
What I learned from having to pee in my dreams

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I know the title is silly but I can't explain this so help me out. Everytime I've had a dream where I have to pee (non lucid ones) I am stopped by a dream force. It has been men tackling me or blocking the bathroom, opening a restroom and there's no bathroom in the dream world, people coming in the way to stop me in all sorts of ways. 

As a kid I peed in my dream and peed myself in person and since then I have these dream guardians making sure this doesn;t happen again. HOWEVER the absurdity is I'm dreaming I have no conscious awareness that peeing in my dream will wet the bed , yet somehow some part of me knows this is the case and I can't wrap my head around. How can I know and not know something at the same time.  

I know this might seem silly but I'm genuinely curious how this is possible, when I'm not even conscious of the fact I'm dreaming. At the time I think its real life and I'm frusturated they won't let me use the bathroom, but who the heck is "they" if its not me.

Edited by patricknotstar

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1 hour ago, itachi uchiha said:




this is honestly not a troll post , idk why no one took it seriously. I am genuinely curious wouldn't you be. How can I be unconscious and conscious of something at the same time?

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It sounds like some sort of automatic unconscious response from your body is preventing you from peeing while you sleep, and your dream world is just conveying that to you. Similar to how you don't conceptualize moving your finger away from a burning hot stove, maybe your body is unconsciously holding piss in the same way, without any conscious input from you. I imagine this could only be achieved if you became really obsessed with not pissing yourself again during the waking state, to the point where now it is part of a subconscious response.

Like, someone might have a dream where their mom is shouting at them to wake up for school, and then you wake up and she is actually shouting at you to wake up for school. You don't intellectually know your mom is shouting at you during the dream, but your body and auditory senses know. Your body might be doing the same thing, holding in piss, then that gets converted into the dream world. 



Edited by Osaid

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@patricknotstar the observation is a good one. But all it means is that the sleeping dream is linked to the waking dream. The linkage can be subtle though because being conscious is subtle. There are degrees of being conscious, some low, some high. 

For example, I always dream of water when I need to pee, maybe I'm swimming or maybe it's raining or whatever. I don't know I need to pee in my dream, but when I wake up I do. There is a link between the two things, because really there isn't a difference between them, all that changes is the manifestation. When I'm awake I have urgency in my bladder, when I'm asleep there's water.

57% paranoid

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The first steps in being conscious to dreaming is recognizing things in them that are real.

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Peeing in dreams is one of those hard accomplishments in life.

Normally you will get the urge from the body and because you are in a dream there is no way to relief yourself.

But you can in fact pee in your dream and not pee in your bed.

But you will wake up and then have to do it again (as many times as you wake up), which can be worse.

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On 02/03/2022 at 0:00 PM, patricknotstar said:

 How can I know and not know something at the same time

You can't, you are always in the know. Your “pee angels” are the evidence of that, so long as you understand that you're the mind, whether asleep or awake.

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I recognize this in myself, well, it manifests slightly differently by there never being anyone blocking me but instead circumstances being the blocker. 

There are always restrooms to use but there's always something wrong with them. Usually broken doors and exposed to a very busy public and they being extremely filty, and I mean filthy to the point of there being all kinds of filth and poo smeared everywhere, and backed up toilets that are filled to the rim.

For some reason this is always in a some sort of school like environment, and not at all uncommon that there's a time pressure and being late to some class. 

I'm in my mid 40's so this is kind of "strange". 

I've been exposed to all kinds of restroom-challenges, all of which are degrees of bizarre.

Needing to pee seriously messes with the dreamstates - all of them. 

I love it, highly entertaining albeit with a very desperate notion. 

Just the awareness of the physical need that seeps through into the dream narrative, and the deeply rooted need to not-let-it-go.

Theres all sorts of similar indicators going on both in sleep and awaken life but only recognizable once you've become aware of what it's trying to tell you. 

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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