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My Religious Transformation

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So I abandoned Christianity. 

It's sad. I suffered temporary shock but I'm recovering. 

Now my focus is on Roman pagan religions (images of flowers and fountains in my head) and I'm eyeing Ancient Egypt. Those were the glorious days. People rejoiced in their Gods, prayed for rain. 

Those were the happy days. 

Who says the Romans didn't flourish? 

Who says the Egyptians weren't happy? 


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I'll call this the Neopagan Roman religion. Novoexcellente


It will have pagan concepts. 

Of course it's not without God. 

I had a beautiful temple in mind. 


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Novoexcellente will combine aspects of ancient European religions and Ancient Egypt. 


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These songs are beautiful. 



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I have chosen this emblem for the novoexcellente religion. 



Three lines and a yellow circle on a slate. 


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This religion will have rules 

One of the rules is that I won't do anything that's harmful to me. 


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What to do about evil people in this world? 

The garden of Eden or True happiness can only belong to the righteous people not to those who are selfish, monopolize and create drama. Look at their miserable faces. Do not worry about them. They are already cast into hell. They can neither truly laugh nor cry. What's the point of their games? 

You can't achieve heaven and freedom in this world by playing games. Because the one thing you cannot have is peace. If you play games, the devil will make you play more games, if you are perverted, the devil will make you become perverted even more, if you commit sin, the devil will make you commit sin even more, where is the end for you, you better repent and retreat from your games because you think you are smart but you are nothing but a bomb that needs to be detonated. The universe is connected for a reason so the games you play will boomerang back to you, your karma will come back to you in proportions double of what you did, you create destruction then destruction is what will follow you as well, the truth of your soul determines your destiny. Your lies will not go unpunished. 

What good will you achieve with your games, you are stupid and ignorant. 

Spirituality is a uniquely created God's gift only for the one who abides by God and unites. This gift you will never get, all you will get is thorns and restlessness. The true son will get a rose. If you were truly united with God, then you would never think of destruction. Your punishment is that God's doors are closed on you. Your punishment is that you will never be united with God. 

Repent in front of the Roman now. He has spared you death. 

Now you might think and rejoice that you got the kingdom of earth, but ye don't forget that the kingdom of heaven is of the destitute and the sufferer. 

Die in hell. You'll deserve it. 

God won't punish the Roman. 

God will save the Christian. 



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Is there a non-Abrahamic version of Christianity? 

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Principal players on the stage 

The Roman, the Emperor. 

The Christian

The miserable/ The sinful 

And God (non Abrahamic) 



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Character profile of each player 

Principal players on the stage 


The Roman, the Emperor - truth, courage, righteousness, supremacy, judgement, empire, authority over earth, (live a Roman, die a Roman), has nothing to do with Christianity. Pantheon of Gods. Very masculine. The Roman was not created. Nobody can become a Roman. The Roman is born and is only identified by blood. The Roman is immortal and eternal (this is the fictional version of the Roman). Also the Roman does not suffer. The Roman is the Emperor and sits on the throne. The Roman is neutral. 


The Christian-a feminine religion of love, goodness, endurance, and giving. Without sin. 


The miserable/ The sinful - sinful and miserable, jealous. 


And God (non Abrahamic) - the Supreme architect


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The ultimate play on the world theater stage.. 

So there are 3 groups here 

The Christian (just anybody who believes no matter what religion).. A seeker of God 


The sinner/miserable is anybody who looks for material pursuits thus rejecting God. The religion of the sinner is irrelevant 

The innocents/bystanders - these are persons from various religions who are neither seekers nor sinners. Who have neither committed a sin nor looked for a reward or blessing. They are neutral. They can also include atheists and agnostics. They are spared from both reward and punishment. They are not a part of the spiritual game. 

The Christian is saved because of his faith. He gets a bunch of roses. His light is bright and effective. He also gets a spiritual gift of connection and a reward for his hard work and struggle, a place of privilege in God's eyes. Special protection and blessings, anointment. The Christian shines like an icy marble statue. 

The sinner is unsaved forever. His gift is lost.. He is never saved. His light is dim and ineffective. He is close to devil who only tempts him into more misery. The sinner burns to black ash and rubbish. 

The innocents don't need any saving as they don't have much suffering. They are just bystanders and not a part of this fight. They don't need attention. They are just the background. 









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The name of the religion is Deihism. 

Pronounced as - dayism. With an H after y. 

Parts or branches of this religion 

Dewism soul Dewjd God conscience and humanity 

Pjerism  worship and prayer (pagan) 

Novoexcellente  excellence and leadership and beauty 

Ovirism - well being and holistic sciences and higher consciousness. 




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So finally I find a non-Abrahamic toned down version of Christianity. 

I'll call this Platonist Christianity. 



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Now Europe had everything at the beginning of time. 

The Romans, the pagans, the Vikings, the slavs, the gentiles, the goths. The Christians. 



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The Romans came with great strength. 

The Vikings came with great brains. 

The slavs came with rigidity. 

The gentiles and the goths were the softies. 

The pagans and witches in ancient Europe were wanderers 

And then they were nomadic tribes and gypsies 



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And then there was pestilence as well. 

Pestilence had spread throughout Europe. It was eliminated from most countries. 

When I googled pestilence this came up 






The Bubonic plague. Ahhh!!!! What a splendor!


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And then there was pestilence as well. 

Pestilence had spread throughout Europe. It was eliminated from most countries. 

When I googled pestilence this came up 






The Bubonic plague. Ahhh!!!! What a splendor!

This bubonic plague was spread by a germ called Yersinia Pestis named after Alexander Yersin. 


Who started the bubonic plague? 

The plague arrived in Europe in October 1347, when 12 ships from the Black Sea docked at the Sicilian port of Messina. People gathered on the docks were met with a horrifying surprise: Most sailors aboard the ships were dead, and those still alive were gravely ill and covered in black boils that oozed blood and pus.


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The Bubonic plague came to be known as the Black Death. 

My estimation is that the Bubonic plague existed way before 1347. Even before Christ. 



The plague is thought to have originated in Asia over 2,000 years ago and was likely spread by trading ships. 

Now for this you need to understand the concept of time. 

Let's see. 






Notable research has shown that the Bubonic plague might have existed as far as 17th century BC.

This means its {2000 +1700 = 3700 years} 3700 years ago that the first signs of bubonic plague appeared in Europe. 



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However Christ appeared around 1700 years after the first Bubonic plague in Europe. That's a lot. Too much suffering before Christ. Christ made a late entry. 

Like wtf? Did you really need 1700 years to come to people to save them? 

When is your next trip dear Christ? 

You always come late homie.


Bro, hurry up. 


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Now Europe did its best to get rid of this pestilence, yet it spread throughout the world. 

The Bubonic plague had taken many lives 

History repeats itself. 

The Bubonic plague might come again, who knows. 


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