
"Life is a dream" Question

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Well, how you feel is distinct from awakening itself. Getting your feelings right might require a lot of additional work.

Awakening is that state itself, regardless of how long it lasts.

It is still awakening whether it becomes your baseline or not.

You can become infinitely conscious to the point where nothing is hidden from your consciousness any more. Your consciousness becomes absolute.

14 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

@Leo Gura How can you be sure there is no world outside the body (but within consciousness) that you are perceiving with the body? I mean from my point of view both you and I are in different parts of the world and communicating which suggests there is a world outside our perception but within our consciousness.

@Leo Gura Ok yeah I understand. So that state is always ever present, But its a matter of how conscious I become of it. The 5Me0 helped to raise my consciousness enough so that I was able to experience it more clearly. Is it that ego is what is preventing this from being recognized commonly? Is Kriya Yoga a sufficient method for getting feelings right? Would a consecutive methodical use of 5Me0 get a person to have Awakening to be their baseline?

Edited by Kamo

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

"This reality" has a certain flow to it that is perfect as it is and doesn't need to be fucked with. That's what you realize when you become very conscious.

Have your recent awakenings changed how you view health challenges or illness? Are you able to see perfection in these situations as well?

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5 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

@Leo Gura If this were true then you should be able to say what is on my desk. Otherwise it's just a belief. You are only conscious of the things that you perceive. You know of nothing outside of your perception.

You see how your ego mind is fighting against what we are saying and will come with anything to invalidate?  Have you taken psychedelics or have a meditation practice?  Sounds like you just need to access Infinite Consciousness and then you won't have more questions.  Of course, you have to die for that (ego wise).  


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4 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

@Leo Gura If this were true then you should be able to say what is on my desk. Otherwise it's just a belief. You are only conscious of the things that you perceive. You know of nothing outside of your perception.

@WokeBloke Your taking it out of context, What Leo is saying is from that omniscient state of consciousness, he probably could answer that question for you if he chose to imagine some kind of remote viewing aspect, However he doesn't live his everyday life from that state. So he couldn't answer it in the way your asking. The states we are talking about happen from specific psychedelics that "grant you access" to special modes of perception.

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22 minutes ago, Kamo said:

@WokeBloke Your taking it out of context, What Leo is saying is from that omniscient state of consciousness, he probably could answer that question for you if he chose to imagine some kind of remote viewing aspect, However he doesn't live his everyday life from that state. So he couldn't answer it in the way your asking. The states we are talking about happen from specific psychedelics that "grant you access" to special modes of perception.

Do you think there is a world outside of your perception? And if not then how would you account for my point of view of seeing your post?

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Well... of course all words are relative and you can define them however you like.

Fabrication to me is a more narrow term which implies that you are constructing something in the mental realm. Like fabricating a story. I would say that your life story is a fabrication. But I would not say the chair you are sitting on is a fabrication. Of course you could stretch the notion of fabrication to include even chairs I guess. If you stretched it to include all things, then it would become identical to my use of imagination.

Basically, the say something is imaginary is to say that it is held in the mind. And in this case everything is Mind. The entire Universe is held within God's Mind, therefore it is imaginary.

It seems that you use “imaginary” in a very similar way to how I use “fabrication”. 

I started using the word more when I started getting deeper into Buddhism. There’s an idea in Buddhism that the jhanas, at least the formless variants, are going to levels of lower and lower fabrication. There’s an aspect of this line of thinking which is biased to the human perspective as humans start typically from form, but I think it has some usefulness. 

A chair to me seems to be just as fabricated as anything else. The only difference is that to unravel the fabrication as a human it takes more practice to do so than to unravel thoughts for example. In the right state of consciousness, you can rather easily remove a chair, your body, or anything else essentially which I’m sure you are aware of. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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2 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

Do you think there is a world outside of your perception? And if not then how would you account for my point of view of seeing your post?

@WokeBloke From my point of view there is Only perception, I can think of an idea called outside my perception. But its only an idea. There you can see how "oh there is no outside of my perception"

From my current location I can imagine you sitting at a desk perhaps on a PC reading the post. But i know thats only a lesser degree of how i can perceive you and may even be an inaccurate representation, but to me its how it is, I am limited to visual and audio representations of you to what appears on my own laptop screen, However, if you were to give me your address I could travel to your location to reduce my limited perception and increase how much of you arises in my perception. 

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

But nothing can exist outside your Mind because you are Infinite.

When I sleep at night and I'm fully unconscious, is there still anything that exists? Or will it just get created once I wake up?

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@Leo Gura leo right now am I dreaming that you are teaching and explaining to me and wokebloke how what we are experiencing right now is a dream?

If I am the one who is constructing this dream and the other characters in the dream don’t have thoughts/lives of their own,

then how is that other dream characters seem to know so much more about this dream than I do?

for example-I am dreaming you up right leo? You dont really have your own thoughts/feelings or experiences I’m just dreaming that you do. But why is it that you know so much more about this dream than me?

i have learnt many scientific facts,how to control my emotions,epistemology,psychology,health fitness etc from you. Things about this dream I didn’t know until I came across you.My intuition tells me that if I’m the only being that is consious in this dream then I should be the one with the most knowledge about this dream.but this is not the case

you know so much more than me.there are some concepts from your videos than i only understood after weeks of intensely contemplating your words. 

Did I dream up your entire backstory?that you were interested in truth since a young age,studied philosophy became a video game developer then started actualized.org ,and then found out about enlightenment,studied under peter Ralston etc and are now teaching everything you have learnt to me?

the same goes with other physicists,scientists,theologans etc. how do they know more about this dream than me? For example I didn’t know about the theory of relativity or photosynthesis or mitosis or history until one of my dream characters told me about these things.why are dream characters who don’t even have thoughts of their own,know more about this dream than me?


Edited by Ineedanswers

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4 hours ago, Matthew85 said:

Have your recent awakenings changed how you view health challenges or illness? Are you able to see perfection in these situations as well?

Yes, it's all part of Perfection, but still that doesn't mean I don't suffer over it. I still suffer from illness.

3 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

It seems that you use “imaginary” in a very similar way to how I use “fabrication”. 

I started using the word more when I started getting deeper into Buddhism. There’s an idea in Buddhism that the jhanas, at least the formless variants, are going to levels of lower and lower fabrication. There’s an aspect of this line of thinking which is biased to the human perspective as humans start typically from form, but I think it has some usefulness. 

A chair to me seems to be just as fabricated as anything else. The only difference is that to unravel the fabrication as a human it takes more practice to do so than to unravel thoughts for example. In the right state of consciousness, you can rather easily remove a chair, your body, or anything else essentially which I’m sure you are aware of. 

That's fine if you want to frame it like that.

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4 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

@Leo Gura If this were true then you should be able to say what is on my desk. Otherwise it's just a belief. You are only conscious of the things that you perceive. You know of nothing outside of your perception.

You are imagining me, silly.

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42 minutes ago, Ineedanswers said:

then how is that other dream characters seem to know so much more about this dream than I do?

That's how dreaming works.

People with multiple personality disorder can hide information from each personality.

This happens all the time in your dreams. I was reading about a doctor who had a dream with a joke and punchline that made him laugh. When he woke up he was amazed how his mind was able to invent this joke and hide it from him until a dream character delivered the punchline.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You are imagining me, silly.

I can't imagine the imaginer.

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4 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

@Leo Gura If this were true then you should be able to say what is on my desk. Otherwise it's just a belief. You are only conscious of the things that you perceive. You know of nothing outside of your perception.

I can spin that around on you.  Right now you imagine thar you can't know what room I'm sitting in.  But if you became infinitely conscious you would realize that I am you - in other words I am a figment of your mind and exist within your mind.


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2 hours ago, Federico del pueblo said:

When I sleep at night and I'm fully unconscious, is there still anything that exists? Or will it just get created once I wake up?

You don't ever go fully unconscious.  Unconsciousness is something Consciousness imagines.  There are only states that Consciousness can be in.


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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

I can spin that around on you.  Right now you imagine thar you can't know what room I'm sitting in.  But if you became infinitely conscious you would realize that I am you - in other words I am a figment of your mind.

If you are me then you aren't a figment of me. You would be all of me.

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Just now, WokeBloke said:

If you are me then you aren't a figment of me. You would be all of me.

Actually a part is also a whole.


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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

Actually a part is also a whole.

Still I'm not imaginary. Just as real as you unless you all are tricking me.

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4 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

Still I'm not imaginary. Just as real as you unless you all are tricking me.

If you truly burn for Truth and are ready for it it shall be revealed, but not before.  For me that was decades of selfishness and suffering   Trust me if you can avoid that path I recommend it.   


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8 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

unless you all are tricking me.

Unless you are tricking yourself ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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