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I've awakend to absolute solipsism. Ask Me anything

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13 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

I think it is like the idea of putting a frog in a boiling water, then it will freak the frog out, but if you heat it up bit by bit by bit, then it can even be a comfortable process of total awakening, a comfortable process of "dying" perhaps. 

Awakening is identical to death. 

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Awakening is identical to death. 

But how do you know what death is like?

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5 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

But how do you know what death is like?

Because I've died .that's what it means to awaken .I'm no longer the same me .I'm completely different person after awakening  .and what I'm telling you is there is nothing to fear about death .

Sure, we can discuss it.

Could be heavy stuff sometimes ?

The wisdom, I think, in contemplating death is that it brings you closer to understanding life.

Look, dude. From the perspective of 'you as a person/human being', then yes, fucking yes, obviously, death is INDEED like an eternal sleep.

But from the perspective of THE REAL YOU --- the innermost essential Consciousness that you are (God, Love, Nothingness, Oneness), what is the most familar experience of 'existing as *I*', before beliefs, conditioning, survival-programming, body, physicality, time, imagination, history, stats --- You are already death and alive simultaneously. You were never born, can never die. You are nothing & everything, *simultaneously*..., only you can - per definition - only experience one perspective at a time! 

Right now you're experiencing this particular perspective from this particular imaginary human body and mind.

From this perspective, from the perspective of YOU as The Dao that can't be spoken, God, Absolute Eternal Infinite Consciousness, Norhingness... from that perspective, 'insert your birth-given name' is just like a wave (imaginary you) in an eternal, infinite, dimensionsless ocean (real You, The Self-Less Self, Awareness Itself). What happens in a normal ocean when a wave finally splashes to the ground? ? A new wave starts to emerge, right. ?

You are, in truth, the fabric and structure of existence itself. You are the whole ocean hallucinating it's only a wave.

You see how it's all just a dream? Infinite imagination.

You are all simultaneously:

- the finite dream-character ('poor little me') (a dreamed up thing)

- the physical world (a dreamed up thing)

- the dreamer (God) (the undefinable source of it all)

- the dream itself (Consciousness) (the structure, fabric and context of the dream)

- 'the dreamed up things' (Love) (the contents of the dream)

There is nothing outside this. This is it.

It's infinite & for eternity.

You will never actually die .you are God. Period .

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So I already am the memories and beingness and all of each being. Their consciousness and beingness already is me. This is all me dreaming, and everything and everyone and everything about everyone, as infinitum, is me. Good and bad and every level of all that is is me. Yes is me, no is me, every level of all that is is me. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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39 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Because I've died .that's what it means to awaken .I'm no longer the same me .I'm completely different person after awakening  .and what I'm telling you is there is nothing to fear about death .

What did this death feel like?

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10 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

What did this death feel like?

There are no human words to describe it.

You have to experience it for yourself to know what it feels like. And you will be left speechless as well .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Because I've died .that's what it means to awaken .I'm no longer the same me .I'm completely different person after awakening  .and what I'm telling you is there is nothing to fear about death .

Sure, we can discuss it.

Could be heavy stuff sometimes ?

The wisdom, I think, in contemplating death is that it brings you closer to understanding life.

Look, dude. From the perspective of 'you as a person/human being', then yes, fucking yes, obviously, death is INDEED like an eternal sleep.

But from the perspective of THE REAL YOU --- the innermost essential Consciousness that you are (God, Love, Nothingness, Oneness), what is the most familar experience of 'existing as *I*', before beliefs, conditioning, survival-programming, body, physicality, time, imagination, history, stats --- You are already death and alive simultaneously. You were never born, can never die. You are nothing & everything, *simultaneously*..., only you can - per definition - only experience one perspective at a time! 

Right now you're experiencing this particular perspective from this particular imaginary human body and mind.

From this perspective, from the perspective of YOU as The Dao that can't be spoken, God, Absolute Eternal Infinite Consciousness, Norhingness... from that perspective, 'insert your birth-given name' is just like a wave (imaginary you) in an eternal, infinite, dimensionsless ocean (real You, The Self-Less Self, Awareness Itself). What happens in a normal ocean when a wave finally splashes to the ground? ? A new wave starts to emerge, right. ?

You are, in truth, the fabric and structure of existence itself. You are the whole ocean hallucinating it's only a wave.

You see how it's all just a dream? Infinite imagination.

You are all simultaneously:

- the finite dream-character ('poor little me') (a dreamed up thing)

- the physical world (a dreamed up thing)

- the dreamer (God) (the undefinable source of it all)

- the dream itself (Consciousness) (the structure, fabric and context of the dream)

- 'the dreamed up things' (Love) (the contents of the dream)

There is nothing outside this. This is it.

It's infinite & for eternity.

You will never actually die .you are God. Period .

One Important question. You say the real You is all simultaneously. So am I as the real You simultaneously other finite dream-Charakters than this one who writes the post? I mean also finite dream Charakters which I as finite limited human am not conscious off right now(e.g. an alienbaby on Saturn)? 

Edited by OBEler

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

There are no human words to describe it.

You have to experience it for yourself to know what it feels like. And you will be left speechless as well .

Yeah words usually is never enough but could you please try to describe it?

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17 minutes ago, OBEler said:

One Important question. You say the real you  are all simultaneously. So am I as the real you are simultaneously other finite dream-Charakters than this one who writes the post? 

The real you is all that exists .the trick is discovering what others are .and there are two possibilities:

-they are you in a different timeline. 


-they are a projection of your mind .

I would say find out for yourself in direct experience  .it's so easy to do and the answer is very simple. It's just too radical for you to accept. 

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I'm absolutely conscious that I am imagining @Someone here into existence, and I imagined that he wrote this entire thread.

@Someone here doesn't exist, to anyone that is reading this. He is a character in my dream.

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The real you is all that exists .the trick is discovering what others are .and there are two possibilities:

-they are you in a different timeline. 


-they are a projection of your mind .

I would say find out for yourself in direct experience  .it's so easy to do and the answer is very simple. It's just too radical for you to accept. 

They are a projection of your mind you say. Which mind Do you mean? Projection of the infinite mind or the limited ego mind

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16 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

Yeah words usually is never enough but could you please try to describe it?

For me, it started after I had a complete breakdown (the Dark Night of the Soul) in which I lost everything - I sank into a deep depression and lost my will to live. I underwent intense therapy.

Then, after a little of unbelievable suffering, Iditating and all of a sudden I felt like my mind was expanding and I was in a different dimension. I felt completely alive and free and at peace. I felt like I was looking down on earth and I could see anything and everything. I saw limitless  dimensions that I knew to be different levels of consciousness, like layers around the earth. I could see and be anywhere and everywhere in the world instantly and I could see and be with anyone, living or dead and I felt at complete peace. I felt that I was in heaven and like I had seen the other side after life and it was exhilarating. I came to truly understand incredibly profound things, including things that I had read before, but had never truly comprehended until that moment. I had the overwhelming realisation that when you want nothing you have everything. I felt overwhelming joy. I felt like I had everything, because I wanted nothing. I can’t describe the state of bliss, completion and peace that I felt. It truly was an awakening.

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So am I imagining you imagining me imagining you on this forum as someone that has complete understanding of solipsism as a way for me to understand what solipsism is? 

If you have a true complete understanding, how do you know that solipsism is actually true? How do you know that the opposite of solipsism isn't true? 

If "you" had this complete awakening, what do that mean for "me"?

What came first, the chicken or the egg? 

Are "you" just a brain in a vacuum? Or are "you" god consciousness? Are there different levels of solipsism like my previous question assumes? 

What is a distinction?

What is relativity? 

Why does consciousness choose to imagine everything instead of actually "creating" "real" infinite "things"? 

So is it really I and I? Or is it me and you? 

Why did "I" imagine language limitations as such that "I" cannot be told, only realised? 

Why couldn't infinite nothingness be made to be fun? What's the need for illusory separation? 

What don't "I" - you,have all the answers? 

What is the point of solipsism?

Do "you" personally feel happier/sadder now? 

Why cant "I" just do the things Leo was worried about and justify any action because "I" am the only thing in existence? 

Why am "I" giving "you" these questions when "I" create this forum? - why does God consciousness need something to do? 

Can't "I" just be satisfied as infinite consciousness doing nothing for infinite/no time?


Do "I" exist? 


Edited by Jahmaine

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10 minutes ago, OBEler said:

They are a projection of your mind you say. Which mind Do you mean? Projection of the infinite mind or the limited ego mind

The infinite mind is identical to what appears to be a finite mind .

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Did you know that everything is existence is basically a super advanced bot and "we" all have auto responses to make it realistic to you? 

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11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

For me, it started after I had a complete breakdown (the Dark Night of the Soul) in which I lost everything - I sank into a deep depression and lost my will to live. I underwent intense therapy.

Then, after a little of unbelievable suffering, Iditating and all of a sudden I felt like my mind was expanding and I was in a different dimension. I felt completely alive and free and at peace. I felt like I was looking down on earth and I could see anything and everything. I saw limitless  dimensions that I knew to be different levels of consciousness, like layers around the earth. I could see and be anywhere and everywhere in the world instantly and I could see and be with anyone, living or dead and I felt at complete peace. I felt that I was in heaven and like I had seen the other side after life and it was exhilarating. I came to truly understand incredibly profound things, including things that I had read before, but had never truly comprehended until that moment. I had the overwhelming realisation that when you want nothing you have everything. I felt overwhelming joy. I felt like I had everything, because I wanted nothing. I can’t describe the state of bliss, completion and peace that I felt. It truly was an awakening.

I see. Thank you for sharing. ?

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Hmm ok am I as the infinite mind looking only through my eyes right now or also through your eyes? 

If I as the infinite mind also am looking through your eyes, is this happening right now? 

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9 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

So am I imagining you imagining me imagining you on this forum as someone that has complete understanding of solipsism as a way for me to understand what solipsism is? 

Yes .

9 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

If you have a true complete understanding, how do you know that solipsism is actually true? How do you know that the opposite of solipsism isn't true? 

Awakening. Only Awakening will do .you need to awaken to what you are and what others are .

10 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

If "you" had this complete awakening, what do that mean for "me"

There is no me .its only you. 


11 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

What came first, the chicken or the egg? 

Neither .


12 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

Are "you" just a brain in a vacuum? Or are "you" god consciousness? Are there different levels of solipsism like my previous question assumes

No I'm not a brain in a vacuum. I'm god .

There are no levels of solipsism. It's just one level .in which you become directly conscious that you are the only conscious thing In existence. 

13 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

What is a distinction?

What is relativity? 

Distinctions are the substance of reality. 

Everything is relative. Meaning contingent. 

14 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

Why does consciousness choose to imagine everything instead of actually "creating" "real" infinite "things"? 

Imagination is reality. Whatever you imagine becomes real for you. 

15 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

So is it really I and I? Or is it me and you? 

You. Just you .

15 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

Why did "I" imagine language

16 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

Why couldn't infinite nothingness be made to be fun? What's the need for illusory separation

limitations as such that "I" cannot be told, only realised? 

Because you do not want to awaken. You want to dream forever. 


16 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

What don't "I" - you,have all the answers? 

What is the point of solipsism?

Do "you" personally feel happier/sadder now?

I have all the answers. Not sure about you probably because you are not awake yet .

There is no point .

Happier than ever. 

18 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

Why cant "I" just do the things Leo was worried about and justify any action because "I" am the only thing in existence

You can .nothing is stopping you. 

18 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

Why am "I" giving "you" these questions when "I" create this forum? - why does God consciousness need something to do? 

You are giving away your authority as God to others. 

19 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

Can't "I" just be satisfied as infinite consciousness doing nothing for infinite/no time?

Yes you can .

19 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

Do "i" exist ?

It's the only thing that exists .

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7 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Hmm ok am I as the infinite mind looking only through my eyes right now or also through your eyes? 

If I as the infinite mind also am looking through your eyes, is this happening right now? 

 You are only looking through one set of eyes at a time .namely yours right now .


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@Someone here at a time you say, when will I as infinite mind experience Looking through your eyes? 

On Planet earth are sentient beings alive right now. If I as God just can experience one by one, I must constantly travel back In time and experience one. But this will affect the lifes of the others so every time a new parallel reality must happen. 

And I thought everything is simultaneously happening. Time does not exist. Now is everything linear?  Because this is a clear history if you say God experience each one one by one. So before I as God am looking through the eyes of this person I was looking through eyes of another individual creature and after this person dies I as God will choose another creature. So this is a linear history of reincarnations

Edited by OBEler

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