Random witch

Embracing my body hair as a female

25 posts in this topic

Just want to share:

I'm 29 years old and for the first time in my life I took the decision not to shave my public hair/armpit hair anymore.

I've got to the conclusion that it's not really necessary for me. I've realised that I don't really care having full bush of public hair or armpit hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror, having this body hair and I just fell in love with the image of myself. I felt like a women who got sober after being drunk. I felt like a wild animal who went back into the nature after long period of domestication. I saw the roughest, most pure and beautiful feminine version of me. 

Seriously, I came to the stage in my life where I don't care what other people might say or think about my body hair.

I realised that this another way to free myself, to be who I really am.

I don't want to spend any more money and time ever in my life on shaving. Or doing something to my body only because of the fear of judgement.

I also find it a good way to filter men.

I don't want men in my life who will sleep with women only if she's hairless. I think it's stupid, seriously. 

I'm not a porn actor, nor a child, I'm a woman, an adult, and it's fine to have body hair.



Edited by Random witch

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well done and well articulated, you are lovable and loved exactly as you are, no particular primping and preening is necessary, you might change your mind at some point and that is fine too, we need not be a slave to a certain look that in any case is no business of anyone except perhaps a partner and even then we ourselves always have power of veto over their opinion

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Good for you for doing you, loving your natural self and not caring what others think! ?

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Good for you!! I feel the same way. Honestly a turn off when a guy needs the woman to be shaved..??‍♀️ why not appreciate the feminine beauty that nature endowed us with?!?!?? 

(Do agree that shaving hair makes one feel childlike rather than sexy/womanly)

Edited by puporing

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Yes!!! you do you

19 hours ago, Random witch said:

I don't want men in my life who will sleep with women only if she's hairless. I think it's stupid, seriously. 

the only logic i can think of is you gotta keep it extra clean if someone's gonna go down there with there mouth. and if it's really bushy it can sometimes get in someone's head. like the hair's gonna get in there mouth....maybe I'm just a weak man who needs to embrace a bush in face...probably 

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21 hours ago, gettoefl said:

well done and well articulated, you are lovable and loved exactly as you are, no particular primping and preening is necessary, you might change your mind at some point and that is fine too, we need not be a slave to a certain look that in any case is no business of anyone except perhaps a partner and even then we ourselves always have power of veto over their opinion

Thank you for the encouragement. Definity we shouldn't be "slaves" to a certain thing. I was a slave for shaving for about 15 years and now I want to be a slave for not shaving at all for another 15 years. 

I'm joking, but seriously, I feel like I'm so sick of shaving. I barely see any advantages from my point of view today.

I would use scissors and trim my hair from time to time, but shaving? Not anytime soon.

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18 hours ago, aklacor727 said:

Good for you for doing you, loving your natural self and not caring what others think! ?

Thank you!

10 hours ago, puporing said:

Good for you!! I feel the same way. Honestly a turn off when a guy needs the woman to be shaved..??‍♀️ why not appreciate the feminine beauty that nature endowed us with?!?!?? 

(Do agree that shaving hair makes one feel childlike rather than sexy/womanly)

It is a real turn-off in a man. Women were always hairy, it's a new thing that we started to shave those sensitive places. Thank you for your encouragement and I'm also glad for you! :)


5 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Good for you. Personally I don't mind a little.


4 hours ago, John Paul said:

Yes!!! you do you

the only logic i can think of is you gotta keep it extra clean if someone's gonna go down there with there mouth. and if it's really bushy it can sometimes get in someone's head. like the hair's gonna get in there mouth....

It would be enough to take a daily shower and trim the bush from time to time. It is possible to have clean public hair as much as it's possible to have unclean shaved genitals. It all depends on a person's hygienic discipline. 

4 hours ago, John Paul said:

maybe I'm just a weak man who needs to embrace a bush in face...probably 

This response is unneseccary, come on

Edited by Random witch

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11 hours ago, puporing said:

Do agree that shaving hair makes one feel childlike rather than sexy/womanly)


On 01/03/2022 at 2:05 PM, Random witch said:

I don't want men in my life who will sleep with women only if she's hairless. I think it's stupid, seriously. 

I'm not a porn actor, nor a child, I'm a woman, an adult, and it's fine to have body hair.

Being hairy doesn’t mean being unclean - of course trimming down the bush and keeping maintained is nice.  But mostly it’s down to the fetishisation of young girls, and of course, porn being so ingrained into society.  Society wants women to stay young. 

It’s only very recently that very young girls have been less and less sexualised by the media and Hollywood. 

There is an interesting podcast series called ‘lolita podcast’  it delves into the depths of Hollywood and the sexualisation of children, pretty much up until the 2000s. Discusses the book Lolita and how the story was twisted from the original meaning, it was so common for much older men to be sleeping with teenagers 13+.  Anyway I don’t want to detail the thread but just thought yous might be interested in that podcast :) 

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10 minutes ago, Tangerinedream said:


Being hairy doesn’t mean being unclean - of course trimming down the bush and keeping maintained is nice.  But mostly it’s down to the fetishisation of young girls, and of course, porn being so ingrained into society.  Society wants women to stay young. 

It’s only very recently that very young girls have been less and less sexualised by the media and Hollywood. 

There is an interesting podcast series called ‘lolita podcast’  it delves into the depths of Hollywood and the sexualisation of children, pretty much up until the 2000s. Discusses the book Lolita and how the story was twisted from the original meaning, it was so common for much older men to be sleeping with teenagers 13+.  Anyway I don’t want to detail the thread but just thought yous might be interested in that podcast :) 

Society shouldn't expect women to look young forever, that's so toxic and even humiliating. We all deserve the right to age with grace and to look appropriate to our age without any shame or embarrassment. 

Thank you for the podcast recommendation, I'll check it. I read the book "Lolita", it wasn't an easy book for me to read, I said to myself that I would read it for the art's sake but it was very difficult for me to even finish it, even masochistic. 


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once tried waxing my chest etc. somewhere at a beauty salon

wasn't a great experience, hurt quite a lot, more than tattooing (although some body parts hurt quite a lot when tattooing)

don't knwo how you guys keep doing it but you probably get used to it

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On 1.3.2022 at 2:05 PM, Random witch said:

Just want to share:

I'm 29 years old and for the first time in my life I took the decision not to shave my public hair/armpit hair anymore.

I've got to the conclusion that it's not really necessary for me. I've realised that I don't really care having full bush of public hair or armpit hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror, having this body hair and I just fell in love with the image of myself. I felt like a women who got sober after being drunk. I felt like a wild animal who went back into the nature after long period of domestication. I saw the roughest, most pure and beautiful feminine version of me. 

Seriously, I came to the stage in my life where I don't care what other people might say or think about my body hair.

I realised that this another way to free myself, to be who I really am.

I don't want to spend any more money and time ever in my life on shaving. Or doing something to my body only because of the fear of judgement.

I also find it a good way to filter men.

I don't want men in my life who will sleep with women only if she's hairless. I think it's stupid, seriously. 

I'm not a porn actor, nor a child, I'm a woman, an adult, and it's fine to have body hair.



Interesting! I went the complete opposite way.
28 year old, male - basically full body hair. Back, chest, stomach covered with a pretty dense, black coat. 
Used to be pretty insecure about it as a teenager, shaved a lot, which ended up with my skin being irritated for days. 

In my early 20s I decided to get rid of it once and for all. Payed some pretty good money to laser my complete torso. 
One of the bets decisions I made in my life. I personally enjoy the the aesthetics of it much more.
+ No more hairy bedclothes
+ less smell after workouts

Completely support your decision though. Do what makes you happy :) 


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I'm the opposite, for some reason my arms and legs grow more darker hair, so I use something called a epilator and it pulls the hair by the root, then it doesn't grow back for a couple weeks and when it does it is light and very easy to go over with the machine.  Only the first few times hurt, and then if you let it grow out fully, but if you find shaving to be a waste of time, I recommend using these, they save sooo much time in the shower.

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Loving the self love. Kudos!


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This is what happens when you watch too much Sadhguru.

Hairy witch girlfriend :P

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Even I shave my harmpits,as a male. Why? Way more comfy, less odor, easier to wash, you look more clean.

As being more/less attractive is subjective and cultural, maybe in the future we won't care, but personally I find more attractive a well shaved woman.I actually think that are disgusting if we talk about sexual attraction.

But at the end, you shouldn't really care and if you feel like not shaving, just don't.


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 I'm a guy and I don't like having long pubic or armpit hair, I feel more comfortable when it's short. Really just applies to hair in general, when it gets too long I don't like the way it looks. As a result I just prefer the same on a woman. 

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I don’t mind hair, but prefer well kept hygiene ? 

I prefer less than more. But I’ve grown since I was younger. Teenage me would be offended. Me now says it’s okay. 

I like men and women and am embracing masculine and feminine aspects of humans.

*doesn’t care what people thinking of her body hair -wants everyone to know* ?

Edited by Thought Art

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Seems the boys were holding back until Leo commented ?

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3 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Seems the boys were holding back until Leo commented ?


Whatever it's not the dealbreaker anyway if the attraction is there. People can work this stuff out amongst themselves. 

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