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flakiness and lack of basic decency (after set dates)

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Last week I got flaked on by a girl, now this week as well by another girl. In both cases, the date was planned and set, and they just both kinda forgot and couldn't give a shit. Even though I know very clearly these girls are attracted to me. With the first girl, I already had a date with (almost a half year back) and the other girl has a history of flaking on me, but lately kept posting Instagram stories, especially for me so I would reengage her. 

With the first girl, I had to send "...?" to why she stopped replying when I was sending her the meeting details. She then replied late in the evening that it was not possible for her the next day because she is then going home from a trip and needed to rest. (Why do you plan on that day to begin with, I thought to myself). 

But this other girl was even worse in a sense. On the morning of the date-day, I sent her a meeting detail. In the late afternoon, she replied that she had totally forgotten. I was the whole day in nervous anticipation, preparing the reservations and just in case cleaning the house, changing my bedsheets, and shaving (down under). 

She did say sorry and also said that I should plan next time on the same day because her schedule was chaotic. But I felt kinda hurt that she could forget it like that and when I reminded her in the morning she didn't reply till the late afternoon. Also, I could intuit myself asking "oke is today good: no. and today: no etc. etc."

So I just said that I need to plan it properly and that I am "kinda giving up". She still hasn't replied after a day. 

The thing that bothers me the most is just the lack of respect and basic human decency in communicating. In real life they are both sweet girls, they are also both hot girls so they probably feel very entitled and have crazy abundance. But still, we are not total strangers, in both cases we have a history together and I know that with both girls we click exceptionally well. 

men... pick-up is so brutal! I know it's possible and I've done it before, but is so hard! It's so devilishly brutal it has a stark beauty to it.

Edited by Vrubel

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Stop taking it personally. Many girls will flake, that’s why it’s important to keep approaching many times to get a high number of dating prospects. It’s a numbers game.

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