties, but you can imagine patterns where it's not about help its about abuse, or control, or manipulation etc.

Then imagine that advertisers know these patterns like the back of their hand, to understand that there are people walking around that are experts at this. I just picked advertisers to show an easy example, you can find people in all walks of life that are masters at it.

I am somewhat sensitive to the energy of a room. If it's thick and bitter for example I can feel that walking in. If it's lively and intense I can feel that. 

You can be with a person that's down on everything, and they do this day in day out, maybe at work. That would be someone sucking in other people's attention and energy. Maybe they are going through something for the day and so you are happy to give it up, help them through it. Maybe all day every day they moan about everything and no amount of attention or help on your end is ever going to be enough for them. If there is a group the energy tends to balance out, but if enough people are in a negative state the group's energy will tank.

I've heard it said a few positive people can balance out several negative polarities because they compound, it's much more supportive. Whereas individuals in a negative or drawing state are individuals for the most part. I believe, that a few energetic individuals can really change a room's energy. I also believe that these overlapping fields in a wider area are often held in place by whoever is in the best state energetically.

Picking your peer group is really important :) you can't control every interaction you are going to have, just where you spend your time intentionally. It's also part of the reason why we are limited energetically by those that are the worse off in our society, because when looked at even as a very large group its always a shared field.

Edited by BlueOak

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I think a lot depends on your energy. If your own energy field is strong, it would be difficult for someone to take it from you. Build an energy fortress. 

I have found personally that happiness increases our energy. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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12 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I think a lot depends on your energy. If your own energy field is strong, it would be difficult for someone to take it from you. Build an energy fortress. 

I have found personally that happiness increases our energy. 



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10 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I think a lot depends on your energy. If your own energy field is strong, it would be difficult for someone to take it from you. Build an energy fortress. 

I have found personally that happiness increases our energy. 


Definitely. The giving and connecting emotions build energy outward. The disconnected individual-focused ones draw it inward.

*Editing this for clarity. Nothing wrong with disconnected or selfish emotions i have plenty, just recognizing that energetically they draw inward rather than build outward.

Edited by BlueOak

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