
"Life is a dream" Question

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7 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Think about the question for a second.  Would you still be God or would their be multiple God's at that point?  If one of those lives realized it was God and then became the One Total God, the other lives would then have to collapse - but they couldn't because they were living their "own" lives.    So God would never be able to be Total.  He would always have parts split off from himself because the parts really wouldn't be parts they would be separate entities. 

@Inliytened1 I understand this fact.  But what you are trying to make a point as if GOD is living life in sequence manner one at a time. For example-

1. God choose my life and incarnated as me and started imagining other people .

2. God then proceed to inlytened1 life and started imagining other people while you are only true thing that exist others are fake.

You are trying to potray as if infinite consciousness is limited so it has to do this sequence manner not simultaneously.

When I say I am GOD I mean I am imagining other people mind too. As leo already mentioned.

Yes GOD is one and cannot be multiple. But what I am saying is that I imagined limitation on myself so that I can hide the fact I am imagining every other human being and their mind. 

I am tricking myself into the illusion by self imposing imaginery limitation so that I cannot know I am the walls and I am all the objects in my vision field.


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21 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Inliytened1 I



You are trying to potray as if infinite consciousness is limited so it has to do this sequence manner not simultaneously.


Precisely! -no im not saying it needs sequence.. God does not need time (actually it invented time)   but what you are imagining right now is all that exists full stop.  You are God and you are all that exists. 

21 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Inliytened1 I

Yes GOD is one and cannot be multiple. But what I am saying is that I imagined limitation on myself so that I can hide the fact I am imagining every other human being and their mind. 

I am tricking myself into the illusion by self imposing imaginery limitation so that I cannot know I am the walls and I am all the objects in my vision field.





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19 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Precisely! -no im not saying it needs sequence.. God does not need time (actually it invented time)   but what you are imagining right now is all that exists full stop.  You are God and you are all that exists. 



@Inliytened1 But you said I am not doing it simultaneously as GOD mind. 

As leo said several times I am imagining thoughts of other people right now including their body.

I was just saying same what leo told. That I am as ( GOD ) imagining every experiences simultaneously without any time. Its like infinite possibilities imagined by me as GOD but to avoid knowing what I am doing I tricked myself by self imposing imaginery limits on myself , so that I cannot know I am imagining every single thing in the reality at one go . 


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8 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Inliytened1 But you said I am not doing it simultaneously as GOD mind. 

As leo said several times I am imagining thoughts of other people right now including their body.

I was just saying same what leo told. That I am as ( GOD ) imagining every experiences simultaneously without any time. Its like infinite possibilities imagined by me as GOD but to avoid knowing what I am doing I tricked myself by self imposing imaginery limits on myself , so that I cannot know I am imagining every single thing in the reality at one go . 


@machiavelli You're not getting it still - hope this helps.

There is one instance of consciousness "on" at once. There cannot be another "consciousness" because that would imply a separate being from God or infinity.

The problem is that you keep thinking of Infinity as a *thing* - instead of a BEING. Infinity is an infinitely conscious being.

That being is YOU.

Because Time is a construct OF the dream, you invented it.

Your life is the only thing in existence right now, because God is only dreaming ONE instance of this eternal now / eternal dream.

But the experiences of other "people" are REAL because YOU will one day experience them, and because your current character's life already exists in the mind of God, you will encounter THIS character in that life / dream, and only YOUR experience will be total then as well.

You have been sitting here. Right here. For eternity.

Because you are God, are you are eternal, nothingness, pure mind existing in ZERO dimensions, as dimensions are themselves imagined by this infinite mind.


Basically all lives, lifetimes and narratives for all of existence, already exist as *imagination* in the mind of God. It is like a system.

When you need to interact with your "friend", your mind/god re-calibrates everything around you to consumate the possibility into another experience in the dream.

But you are all alone, it's your own mind doing everything.

That mind is the same mind in me, and in every being that ever existed.

All lives are real experiences, and guess who will live those experiences that you currently label as "others"?

That's right. You.

Edited by justfortoday

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6 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Inliytened1 But you said I am not doing it simultaneously as GOD mind. 

As leo said several times I am imagining thoughts of other people right now including their body.

I was just saying same what leo told. That I am as ( GOD ) imagining every experiences simultaneously without any time. Its like infinite possibilities imagined by me as GOD but to avoid knowing what I am doing I tricked myself by self imposing imaginery limits on myself , so that I cannot know I am imagining every single thing in the reality at one go . 


Your talking about Leo's RadIcal Implications of Oneness video correct?  What I am saying is that no, your not currently being the Godhead while simultaneously looking through everyone's eyes simultaneously.  What I am saying is you are quite simply, God.  There is nothing happening somewhere else at the same time.   Your making it more complicated bexause you want to hold on to the belief that others exist outside of your own consciousness.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Your talking about Leo's RadIcal Implications of Oneness video correct?  What I am saying is that no, your not currently being the Godhead while simultaneously looking through everyone's eyes simultaneously.  What I am saying is you are quite simply, God.  There is nothing happening somewhere else at the same time.   Your making it more complicated bexause you want to hold on to the belief that others exist outside of your own consciousness.

You get it @machiavelli ? We are all your own mind.

You created this forum in another "dream" as Leo. And that dream is over right now, as the dream that is playing is Machiavellis.

You are full stop God.

Every character in this eternal narrative gets to be "God" once, because who else will experience / create the dream? No one else, because God / Infinity is one.

See my explanation above.

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19 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Your talking about Leo's RadIcal Implications of Oneness video correct?  What I am saying is that no, your not currently being the Godhead while simultaneously looking through everyone's eyes simultaneously.  What I am saying is you are quite simply, God.  There is nothing happening somewhere else at the same time.   Your making it more complicated bexause you want to hold on to the belief that others exist outside of your own consciousness.

@Inliytened1 No just check this original post comments . I asked leo whether I am imagining other people's mind. He said yes . 

I am not talking about Leo's Radical implication video. He said many times that you are imagining every human being in existence in your consciousness including their experiences and mind.

Do you think LEO is fooling us?

I know I am GOD. But you are saying is right now I am alone that exist as human and other humans including you are empty bodies with no thoughts .

If they are empty bodies who is dreaming their thoughts? Tell me?

All I was asking whether I am imagining other people thoughts and their bodies simulataneously as infinite Mind.  But is unaware because I am self imposing imaginery limits on myself.

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29 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

@machiavelli You're not getting it still - hope this helps.

There is one instance of consciousness "on" at once. There cannot be another "consciousness" because that would imply a separate being from God or infinity.

The problem is that you keep thinking of Infinity as a *thing* - instead of a BEING. Infinity is an infinitely conscious being.

That being is YOU.

Because Time is a construct OF the dream, you invented it.

Your life is the only thing in existence right now, because God is only dreaming ONE instance of this eternal now / eternal dream.

But the experiences of other "people" are REAL because YOU will one day experience them, and because your current character's life already exists in the mind of God, you will encounter THIS character in that life / dream, and only YOUR experience will be total then as well.

You have been sitting here. Right here. For eternity.

Because you are God, are you are eternal, nothingness, pure mind existing in ZERO dimensions, as dimensions are themselves imagined by this infinite mind.


I Know that consciousness is One. And God Is one . And its me. 

But the thing you are confusing me is by saying other people are not imagined by me. They are just empty bodies appearing just like in dream.

Do you think leo is saying all wrong by saying I am imagining other people human mind and their thoughts.?

Just check this post comments what leo replied when I asked him whether other people thoughts are imagined by me. He said YES.

Do you think he is fooling us?

And why will I experience other character life one day? Is events are happening in sequence manner?

Is infinite consciousness limited that it will imaginein sequential manner not simultaneously? 

What are you smoking man? You are limiting GOD . 

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16 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Inliytened1 No just check this original post comments . I asked leo whether I am imagining other people's mind. He said yes . 

I am not talking about Leo's Radical implication video. He said many times that you are imagining every human being in existence in your consciousness including their experiences and mind.

Do you think LEO is fooling us?

I know I am GOD. But you are saying is right now I am alone that exist as human and other humans including you are empty bodies with no thoughts .

If they are empty bodies who is dreaming their thoughts? Tell me?

All I was asking whether I am imagining other people thoughts and their bodies simulataneously as infinite Mind.  But is unaware because I am self imposing imaginery limits on myself.

All the "outside" people with their thoughts, bodies, individual dreams are already happening within "You", not as an ego perspective, where you feel separated from "everything" else, but as the the Supreme Perspective where you are One. When your "outside" world collapses, all that you could perceive on the "outside", people, bodies, thoughts, individual dreams: Are happening within You. And you are All of them.

But within the limited perspective or the "dream" layer, you see them as "separate" from you. Just see it as a Perfect reflection. The outside is a reflection of the inside, and the inside is the reflection of the outside. (In the ultimate sense, there really is no distinction between the "outside" and the "inside", its all One thing happening. Right NOW)

When you Imagine yourself as a self, and "spawn" here where you are, all those inside "parts" of you spawn with you, in your "outside" world.
They are all mirroring this play with "You". And you are interacting with your "other" selves, but they are all You.

When you de-spawn, and turn in to the Self Perspective, Everyone else you could ever think of, are inside you, Together, One.
To the point where you perspective is All of "theirs" and "yours" Forever in a floating Ocean of Infinite Consciousness.


Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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25 minutes ago, Vincent S said:

All the "outside" people with their thoughts, bodies, individual dreams are already happening within "You", not as an ego perspective, where you feel separated from "everything" else, but as the the Supreme Perspective where you are One. When your "outside" world collapses, all that you could perceive on the "outside", people, bodies, thoughts, individual dreams: Are happening within You. And you are All of them.

But within the limited perspective or the "dream" layer, you see them as "separate" from you. Just see it as a Perfect reflection. The outside is a reflection of the inside, and the inside is the reflection of the outside. (In the ultimate sense, there really is no distinction between the "outside" and the "inside", its all One thing happening. Right NOW)

When you Imagine yourself as a self, and "spawn" here where you are, all those inside "parts" of you spawn with you, in your "outside" world.
They are all mirroring this play with "You". And you are interacting with your "other" selves, but they are all You.

When you de-spawn, and turn in to the Self Perspective, Everyone else you could ever think of, are inside you, Together, One.
To the point where you perspective is All of "theirs" and "yours" Forever in a floating Ocean of Infinite Consciousness.


@Vincent S You are trying to potray as if outside is seprate from me right now.

Their is no separation between GOD Head and Me. I am God head imagining my body as vehicle to play the game of life.

Then I imagined limitation on myself so that I can forget that I am imagining every other human being and their experiences right now. 

Can you explain what you trying to say in more simple terms rather than using mirror analogy?

For example- Right now I am aware as human . Feeling separate from my parents. But in reality I am not human but infinity itself imagining my parents and every possible living being in reality including my human body.

Am I correct?

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2 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Vincent S You are trying to potray as if outside is seprate from me right now.

Their is no separation between GOD Head and Me. I am God head imagining my body as vehicle to play the game of life.

Then I imagined limitation on myself so that I can forget that I am imagining every other human being and their experiences right now. 

Can you explain what you trying to say in more simple terms rather than using mirror analogy?

For example- Right now I am aware as human . Feeling separate from my parents. But in reality I am not human but infinity itself imagining my parents and every possible living being in reality including my human body.

Am I correct?

No, you’re just imagining your visual field. 

There is no physical universe being imagined by you LOL

Thats not what infinity is. infinity doesn’t mean it’s a physical object and it stretches out forever and somehow you imagine matter into existence.

Your visual field, when you close your eyes, you see a dark field.

This dark field is the screen of consciousness or the essential you.

There is nothing but this dark field.

And in the dark field - reality appears. It’s just a projection a dream of your own mind.

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53 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

I asked leo whether I am imagining other people's mind. He said yes .

That doesn't mean what you think it means.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

No, you’re just imagining your visual field. 

There is no physical universe being imagined by you LOL

Thats not what infinity is. infinity doesn’t mean it’s a physical object and it stretches out forever and somehow you imagine matter into existence.

Your visual field, when you close your eyes, you see a dark field.

This dark field is the screen of consciousness or the essential you.

There is nothing but this dark field.

And in the dark field - reality appears. It’s just a projection a dream of your own mind.

@justfortoday By saying that infinity doesnf exist you are negating teaching of every single spiritual teacher even LEOs whole teaching videos.

Are you even serious ? If I am not imagining the universe then who is imagining it for me?

Some God sitting in sky?

You are contradicting yourself everytime.

sometimes you say I am imagining every human being in my consciousnes/ God mind other time you say I am not imagining their thoughts and experiences. What are you trying to even say?

Who is imagining matter then? IF I am not .

All you want to say I am not GOD.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That doesn't mean what you think it means.

@Leo Gura Thanks leo you replied. Can you clarify whether I as God ( not my ego identity) from absolute perspective imagining every human being including my parents inside my consciousness or mind?


justfortoday is saying GOD is limited and has to imagine lives separately and in sequence manner . He cant imagine it all simulataneously at one go. He is imposing limit on god.

He is saying infinity doesnt exist. How absurd it is to say infinite consciousness doesnt exist. 

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2 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Leo Gura Thanks leo you replied. Can you clarify whether I as God ( not my ego identity) from absolute perspective imagining every human being including my parents inside my consciousness or mind?


justfortoday is saying GOD is limited and has to imagine lives separately and in sequence manner . He cant imagine it all simulataneously at one go. He is imposing limit on god.

He is saying infinity doesnt exist. How absurd it is to say infinite consciousness doesnt exist. 

You are completely twisting what I am saying.

When the hell did I say infinity does not exist?

I have tried explaining this to you but see you’re just a novice seeker that wants a spiritual rush.

I am stating that there is NO physical universe.

Infinity is a singular being that is eternal and is dreaming your life right now.

Your life is appearing in your dark field and this is the same dark field that has held infinite lives before.

You don’t understand what infinity is at all. 

So stop putting me on blast with Leo as if he is supposed to validate your elementary understanding of reality

Edited by justfortoday

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1 minute ago, justfortoday said:

You are completely twisting what I am saying.

When the hell did I say infinity does not exist?

I have tried explaining this to you but see you’re just a novice seeker that wants a spiritual rush

@justfortoday Could be more elaborate what you really mean by when you say I am not imagining the physical universe? 

Could you be more elaborate what do you mean when you say when I close my eyes this dark field is what it is and is screen of consciousness?

when I close my eyes I see blackness. But how does this blackness makes it infinite?

and where is objects such as walls and chair appearing? If I am not the walls or chair.

Right now it is sounding to me as if you are saying my consciousness is limited till my head . When I close my eyes I see this limited dark field. In this world appears. But you didnt mentioned what this dark field is?

Is it consciousness? 

And second thing why I as GOD cant dream other people thoughts simulataneously just at one go. Not sequentially.

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@justfortoday Actually you confused me more. All leo taught that -

1. Their is infinite consciousness that exist. And that infinite consciousness is me imagining my human body.

2. This consciosness is all that exist. It dreams up my body and other humans.

3. Right now I as ( GOD) imagining my body and other human beings  . But I am not aware as I am imagining limits on myself.

You said I am not imagining other people in my consciousness field. They are just empty bodies with not thoughts.

You are trying to explain the reason as if GOD is imagining lives in sequence manner not one go. I can recall your other post where you said GOD jumped from one character to another and lived each life separately sequentially.

But you are limiting GOD only by saying GOD is dreaming one life at a time.

Why cant GOD dream everything up simulatenously? Is GOD limited that he will dream in sequence one by one?



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This has turned into yet another solipsism mental masturbation thread, so shutting it down.

You guys are not going to get it with your questions. So just stop.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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