
Why is everybody so convinced of reincarnation

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Sometimes I have this  weird somewhat twisted hope that everyone who doesn't understand me will live my entire life to.  Then I think wait, what if that's why I'm here living this life.  But ya I don't know.

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5 hours ago, Benton said:

All I’m saying is how can you be certain on what is and isn’t myth?

I can't be certain, but consensus is a far more superior method than anecdotal stories.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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2 hours ago, Benton said:

If you have memories of past lives in your direct experience, that relate to the world you interact with. Isn’t that at least as real as your life story?

Every memory you have ever had is imaginary. But you can still utilize them when interacting with reality. Same with past life memories. You as a baby isn’t real either, you as an old man is just an idea. I’m talking about directly experiencing time in a different way. It doesn’t exist and realizing that breaks down a lot of barriers. You are all theorizing about this. How can you be certain? Every life is yours. You can tap into memory in a much greater way than how you do it now. You are a singularity. And an infinitely intelligent one at that. Your life was designed by the highest intelligence possible. Also! You are forgetting that you are only experiencing 3D right now! It’s possible to experience more than 3 dimensions!!! You’ll never be able to imagine what that’s like. You can only have a direct experience. 

You set you own limits

All I’m saying is how can you be certain on what is and isn’t myth? The relative aspect of reality is called relative, because it’s relative

Everything is right now. And it is possible to become conscious of that. Everything!!! But until then, it may as well be a myth.

if you are not conscious of it, it does not exist. 

I’ve had experiences which point me to prior lifetimes, but even direct experience of such a thing only suggests a possibility. It’s at least as likely that these experiences could simply be the mind feeding itself false information that it wants to believe. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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I just think it's impressive that Jan Esmann remembers several thousand years back :)

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 hours ago, Benton said:

Yes you have to become conscious of it. I was simply trying to at least open people to the possibility.

Yeah, but the problem is that there's no realistic way in which you can get everyone to experience the same things you are. Perhaps at best you can get them to open up to the possibility then try and get different results. Then what? Also what's the point?

So, you're conscious of something that other people aren't. And you want them to become conscious of it too, or at least open up to believing in the narrative you believe in. But let's be realistic here, why would I want to share your perception of the world? What's in it for me? All I will get is probably isolation and demonization without any real benefits to make up for that, so why should I? Maybe it can cure your existential loneliness (and maybe it won't), but maybe there are also other ways to cure it that don't involve isolating others from their common life.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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2 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I’ve had experiences which point me to prior lifetimes, but even direct experience of such a thing only suggests a possibility. It’s at least as likely that these experiences could simply be the mind feeding itself false information that it wants to believe. 

The thing is that there could be an infinite pool of possible explanations. But without an axiom to anchor our thinking in, all of them would be equally valid and possible, which can become a problem.

The memories could be the person's shadows, or an evil demon imposition, or a fairy angel treat. They could be Dumbledore's manipulation, Snape performing mind penetration, Voldemort's damnation, or just Harry's imagination. Just who knows?!

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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I'm not claiming that reincarnation and past lives are absolutely true, but after God-realization I got insight into the full history of my soul and it was extremely helpful in a relative way.  It's just as helpful as we learn about human history on this planet etc…

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everything is paradox so the ultimate end has to also be the beginning. 

just like when you get as high as you can go you are also at the bottom

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In Truth there is only the dream you as God are dreaming right now.  Thoughts of future lives or you one day being your brother and experiencing life through your brothers eyes, are imagination.   The key here is that there is no objective reality.  God is just what it is.  God doesn't have a book somewhere where he states objectively "this is how i am designing reality.  I'm going to make it like a one player game in which i am then going to take turns experiencing every possible perspective".   You will not find the official "reality playbook" somewhere up in the heavens somewhere.   Reality is just Infinity.  And you are Infinity dreaming.  It's really quite simple.  When you wake up from the dream its gone.    Other beings, creatures, and objects, are you, right now.  They are ABSOLUTELY identical to you.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 But I can show some NDEs where it was shown that some situations which occur in life are predetermined. 

For ex- In one NDE it was shown how you chose a particular event that will happen before you incarnated into the illusion.

How to explain this?


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10 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Inliytened1 But I can show some NDEs where it was shown that some situations which occur in life are predetermined. 

For ex- In one NDE it was shown how you chose a particular event that will happen before you incarnated into the illusion.

How to explain this?


stories within this particular dream that you as God are dreaming right now.  Here we stear you towards actual awakening.   That's why i would prefer to rather point you to whats actual, what is actual right now.   Stare at your hand, for example, for 2 hours.  A glimpse of Being may arise, and your consciousness dial may start to go up.  Try to stay in actuality, or the present moment (right now) not stories.   Because that's what you are fundamentally.  Also do self inquiry.  



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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16 hours ago, Benton said:

You are not conscious of this right now

Yeah, that’s kind of my point that these things don’t matter as much as people think they do. 


14 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

The thing is that there could be an infinite pool of possible explanations. But without an axiom to anchor our thinking in, all of them would be equally valid and possible, which can become a problem.

The memories could be the person's shadows, or an evil demon imposition, or a fairy angel treat. They could be Dumbledore's manipulation, Snape performing mind penetration, Voldemort's damnation, or just Harry's imagination. Just who knows?!

Exactly. Once people begin to interpret experiences, there’s a large chance that the interpretation is just a shot in the dark. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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To me reincarnation is the only logical thing that CAN be.

Our whole existence, the Universe... is energy flowing in and out of itself for all eternity. Energy can't be destroyed, it always IS. So how could it be that I exist only once in the whole of eternity and never again? It's not logical. I must have been "here" a trillion times before, in whatever shape and form, and by that logic, I will be "here" a trillion times more. It's a ride that never ends. It cannot stop existing. So it must go on forever.

Edited by mojsterr

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How and where to find your soul, if you want answers into reincarnation you first need to tap into this, as this is the spark that holds the memories of all of your past lives, it also holds within it your divine plan, what you came here for, and other direct truths.  If you can't access your soul, then you'll have a harder time having authentic awakening experiences, you won't be able to determine what is of the ego and what is divine within you.

I recommend Aurobindo's work if you want to integrate stage turquoise and above.
His work can guide you to your own, personalized divine insight.  You will be given, through the divine knowledge that your soul carries within it, everything you need to know.  You get a personalized puzzle that has different keys, or pieces to make up the whole thing - then when you "get it" the picture makes sense.  We not only get different puzzles, but the path towards collecting these parts is unique to you.


So if you are asking any questions about spirituality, the best thing to do is to learn how to access this time and time again, and to listen to it when it speaks to you.  No one can really give you an answer, either yes or no, you have to uncover it for yourself and let it tell you what it knows - a download right into the heart.

Meditation is the best way to quiet the mind to hear the voice of the soul - and it will be as though a voice emanating from your heart-region, flowing outwards into the physical world, speaks to you - and you and your environment often become one in this state, as everything that you see, feel, hear and touch is part of your soul's "bubble".  We are all cocreators and we make this reality together.

Edited by Loba

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