
At dead end to enlightened seeking

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To keep things fairly straightforward, I've been "seeking" for the better part obsessively for around 6 years now. It's come full circle where I can discern on a rational basis that there are no others or particular, but my life for all it has never seemed worse off. Anything I could provide already seems included within others, and I personally have found no higher sense of love from a perspective somewhat closer to the whole. Honestly, I don't know where to go from here and I feel no genuine drive towards anything. When there is no lasting basis for action, how does one act? What determines the finality and freedom of existential thought as opposed to this lost wandering? I feel as if I've seen and considered all that honestly need by inquired into and am only here because I am at a lack of a better place to ask. 

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Sounds like it's already been recognized there's nothing to find. 

The individual that attempts to find something particular within everything is an illusion.

You are free because there already isn't a real seeker or anything to find.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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if this understanding that there are no others is not enriching you or making you more loving, then you have not understood what that means, and that is why people here really get entangeled by solipism and all that shit , then you are trapped heavily in your own conceptual understanding and creating a nest out of an insight instead of using that insight to truly free your(Self) - no, the truth is you are not seeing what is causing you to perceive the boundaries between you and Self or (no others) - it is a lack of understanding of your attachments to a self and that's ALL. the more blinded you are by that, the more you go on seeking - it is just attachment! and you can't meditate or 'realize' your way out of that - that is the fundamental root of what is causing you to percieve the way you do, and you also say 'no lasting basis for action' man, look around at the world really, look at some documentaries, look at what the world is right now, there's so much basis for action.

You are just a product of an environment, everything from the guy sweeping the floors in mcdonalds to the people developing new vaccines are contributing to the fact you are breathing right now - start to see the logic as it is

i will say it again for anyone else who reads this, if the no others insight is truly realized by you then you it will naturally emerge a deep love and drive to serve others, if it isn't, you have not understood the no others or you done psychedelics and are attaching yourself to your insights dysfunctionally - use it functionally as in doing shadow work and such things

just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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16 hours ago, Matys said:

When there is no lasting basis for action, how does one act?

One acts because one can. All bases for action comes from the relative domain, whether you act because of external factors (such as other people) or internal factors (such as desire). Seen from a different perspective, we are always acting: we cannot not act, we have no choice in that. So your statement is singling out particular acts which you preselect as being meaningful and have a basis that you've also selected as being meaningful. To regain control in that sense is simply to act consciously as much as possible.

57% paranoid

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21 hours ago, Matys said:

To keep things fairly straightforward, I've been "seeking" for the better part obsessively for around 6 years now. It's come full circle where I can discern on a rational basis that there are no others or particular, but my life for all it has never seemed worse off. 

Concluding on a rational basis that others do not exist is just about imposing more concept on reality as assuming that there are others. Even though the first will probably provide different mind and emotion disposition towards others, it won't be "the real deal". When it comes to Consciousness, you can bargain for an alternative model of mind. Forget knowledge and rational, and you'll "see" that everything is just YOU, including the body-mind that is usually referred to as "I" and the body-minds of "others".

Keep in mind, there is nothing to seek because you are already that. It is more about relieving the self-contraction that binds Consciousness to a conceptual identity. The self-contraction is a bit like a gravitational field. If YOU aren't seeing that the body-mind is only an appearance, it will pull you back to the illusion reality of mind. When it is seen deeply and inquired through and through the YOU aren't the appearance of the body-mind, nor any other appearance, stability in Consciousness is realized. Remember: mind will never stabilize in Consciousness. Mind is an expression or function of Consciousness, so no concept or model of reality held in the mind could represent it's nature. The mind can "grasp" or hold the idea that it will never realize it's own nature, which may help in reducing the apatite for more knowledge consuming. Nevertheless, it has to be seen deeply that mind is just an appearance. 

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29 minutes ago, Batman said:

Nevertheless, it has to be seen deeply that mind is just an appearance. 

I suppose my issue is less that I haven't seen that but that presently it reasserts itself as soon as I fumble in my continued practice. It seems as though I can't properly transition to the other shore without the habit being properly eroded. It just feels hard to tell if the necessary view is really being discerned or if I'm running in circles, and it has become extremely tiresome.

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the one who says that is in a framework that says mind is an appearance, that is mind saying to itself ah there is an appearance of mind - it's another game you're in 

mind IS the framework from which you are in and how you are percieving reality/yourself and it is not something you observe, you are observing expressions of mind

just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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47 minutes ago, Matys said:

I suppose my issue is less that I haven't seen that but that presently it reasserts itself as soon as I fumble in my continued practice. It seems as though I can't properly transition to the other shore without the habit being properly eroded. It just feels hard to tell if the necessary view is really being discerned or if I'm running in circles, and it has become extremely tiresome.

Discerning views is about creating mind models or emotional states, so walking down this road is indeed running in circles. If you have seen beyond mind, which is where you already are and always have been, consider remaining "there" longer.

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3 hours ago, Batman said:

Discerning views is about creating mind models or emotional states, so walking down this road is indeed running in circles. If you have seen beyond mind, which is where you already are and always have been, consider remaining "there" longer.

Thank you, I'm gonna give my best at that

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@Matys Doesn't sound like you've actually awoken. You've come to some intellectual conclusions, which isn't not at all the same.

If you're not conscious of the Love, then you're not awake. You're missing important stuff.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Matys If you have no genuine drive to do anything then don't. Forcing yourself is not the answer. Usually when the drive to do diminishes it's because the spiritual work is working. This can be confusing and hard emotionally but the best thing is to keep that drive continue to fall away until it's completely diminished.

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Matys Doesn't sound like you've actually awoken. You've come to some intellectual conclusions, which isn't not at all the same.

If you're not conscious of the Love, then you're not awake. You're missing important stuff.

This feels like a silly question to ask, but any idea how I start to bridge that gap?

4 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

@Matys If you have no genuine drive to do anything then don't. Forcing yourself is not the answer. Usually when the drive to do diminishes it's because the spiritual work is working. This can be confusing and hard emotionally but the best thing is to keep that drive continue to fall away until it's completely diminished.

I feel this is the answer, but I've already been in this "State" for so long its genuinely difficult to let the motion be when it seems dead set on doing nothing and going nowhere

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1 hour ago, Matys said:

This feels like a silly question to ask, but any idea how I start to bridge that gap?

I feel this is the answer, but I've already been in this "State" for so long its genuinely difficult to let the motion be when it seems dead set on doing nothing and going nowhere

Usually the reason that it takes a long time is because one resists it happening so it never completely diminishes which prolongs this state.

So my advice is look for ways you're resisting.

Also look for the small things in which it wants to move. 

Life is like a dance and is done one step after another.

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