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Our Life is fake

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What if we are like russian dolls.

The daydream stories we have in our head are what we are imagining and it is like we get so lost in the story that we forget we were daydreaming until we come out of it and notice our surroundings.

Well what if there is another being that is dreaming about the life we are experiencing right now and that being just forgot it was daydreaming.

What if there is another being outside of that being that is daydreaming about that being but also just forgot it was daydreaming.

It can then feel like, oh well then is everyone else here in this dream just part of my dream or do they have their own russian doll assembly too where someone else is dreaming and the person they are dreaming is them?

This mindset could be why that one guy on actualized jumped off the bridge and killed himself because maybe he thought it was a russian doll thing and he was going to wake up from the current one and go to the more meta one.

However, that doesn't work really because even if you leave this one, you are just going to be in another one and even if you leave that one, you are just going to be in another one.

Then there is the idea - the whole world is imaginary because all of it is in some entity's head.

Then there is the idea - those who don't want to be enlightened can't because they are so busy theorizing the dream they are in that they don't think to imagine that there is something outside of them dreaming their dream.

Then one can say non-duality isn't fully enlightenment because it is not thinking about the russian doll concept.

This whole thing could be a bunch of b.s. but it sounds really wacky to think about.

Then there is the, well you need something more meta of you but you are always in one form of dream state and aren't in all of them at once.

If you were in all of them at once, well our brains can't really see that many perspectives and experiences at once but maybe a metabrain, metadream brain of all the dreams happening can.

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And we are here trapped in a way where even if we escape, we are still here... but one escape is forgetting and not knowing that we are trapped in the first place - which is the beauty of low consciousness.  Kinda like being trapped in a maze/labryinth and having various degrees of knowing that and various degrees of stages we have gotten out of but the maze/labryinth never ends.

So while we are here, we can laugh, cry, take stuff serious, take stuff silly, not care, care, whatever.

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You see how it's all just a dream? Infinite imagination.

You are all simultaneously:

- the finite dream-character ('poor little me') (a dreamed up thing)

- the physical world (a dreamed up thing)

- the dreamer (God) (the undefinable source of it all)

- the dream itself (Consciousness) (the structure, fabric and context of the dream)

- 'the dreamed up things' (Love) (the contents of the dream)

There is nothing outside this. This is it.

It's infinite & for eternity.

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Maybe it is called awakening because it is like we wake up from our dream - we realize we were in a dream in the first place and we were the dreamer.

The whole idea of having trauma or gaining wisdom from past lives could be like an unconscious thing where a previous dream lifetime we had got us troubles we are having to work though in this one or wisdom where you see the young person who is already enlightened because in the other dream they woke up from, they figured more stuff out.

And the idea of - oh how you act in this life will impact what you reincarnate in the next one (dream) would be funny because to have a dream, there already has to be a dreamer so your fate of what you end up as (wake up into) is already decided before you had the dream in the first place.

ahh again all this could be a bunch of b.s

Infinite dreaming/imagination..  Then it is like, well shit - who cares what happens in this life I can just do whatever - but we don't want to have the dream turn into a nightmare and be really scary/sad so we still want it to go okay.

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Random Socrates quotes:

"Wonder is the beginning of wisdom."

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance."

"I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think."

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

Enlightenment isn't something you have to know or could ever know or not-know.

Enlightenment/Reality/The Real You CONTAINS 'knowing' & 'not-knowing'. 

It/You even fucking contains the hallucination of 'missing "It"/You' ...

That's YOU. Before persona/ego. After persona/ego.

Did you know 'person' means 'mask' in Latin?


All our adult-cups-(of knowledge) are so full, that of course, we miss the most obvious thing of them all: The True Nature of Reality.

Like a blind-born man who wants to find out what 'darkness' look like.

Like a deaf-born woman who wants to find out what 'silence' sounds like.

Like a fish that wants to find out what 'water' is ..


Reality is just raw experience itself. 

It's so fucking obvious, yet so fucking magical.

You're IT.




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The multiple universes/dimensions thing would work too in terms of the different dreams thing.

I am open to whatever concept of reality makes the most sense and ha this one is an interesting one to think about.

Then it ties to the whole idea of time, space, and dimension not really mattering and also makes sense for how material stuff exists if it was just imagined and not created in a physical way but yet it seems physical.

Then people say that "God" the dreamer dreaming all the dreams - so yeah God created reality but that's because it is being dreamed.  

Then when people say - it came to me in a dream...

It makes me wonder if some of the inventions that we have were already created by some other dreamer previously and they dreamed about it and the character in the dream made it and then dreamed about it.

Or same goes with psychics and precognition and stuff like that - maybe the stuff that is happening in the dreamer's world impacts the dream and vice versa and there is some sort of relation.

Ghosts could just be stuff we imagine and put into our dream or maybe someone else is able to enter our dream.  I don't know...................

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The problem is that science doesn't work.

If you think about your daydream imaginary character, it doesn't know you exist and it would not be able to find any sort of subatomic particles to tell it that you do because it cannot go out of its reality/dream and into yours.  It is limited to being stuck in its own.

However, you know that both you exist and the daydream imaginary character.  You can see your neurons and you could possibly see the neurons in it.

If there was another entity dreaming about your life dreaming about the daydream imaginary character, it would know about all of those.  But you however are a dream of it and would not be able to access it.

One can only make assumptions that there could be something else dreaming about us but one wouldn't be able to see anything at the subatomic level to prove that that is the case.

However - we could look for hints.  Like, when we dream, the stuff we dream about is based on characters we are familiar with.  Well, it could be the same in that the stuff that we are experiencing is what the dreamer is familiar with in the dreamer's reality.

It could be that we have some new out of the blue stuff that say the dreamer's reality had that the dreamer then dreams about and it may feel really out of the blue but it is happening because that is what happened with the dreamer.

If you think about the synapses, protons, electrons, whatever - well in terms of dream theory, those are all imaginary and part of your dream and another reality may not have that at all.

Again not saying any of this is true but that is theoretical.

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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I think this relates to the idea of the all-knowing, omnipresent God -- like the Christian idea where God can see/watch/hear you at all times and knows what you are doing and thinking.

Like where when people pray to God, they think they are talking to the God.

Well, lets say that the next level dreamer is the all knowing God but the God is also dreaming that he is Person A and he is also dreaming as Person A that he is the daydream imaginary character; in the meantime, God is also dreaming that he is Person B and as Person B he is dreaming some other dream too.

SOOO, I can see that maybe that is what the Christian mystics meant and it got lost in translation as a separate person when really God is all knowing and all the dreams but also all the characters.  That makes more sense to me.

So when people say, you can't be fully awakened until you die, (wake up), that is because the Person A dream character doesn't get to experience being God because that is not how his dream is going.

Then, the idea of going to Heaven is that when you die, you get to be with God because you are God.

Then the idea of going to Hell - uhhh - I guess I don't really think there is a hell.

So the idea that we all get to be with eachother when we die works because we are all God, we are all the same character, we just don't realize it.

So when people have near death experiences - - maybe that was like being with God.

Ahhh I don't know.

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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And then maybe that is why it is called God-realization because it is when one realizes that one is a dream that God is having and that God is making the dream and we are part of that....

God made us - God imagined us - but like how Jesus said I am the Father/Son/Holy Spirit - 

we the ones in the dream are the same entity that is the dreamer (or a projection of it)

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But then because the imaginary dream character that we daydream about doesn't exist and the universe that that character is in doesn't exist - - well we could also say that we and the universe we are in doesn't exist either other than in the daydream of the dreamer.

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I feel like the only reason we say there is a god that dreams us up is because we dream stuff up too.

If we never had dreams that were in a reality separate from the one we seem to operate in, we may never say that there was someone else doing the same to us.

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How do y'all feel about "forgetting" your awakening and diving head first back into the story of your life.  Good?  Or bad?

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I think all the stuff I put earlier could be dog shit so I don't know anything.. and I am sorry for bombarding this thread.  I felt like I was making these amazing realizations but then realized that they are just ideas and that even if someone verified it, that wouldn't really be verification and meh I was chasing ideas that I don't think I would actually figure out/solve.  So I guess my current stance is meh.

@hoodrow trillson I don't know what "awakening" is but some stuff like realizing like - oh shit I am killing bugs/trees/animals - that is hard to forget with regards to the whole job thing.  Or, oh shit this career puts its clients into bankruptcy, or oh shit this career makes bombs and kills people, or oh shit this career forces kids to do work they didn't want to do and pushes dogma down their throats; or oh shit this career spreads propaganda; I guess stuff like that is hard to forget and I guess I just try to integrate ideas with what I do.   I've also been reading some clinical psychology stuff which has been cool for a change.

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


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@hoodrow trillson Sad. :( I hate it, because awakening feels so unified, warm, illuminating, and interconnected, loving and safe - and my story is not that.. but maybe someday it could be.  Awakening is just such an amazing thing, it feels like becoming something "lesser" have to step out of it.

Edited by Loba

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