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Terell Kirby

What the Godhead feels like (subjective perspective)

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  • Being the center-point of the Universe, where all of the 'looking' is taking place.
  • Floating, gravity holds the body to Earth, but consciousness (the I) is not held down by any gravitational force.
  • The eradication such concepts as past and future, by recognizing the present is the only thing that exist .. though mutating into varying forms.
  • The recognition that "my" body .. is not "my" body at all. It is simply a body that is appearing, as are the rest..
  • Realizing that I have never had any human to human interactions in my life. Nothing / no one has any relation to me outside of what I imagine.
  • Reality becomes "screen-like", although I can't see what I am, physically, I am known by what is taking place through observation of the Universe.

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Pretty good summary. Correlates with the only experience there is and can be (“mine”) ?

*Evil Muahahaha bellows in the distance*

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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