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Buddhist meditation explained ☸️

11 posts in this topic

I liked this video.

But I do feel discouraged to do meditation after Leo described it as ''horseshit'' which has ''nothing to do with awakening''. 

Edited by Husseinisdoingfine
Added the bottom text

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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5 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I liked this video.

But I do feel discouraged to do meditation after Leo described it as ''horseshit'' which has ''nothing to do with awakening''. 

Lmao. Where did Leo say this? 

For the past 1.5 months Ive been meditating 3 hours per day, can confirm it is not horseshit, at all. It’s… absurdly powerful to say the least. 

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11 minutes ago, Consilience said:

Lmao. Where did Leo say this? 

For the past 1.5 months Ive been meditating 3 hours per day, can confirm it is not horseshit, at all. It’s… absurdly powerful to say the least. 

How so, out of interest? What benefits have you noticed?

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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Decent video on Buddhism. Would be better if the content creator could meditate skillfully ?

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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42 minutes ago, RickyFitts said:

How so, out of interest? What benefits have you noticed?

Im at a point in my practice where meditating can feel like 50 - 70ug of LSD and that’s just.. normal. Wild, outlandish meditative experiences just happen, regularly now. Less in a perceptual intensity but in the awareness of direct consciousness; this consciousness is extremely palpable, obvious, self illuminating, self liberating, and effortless and continues to increase in intensity as I keep up the rigor of practice. There’s a spaciousness and emptiness to experience that I walk around with. The idea of life being a dream is not a philosophical concept but an experiential observation and embodiment. Solipsism is a joke compared to Absolute Unity, and interdependency. The sense of self is fluid, expansive, contractive, I can detect people’s emotions much more easily. Because Ive also been doing a large amount of strong determination sitting, my relationship with pain is radically transforming. Basically pain tolerance is much much higher than it was even 3 months ago. Craving for junk food, porn, masturbation is at an all time low. Very high amounts of emotional ease, happiness, peace. Im more honest with others and how I communicate. I literally just dont feel bored now. At this point Ive accessed deeper “states” of “God” meditating than many of my earlier psychedelic trips. 

When I see Leo shitting on meditation I find it both hysterical and sad because he’s leading so many people away from the path that actually Awakens us. Using 5MeO for the rest of your life just isnt it, and observing Leo’s lack of embodiment and shadow come out on the forum and in videos makes this increasingly clear. It‘s blind leading the blind, yet because of his success with Actualized many assume he must know what he’s talking about when it comes to spirituality. In many ways he does, in many ways he’s utterly and completely deluded, like with how meditation works and how to achieve crazy results with it. He’s cornered himself into such determined arrogance, that Im not confident he’ll ever snap out of the self-deception. 

Anyways, the thing about this intensity of practice is that it’s become extremely pleasurable not in an overt perceptual sense, but in the radical recontextualization of basically all facets of life. I see the relationship between how much Im suffering in the background of life, and how by purifying the conditions of this suffering, Im also coming into deeper union with truth. And this authentic (re: watch out for neo advaita bullshit) union with truth that transcends all states is the path of Buddha’s, and is the path the self most deeply desires. Im realizing how precious and rare it is to actually be on the path pursuing it at full force and feel immense gratitude that reality somehow manifested the conditions for me to be legitimately on it. 

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@Consilience Wow, amazing - you articulated that so well and I completely get where you're coming from (I've meditated around two hours a day for about four and-a-half years now and my practice has been quite literally a life-saver, I was in a very bad place when I decided to start meditating more intensively), many thanks for elaborating in such depth ?

Understanding the essence of meditation is hugely important, obviously, and this is where I feel like a lot of people go wrong, they think it's about having a particular experience, manufacturing a certain state, when for me it's a relaxation of effort as much as anything, and an allowing of what had previously been repressed (I like Adyashanti's simple instruction in relation to meditation: 'Allow everything to be as it is'). I think it's also hugely helpful to understand that what you're looking for is actually already present - it's just a matter of allowing it to be uncovered, it isn't about somehow conjuring some mystical state out of thin air.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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@RickyFitts @nistake Thank you both ?? ❤️

@RickyFitts That’s amazing! Had no idea you practiced at that intensity. Yes… ironically, the more I let go of state chasing, the more radical states can become. But what you said it crucial, the essence of meditation is not about manufacturing mystical experiences, but recognizing what is being sought is already present. The paradox though is that without deliberate practice, the possibility of self deception is huge. 

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16 hours ago, Consilience said:

Im at a point in my practice where meditating can feel like 50 - 70ug of LSD and that’s just.. normal. Wild, outlandish meditative experiences just happen, regularly now. Less in a perceptual intensity but in the awareness of direct consciousness; this consciousness is extremely palpable, obvious, self illuminating, self liberating, and effortless and continues to increase in intensity as I keep up the rigor of practice. There’s a spaciousness and emptiness to experience that I walk around with. The idea of life being a dream is not a philosophical concept but an experiential observation and embodiment. Solipsism is a joke compared to Absolute Unity, and interdependency. The sense of self is fluid, expansive, contractive, I can detect people’s emotions much more easily. Because Ive also been doing a large amount of strong determination sitting, my relationship with pain is radically transforming. Basically pain tolerance is much much higher than it was even 3 months ago. Craving for junk food, porn, masturbation is at an all time low. Very high amounts of emotional ease, happiness, peace. Im more honest with others and how I communicate. I literally just dont feel bored now. At this point Ive accessed deeper “states” of “God” meditating than many of my earlier psychedelic trips. 

When I see Leo shitting on meditation I find it both hysterical and sad because he’s leading so many people away from the path that actually Awakens us. Using 5MeO for the rest of your life just isnt it, and observing Leo’s lack of embodiment and shadow come out on the forum and in videos makes this increasingly clear. It‘s blind leading the blind, yet because of his success with Actualized many assume he must know what he’s talking about when it comes to spirituality. In many ways he does, in many ways he’s utterly and completely deluded, like with how meditation works and how to achieve crazy results with it. He’s cornered himself into such determined arrogance, that Im not confident he’ll ever snap out of the self-deception. 

Anyways, the thing about this intensity of practice is that it’s become extremely pleasurable not in an overt perceptual sense, but in the radical recontextualization of basically all facets of life. I see the relationship between how much Im suffering in the background of life, and how by purifying the conditions of this suffering, Im also coming into deeper union with truth. And this authentic (re: watch out for neo advaita bullshit) union with truth that transcends all states is the path of Buddha’s, and is the path the self most deeply desires. Im realizing how precious and rare it is to actually be on the path pursuing it at full force and feel immense gratitude that reality somehow manifested the conditions for me to be legitimately on it. 

@Consilience Wow this is amazing dude. Good for you. Tonight the buddha path fully opened for me, so very nice to read your post at this point in time as well. I aspire to meditate multiple hours a day. I've done so in the past, I want to do so again. The Buddha. A very wise and great man. 

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4 hours ago, Consilience said:

But what you said it crucial, the essence of meditation is not about manufacturing mystical experiences, but recognizing what is being sought is already present. The paradox though is that without deliberate practice, the possibility of self deception is huge. 

Absolutely, spirituality can all too easily become all talk, so practice is hugely important.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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