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Does intermittent fasting kill muscle?

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Does intermittent fasting kill muscle?

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Not necessarily. A time restrictive eating may in fact benefit muscle gain if timed correctly and as long as the person is getting sufficient macro and micronutrient requirements. In fact those prolonged fasting windows cause a variety of interesting metabolic benefits that can accelerate things like muscle hypertrophy and fat loss by digging into many secondary and side biochemical pathways. 

it appears if people can squeeze their meals in a 10-12 hour, their sleep will be enhanced which then has a positive knock-on effect on lean mass retention. Equally important is a distribution of meals in that window and rather than doing endless grazing do a 2-3 proper size meals to align one's food intake with the cycle of the circadian rhythm and daylight . 

It's all about how that IF is approached and what can you squeeze in. If you are constantly undereating and riding that cortisol wave of starvation then you can expect not just muscle atrophy but mood decline, energy decline and non stop brain fog but where correctly timed and optimised IF window can lead to improvement and optimisation on all levels. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Lots of weightlifters do IF. So obviously not.

Unless maybe your body fat % is super low.

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