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President Biden's State of the Union Address

8 posts in this topic

I was waiting for this. Thanks for sharing. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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That there were some embers shining through of FDR's speeches and energy vibes in that one in a critical global moment, feels more authentic, real and truthful, in most of it's aspects, though as an outlier and outsider one can notice trying to look at it objectively some blindspots and self  biases here and there, but that's what not the point of the speech in the first, it was it's call to an authentic unifying energy it aimed to bring forth to the Americans, US and it's allies in these times with it, of how one should put it, of it truly being American in that most key sense, in regards to it's core values and principles in that one, in contrast to the constant focus, oveexgaggeration and magnifying of shadow threats and phantom enemies that Trump's speeches were constantly bemoaning and bitching about, that sounded way more ideologically motivated and constantly centered in imagined threats and enemies, for himself and his loyalists mostly, of dreamed up and infatuation with exclusive focus on ideological belief generated phantasms, threats and enemies, than this one could be, if trying to call upon to be American and unified in in this situation can be even called overly ideological, and not just acting in accords to your countries current patriotic needs. 

This feels instead like a true call to a State of the Union speech and adress, what it was intended to be in it's authenticty, than most other speeches I've heard from time to time there, it almost feels from an outsider's point of view, in a long time, you could actually feel the energy of it's authentic call to unifying intention, energy and feelings present all around it to be felt, and acted by and upon as such, than other speeches through different points of time I've ever heard being adressed from there in a long time, it seems in the long past other critical historical moments, events and periods in recent to not so recent history. 

It actually feels like an authentic call to Union and unity speech, in it's most authentic value and actual ideal of it oriented sense, than most others pretending to be, working around and gish galloping around that for another aim or purpose entirely only using the speech to solidify the means to achieve that, in these times after a long period.  

I don't want to make any sure predictions but I feel these and in the near future following speeches from US presidents will soon be in the future looked up on as the last ones in American history of them being truly American and feeling that way in their original founding and countries myths through history and it's purpose in a sense, of rallying up the nation, Americans and their allies in the world, for the purposes of this current moment in history, and afterwards they might become more in a global humanitarian, cosmopolitan and universal oriented in nature, but we shall see if I am wrong if this rallying up is the last time that is needed to be used in the future like it needed to be done in this current moment of history. 

Giving me all in all in it's perhaps intended energies the nostalgia of these oldie game vibes I used to play as elementary school kid on old computers:


Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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Totally out of touch. Talking about higher wages, job growth, etc is so ridiculous sounding to the average worker right now that it's not even possible to gaslight them about it any more. Out in the real world, things are beyond bad right now.

The price of stuff has gone up so much that people aren't just living paycheck-to-paycheck any more, where an unexpected expense will wipe them out. Many people will get wiped out on the current trajectory even if things stay the same. They won't be able to afford upcoming expenses like car insurance because they spent all their money on food, then they have no way to get to work, and it snowballs from there.

None of the stuff he's suggested will help average people. Trying to tax corporations is a losing game, they will always find loopholes (or loopholes will intentionally be put in.) $15/hr minimum wage won't help people. You can't live on $20/hr most places now.

The cost of a house in my neighborhood has gone up $200k in the past 6 months, and prices were already insane before that. It's impossible to save up a down payment fast enough.

More than 40% of young homebuyers are receiving financial help from parents. Parents are gifting their kids $82,000 on average just to afford a shitty starter house. Even if you're a couple that makes $70k/year, you can't buy a house right now without help from your parents, you're fucked. One guy working a factory job (no university degree) used to be able to have a nice house, could afford to have his wife stay at home with multiple kids, and retire with a nice pension. Now a Bachelor's degree gets you $30k/year when houses cost $800k.

It should've been a "We know things are bad, we're all in this together and have to come together" speech instead of blatantly lying and saying things are good or improving when they aren't. People aren't even at the point of panic any more. They're beyond panic, they're completely hopeless and have given up. 

Inflation is going to keep screwing low and middle class people until AT LEAST the end of the year. Lying politicians aren't going to help you with that. They lied about reducing or eliminating your student debt. They lied about defunding the police and just did a full 180. They lie about everything. They will keep bleeding you until things get so bad that people have no choice but to rise up en masse.

Edited by Yarco

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1 hour ago, Yarco said:

Totally out of touch. Talking about higher wages, job growth, etc is so ridiculous sounding to the average worker right now that it's not even possible to gaslight them about it any more. Out in the real world, things are beyond bad right now.

The price of stuff has gone up so much that people aren't just living paycheck-to-paycheck any more, where an unexpected expense will wipe them out. Many people will get wiped out on the current trajectory even if things stay the same. They won't be able to afford upcoming expenses like car insurance because they spent all their money on food, then they have no way to get to work, and it snowballs from there.

None of the stuff he's suggested will help average people. Trying to tax corporations is a losing game, they will always find loopholes (or loopholes will intentionally be put in.) $15/hr minimum wage won't help people. You can't live on $20/hr most places now.

The cost of a house in my neighborhood has gone up $200k in the past 6 months, and prices were already insane before that. It's impossible to save up a down payment fast enough.

More than 40% of young homebuyers are receiving financial help from parents. Parents are gifting their kids $82,000 on average just to afford a shitty starter house. Even if you're a couple that makes $70k/year, you can't buy a house right now without help from your parents, you're fucked. One guy working a factory job (no university degree) used to be able to have a nice house, could afford to have his wife stay at home with multiple kids, and retire with a nice pension. Now a Bachelor's degree gets you $30k/year when houses cost $800k.

It should've been a "We know things are bad, we're all in this together and have to come together" speech instead of blatantly lying and saying things are good or improving when they aren't. People aren't even at the point of panic any more. They're beyond panic, they're completely hopeless and have given up. 

Inflation is going to keep screwing low and middle class people until AT LEAST the end of the year. Lying politicians aren't going to help you with that. They lied about reducing or eliminating your student debt. They lied about defunding the police and just did a full 180. They lie about everything. They will keep bleeding you until things get so bad that people have no choice but to rise up en masse.

My intent is not to deliberately sound mean, dismissive or reductive towards all the economic problems that some ordinary people are struggling with that you laid out since I don't live nor experience of hardships of what you described of currently having ideas of how or trying to plan future living and life in Canada (but that's still not an option that is off the table that I am not considering where I am currently at in life and in the possible near future) (but the prices of apartments and especially houses has skyrocketed I've heard from other people who immigrated from here to Canada, even before Covid and has been rising already several years back) and America, but from what you laid out these sound more like personal finance management problem grievances due to being in a temporarily rough, hard period or transition time and phase in life, than what was here to be attempted to be laid out as a call to unity for the whole of America and Americans in the near coming future and a difficult global crisis for them and all it's allies for unifying collective purposes across the globe of starting to innoviate and think outside of box when trying to start in feat of building something new or going/starting again from scratch. 

Have you considered migrating to somewhere else to another country perhaps where housing and where such necessecities and future life plan goals and it's realization for you are currently more cheaper and more affordable for you when having a regular, no credentials or more high end, professional requirements job, if I am not mistaken, sorry in advance if am wrongly inffering or having mistaken assumptions when assuming regarding this, than where you currently are at? 


Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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