Posted March 1, 2022 9 minutes ago, Ineedanswers said: @GreenWoods is it true that there is no "ineedanswers" though? Isnt this like saying the person who is dreaming that he is brucewayne is imaginary as well? According to my direct xp -ineedanswers exists,its just that he has mistaken who he is.he is not a humanbeing on earth but god.he is the only thing that exists.the ego "ineedanswers who is a human on earth" definitely doesnt exist. There is only God. God is/imagines/shapeshifts into colors, sounds, thoughts, emotions, body sensations, smells,... To take some of these pehomena, bundle them together and call them a human or a person or someone, is a construct of the mind and an illusion. sleep yoga Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 1, 2022 @GreenWoods I know this when I take psychedelics but my baseline state is human consciousness .my baseline direct Experience is that I am the thing located somewhere behind ineedanswers eyes (even though I know I’m actually god and everything in existence) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 1, 2022 @Ineedanswers ❤ 🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 1, 2022 (edited) @Ineedanswers You can't trust only the psychedelic's state but you must also take into account the sober state which is not less important and it is also "psychedelic" (neurotransmitors). You have to integrate both together, and add upon them your subconscious position which is actually the most important and the most challenging to discover. Edited March 1, 2022 by Nivsch 🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 1, 2022 5 hours ago, Ineedanswers said: @Nivsch I undertand that my friends and family dont have experiences emotions of their own either.but i love playing the game. You help homeless people and give to charities for exactly the same reason - you love playing the game or dream. Everything is an illusion masquerading as real. But if illusion is all there is, it means that everything is real. You life is a very impressive dream, a dream very stable and has consistent rules. Experience and enjoy your magnificent dream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 1, 2022 2 hours ago, jimwell said: But if illusion is all there is, it means that everything is real. Exactly. Can it be that the spritiual ego get stuck on solipsism and doesnt see its full circularity back into reality? 🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 1, 2022 I think in order to get to higher states of consciousness, you shouldn't only do things if you see a logical reason to or not. I'll imagine being in your shoes for a moment as I haven't quite had the mystical experiences as of yet, though just consuming others' accounts/arguments have occasionally given me an "OHHHH, OMG!" moment. I would suggest if I were you, to do what makes you feel good. Maybe for you, giving to charity without a logical reason (i.e. preventing them suffering) isn't something that would give you pleasure. Or maybe it is. How certain do you feel that they/their suffering exists right now? If you are very certain, you could try to donate anyway and see how you feel. Remember that the dream of life is very realistic, it's all we really remember and unless we're super enlightened we don't have a very vivid/memorable "view" of oneness to compare it to (like when we're dreaming, we compare it AFTER we wake up). As others have said, it's your dream. Doing whatever brings you further towards Love is probably going to be more rewarding though, even if it's not "real". Fooling yourself that the dream is real even though you know it isn't could help and make it feel less daunting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 1, 2022 10 hours ago, Ineedanswers said: its just that since i dont know if others such as homeless people actually have any experiences,emotions,feelings of their own i feel like im wasting my money by donating. This is funny:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 2, 2022 12 hours ago, Ineedanswers said: @GreenWoods I know this when I take psychedelics but my baseline state is human consciousness .my baseline direct Experience is that I am the thing located somewhere behind ineedanswers eyes (even though I know I’m actually god and everything in existence) Ultimately what Leo or anyone else says is irrelevant wouldn't you say? If you start deny your own experience and start acting in line with a belief (something that hasn't been realized) then you stop evolving. What's true is what you're experiencing right now and any memory of a higher state is an illusion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 2, 2022 Imagine that you have a lucid dream at night. You realize that all the characters inside your dream are your imagination - your character as well. You look at them and firstly you feel this wave of freedom that no one is gonna to judge you. Then maybe you feel "oh shit I can do whatever I want". So you fly through the sky, have sex with your first love from high school etc. Then you maybe feel kinda lonely because you are AllOne here. But then you simply sit and meditate inside your dream. You look at your hands and see that your mind designed them. Every single hair and wrinkle on them was put there by your Mind. You look at all the characters, all stories, your own distortions - all od that was meticulously designed by your mind. And the Love and Care naturally arises from that realization. Being helpful is a spontaneous and obvious in that frequency - even though it is Profoundly Meaningless. Do what you want with you dream. Love ya. In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 2, 2022 On 01/03/2022 at 1:54 PM, Leo Gura said: You're not awake so all of this is mental masturbation for you. And no clarity was provided on that day lol... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 2, 2022 @Arthogaan love you too❤❤.the thing is,after the insight that i was dreaming up all the other characters (including you) and that the other characters dont have their own feelings of pleasure and pain,i now no longer feel the guilt i felt in the past,when i pass by a homeless man and dont give him any can i when i now know that all his begging,starvation and squirming amd pleading is just something i created to make this dream more immersive(and in actuality he feels no pain at all). I dont see how its selfish to not help someone who isnt real and doesnt feel pain or pleasure. Now instead of beiny frugal and saving up to give to charity (because no one exists but me) i save every cent to spend it only on close friends and family,luxury materialistic items for myself etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 2, 2022 @Ineedanswers you as god imagine that you are this homeless guy in pain. Imagination =reality. The pain is real. Welcome to reality Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 2, 2022 @IneedanswersThere is nothing wrong with that. It is your dream and you paint it with your attitude/vibration. For Leo - he likes the vibration of teaching enlightment - so he does this roleplay even thought he knows others are imaginary. You can like the vibration of having materialistic things and giving cool presents to your imaginary family - that is also a cool vibration if you ask me. For me it just seems the coolest vibration to be altruistic and it ground your experience of Oneness. Hmmm. Whenever I give to a homeless person for example - even though I know he is imaginary and that my character Arthogaan is imaginary too - this act of giving generates a lot of pleasant energy - like it grounds/imprints into your subconscious that you are indeed one with you imagination and that is a blisfull feeling that feels right. So it is just the vibration I choose for my character from the Gallery Of Themes that you can choose from. Virtue, Integrity, Love, Kindness, Compassion - they just are so freaking badass skills to have for me. But you do your theme. Absolute imagined you for a reason. Absolute wants to know how it is to have priorities that you have. In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 2, 2022 52 minutes ago, Arthogaan said: my character Arthogaan is imaginary too This is one of a few important differences between varying interpretations. Many solipsists, especially on the schoolyard, believe their character is real but everyone else is imaginary. I think all mystical traditions have agreed upon the self character being imaginary. Albeit some have ideas akin to souls. Very complex... The way "that" when discovered fits in with the totality has been interpreted in so many ways after the fact of discovery... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 4, 2022 A good question to contemplate is: Is there truth in charity? My answer is, yes. Why, because only giving is real/true. Taking/keeping for oneself (the finite ego-mind) is not real/true. In reality, in truth, there is only giving. But, from the perspective of the finite ego-self (self with a small "s") it creates/dreams stealing/taking/keeping from the one true giving. You can only give, because you are only one. How much is a finite part of the infinite microcosm of your body truly "taking" from that microcosm? If we look at every example of taking, we can see that it has been given by God/reality/life/the Self. For example, I want to take money/sex/belongings/earnings from someone (or from the "other"). In truth, if I succeed in my plans, these things were given to me by life and by reality. Even the instrument through which I take/keep were given to me. Reality/God gave me my hands. Reality/God gave me my cunning mind that can think up things and put value on them so I can get pleasure in taking them (how childish, hehe). Reality/God gave me the freedom to manifest the thought/dream that I could own something. As an ignorant finite-self, I am dreaming that I am keeping. I dream the concept of stealing/taking. I dream the idea of owning. Because it is all just giving. If I give for a personal satisfaction, it is taking for the finite self. But, it is giving for the Self/God/reality/life. When you realise that you are all of reality, you give for the purpose of giving alone. Giving is its own reward. You let the will of God decide on when you give. You do not need to feel guilty if you decide to keep, or if you do not get the chance to give. Reality/God will decide when it is your turn to truly give. Which in truth, is a becoming (or a removal of the veil of ignorance). But, if there was a purpose to giving. A pure form of the idea of purpose, before it is played with and taken beyond the will of God, we could say that to share with another is to share with oneself. Since you are all that there is. When you give to another, you are giving to your true self (the Self/reality). When you take/keep/steal, you as the Self has given it to you as the finite ego-self. "You" as the finite ego-self could not obtain something unless you as the Self gave it to you. So, there is only giving, wrapped up in a facade of taking/stealing/keeping. Giving is real. Stealing/taking/keeping/owning is unreal to the extent to which it is not understood/seen truly as a giving/allowance from life/God/reality/the Self. So, we can now see why those who take/keep/steal (for their small/limited self) end up where they do; because they are doing something that isn't real. Love from Lenny Connect with me on IG: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 4, 2022 (edited) Give and do charity because it is God-like. charity isn't pointless because you will experience giving which is tantamount to Love. Edited March 4, 2022 by SgtPepper 1 Corinthians 13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 5, 2022 Locking down all solipsism masturbation. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites