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If I intended to, could I really afford to remain computer illiterate?

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I'm actually insecure about this, it shines the sun on my level of ignorance. But maybe that ignorance is something to be aware of for someone so I'll post anyway. Plus it leads me to beg the bigger question of what role do computers play in humanity. Pretty big I imagine. But I undoubtedly have a very limited grasp of the implications, of just what's to be considered when approaching that question, let alone, filling in the answer. So that's why I presented the question.

I've ideas, potentially even pertaining to my own life purpose, which I have not found yet, and Its clear I have alot to learn, above all else. "Whats the fast route from computer illiteracy, to a big picture understanding in the field of computer science?" Something I intend on finding out for myself. 


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Most of us are not car mechanics, we just drive cars. You don't need to be computer literate to live life. We learn enough to get by.

57% paranoid

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If you're posting on a forum, you arent computer illiterate.

It's not either illiterate or comp sci major, there is a huuuuge gap between those two. To the average person, comp sci is like magic, you might as well be talking about rocket science.

For the vast majority of people, their computer knowledge is limited to using social media and email, and paying bills online. Those people are perfectly computer literate, knowing just the absolute basics needed to get by.

Go sit in a university computer lab for 15 minutes and listen to the questions that support people are being asked, and you'll see just how little even the average young person knows about computers.

To the average person, even creating a free 1-page website with Wix or starting a YouTube channel would be considered in the "advanced" computer skill level. Even though you can start either in like 4 clicks and it's incredibly easy, people have self limiting beliefs like being computer illiterate that prevent them from even trying.

The main skill you need to do anything with computers is to be able to use Google. If you can look up solutions to problems you're facing, that's like the golden key that unlocks every other computer skill.

The reason parents are always like "my kid is so good at computers" is just because kids are willing to mess around and try. Theyll figure out what every button does through trial and error.

The good news is you dont need to know anything about computer code to do 99% of things with computers. Today you can build websites or even computer games without any coding. You already can build your own world or items in the metaverse with the 3D equivalent of MS Paint, basically just snapping shapes together. And everything to do with computers is only becoming more easy and user friendly with time.

As long as you've got the willingness and ability to learn how to use new programs in the most basic way, you won't become computer illiterate. If you lack the problem solving and analytical skills to do that, you probably wont get very far in any other area of life anyway.

Edited by Yarco

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