itachi uchiha

Satanic symbolism in facebook metaverse ad

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@itachi uchiha @vizual

My question is that why people all the time try to twist, generate and combine meanings, because what if there was none, without your mind first imagining them. Of course you can NOW come in conclusion that I am the evil itself, because I try to cover these things. My suggestion is that maybe you should focus more building your life, normal spiritual work and enjoying the life.

Top of that - like Leo has made video about evil - evil doesn't exist, but only in our minds. That which is harmful for our survival, thoughts and values is seen as devil. Without your mind first coming to all possible conclusions you could be very calm and knowing that everything is absolutely perfection and good.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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@Kksd74628 looking at everything from a non dual perspective is like that scientist looking at everything through scientific lense and saying that everything is science

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@itachi uchiha

Its not only about looking from non-dual perspective, but just pointing that maybe that which is said in that video and what you seem to share on this forum may be just only thoughts and more thoughts. What if they just made ad without thinking too much about these little parts and then watcher sees it as evil, but actually they didn't even think about it.

For example the part where kids were "hypnotized" watching these snakes and other animals may just be idea to show how good that metaverse is, because you can't stop thinking about it.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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 are u an athiest or an agnostic

athiesm is foolish, agnosticism make more sense

Edited by itachi uchiha

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@itachi uchiha

I don't even understand how this question relates to the main topic, but why would I deny or believe to "god". Just watch present moment and find it from HERE and NOW. Definition of word believe is to claim something true or untrue without knowing. Also what means true is another conversation which outcome is to understand that, that is true which you decide it to be.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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@Kksd74628 cmon dude. do not look at everything through the medittion or thought pov

there exist higher powers

there is a battle going on right now between good and evil and evil is now dominating.



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@itachi uchiha

If you say that this present moment is real and when you are "sleeping" at night and that dream is unreal. What if you just thought that the dream is real one? I am just pointing that you decide for yourself where you "believe" and where not. What is "TRUTH" is that which remains after all thoughts and beliefs have been taken away.

There is always battle between good and good. Bad is only the other good that you see as bad, because it is harmful for you, but if you would ask the other good one (s)he would see her/himself as good also and see you as bad. You love your own things so much that you defend them till the point that in other perspective they need to defend themselfes from you.

Good example of that is war. You love your own nation that much that you want to make it stronger, bigger, wealthier, healthier etc. so much that it causes problems to another country that is trying to do that exact same thing from their point of perspective. War is just 2 or more countries defending themselfes from each others. Problem is that they don't see that optimal solution would be to collaborate.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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Step up the quality of your posts, this forum is not the right place for conspiracy theories.

I'm neither denying nor affirming the stuff this guy talks about, just saying that this forum is not the right place for this kind of stuff. If you want to talk about Meta being run by the devil or whatever, go do that on some other forum.

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