
How to stop being so sensitive?

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How do I stop being so sensitive and triggered so easily by spirituality? It doesn't take much to have me spiraling down a dark path. Not just spirituality, but mean people and vulgarity overall. I can't read Jed McKenna without getting triggered, due to the profanity, but it's also spiritual truths, it doesn't take much for me to want to give up. I'm rather fragile emotionally, how do I overcome this?

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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When you are taking the information/experience in through your senses, letting it go into the body and touch those sensitive parts, you can choose to identify with those sensations and be reactive, or channel them down into the earth in order to ground yourself. Grounding means that you literally energetically center yourself into your spine and legs in order for the energy to pass through you into earth instead of becoming contracted. As well as unwinding all energetic knots that manifest when being triggered. It is a conscious process first but then it because unconscious competence if done systematically and goal orientated. Things you read, hear or experience in any other way can never touch you if you let it pass through you instead of absorbing it. Identify more with your energetic body instead of your physical one. What you energetically model, you bring into your physical reality. If you energetically model relaxation and acceptance, you will bring that into your physical body as a result if done correctly. 

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10 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

When you are taking the information/experience in through your senses, letting it go into the body and touch those sensitive parts, you can choose to identify with those sensations and be reactive, or channel them down into the earth in order to ground yourself. Grounding means that you literally energetically center yourself into your spine and legs in order for the energy to pass through you into earth instead of becoming contracted. As well as unwinding all energetic knots that manifest when being triggered. It is a conscious process first but then it because unconscious competence if done systematically and goal orientated. Things you read, hear or experience in any other way can never touch you if you let it pass through you instead of absorbing it. Identify more with your energetic body instead of your physical one. What you energetically model, you bring into your physical reality. If you energetically model relaxation and acceptance, you will bring that into your physical body as a result if done correctly. 

This is great. Sensitivity is your friend if cultivated.

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Sensitivity is a gift.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Husseinisdoingfine I remember reading that empaths make less than 20% of the population. People who are highly empathetic and sensitive often feel like there is something wrong with them, because they don’t meet many people like them. I suggest reading some books on highly sensitive people and embracing your sensitivity, as it is indeed a rare gift.

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26 minutes ago, no_name said:

 I remember reading that empaths make less than 20% of the population. People who are highly empathetic and sensitive often feel like there is something wrong with them, because they don’t meet many people like them.

I do feel this.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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de sensatise yourself by exposing yourself more to people , increase your exposure

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I too am rather sensitive and I don't think it's a coincidence that I'm pretty much the only one I know that's into spirituality. If you weren't sensitive chances are you wouldn't be on this forum or into spirituality at all for that matter, missing out on a lot of what's truly possible in life. I agree that sensitivity is a gift. Your ability to appreciate and understand music, art, literature , meditation, the subtle things in life is likely enhanced compared to a "normally sensitive" person. The understanding of art etc. is a knowing that is beyond the intellect. It is your body that is resonating with the art and communicating the harmony or dissonance of it to your mind through feelings. I'll offer you a few different perspectives that have helped me.


When you're overwhelmed your body is in dissonance with what's being read/thought. It could be that this dissonance needs to happen in order for you to reach a deeper understanding(a temporary dissonance is often needed in music to move the notes towards harmony, after all, how would you know what harmony is without dissonance?). It could also be that Jed McKennas writings doesn't align with what you feel is true, and that another teaching would suit you better. It could also be that you think you are overwhelmed and triggered but your feelings are actually trying to give you an insight into yourself by showing you a glimpse of what's within.

Witness your feelings and thoughts 

Maybe keep listening to how your body is reacting when you're reading, as you've been doing, and if it becomes overwhelming take a break, observe and see if you can accept your feelings. Acknowledge they're there and see them for what they are by observing the feelings in your body. Observe your thoughts, they might be feeding into the feeling and making it more overwhelming. When you become the observer the feedback loop of thoughts & feelings get cut off and you can see more clearly what your feelings are and what your thoughts are without having your thoughts about how it's overwhelming feed into your feelings.

The Pain Body 

Lastly, a powerful concept you could look into is the pain body, a concept Eckhart Tolle writes about in The Power of Now and A New Earth. The overwhelming feelings and the thoughts about giving up could be viewed through the lens of it being the pain body he writes about. It loosens its power when you accept its presence and accept whatever you're feeling and thinking in the Now. That's how the pain body becomes a transformative force instead of an annoyance. Because when you accept its presence and observe it it begins to heal your past traumas. Because the feelings connects you to the Now which can free you from your past and your thoughts(thoughts don't have to seize, just the power of thoughts is reduced). Even challenging feelings is a window into the Now. Sensitive people from my understanding are more prone to suffer from traumas but also have an easier time healing from them because challenging feelings are more intensive and accessible. And by becoming aware of those feelings and accepting them in the Now you begin to heal(letting go of the past).

Edited by Asayake

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Surrender the idea of knowing and of preconceived ideas being anything else than just thoughts.

They're not you, and you are not them.

They just are.

With the disidentification with your thoughts, triggers disappear, as there won't be anything to be sensitive of. 

Contemplate this, often, as a proactive measure. 

Return to this when your triggers tingle, as a reactive measure.

Piece by piece "you", as you know it, will fade away.

What remains is the mere awareness, the act of observation, and thoughts rising and fading away. 

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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