
Maybe we SHOULDN'T wake up to GOD?

26 posts in this topic

@Forza21 I suppose whether you do or you don't, the result is god's will.

Its kinda just about how far your character makes it, imo.


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Seems like most of you are under the impression you have a choice.

The truth is, you have no choice as to whether you awaken or not.


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3 hours ago, Tech36363 said:

@RickyFitts you make sense , let me apply this i will get back to you 


'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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Underneath everything you are already awake.

You can play infinite games with consciousness or mask it repeatedly even intending to stay less consciousness, just by random chance events its going to happen slowly. Stress is a great way to be less conscious, being relaxed will give you the opposite. I will say as a master escapist its perfectly possible to ignore reality, to put yourself in well developed fantasy, but its also miserable. Those immersed in reality have a much harder time ignoring source, god, themselves, and not growing more conscious through experience. Lies eventually are usually realised inside ourselves.

You also get much more headaches and ill feelings when you know something and you go and do something else anyway. Like me indulging in arguing with myself about current events, I get a headache, because I know I am not allowing acceptance, or love to be there. I am taking sides, even when I try not to, sometimes I manage to get insight which is welcome but its not without pain. I know all is love, everything experienced is from me, and then second you know that, I mean experience being it completely for even a second. Well like anything else its difficult to ignore. You begin to manifest elements of uncertainty within your own body/mind or life when going against it. Which is visible in people right now.

Its a difficult balance living this life, being universal, expressing love or at least joy/gratitude and approaching reality where it is. Its much easier to sit in a room away from it all and pretend it doesn't exist, but it does, its going on right now. Its why all previous spiritual masters used to sit in caves away from everyone else, that's easy mode :D

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It boils down to chooseing fear or truth. :ph34r:

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