
I'm sick too often

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So I've noticed something I didn't really wanted to realize but in the last months it became just very obvious: I am sick very very often and it's hindering me in realizing my life purpose and spiritual work. 

It's basically that I'm healthy for a month (sometimes longer, sometimes shorter) and than I get sick again for 1-3 weeks. Mostly flu like symptoms, especially a runny nose, coughing, headache, body pain and just feeling weak in general. Especially in the last year these periods of sickness hit me really hard. As of right now, I just came back from traveling a lot and I am sick for 4 weeks now!!!! It's soooo hard to just practice patience when I just want to get into my routines and go all in with my life purpose.

I'm usually a very healthy person, I was never really sick and I'm living a healthy lifestyle (realitvly good diet, movement, good mental health). I'm taking vitamin c, d3, b12 and spirulina. 

Could it be that there's something wrong with my immune system? Any ideas of how to boost that or how to troubleshoot what the root cause of the issue is? 

Oh and I went to a normal doctor already which was not really helpful, he had no clue. 



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Few questions: 

  • What is your diet like? Frequency, meal, any dietary restrictions etc 
  • Do you have any ongoing health conditions? 
  • Have you ha dany infections in past 12 months? 
  • Have you changed your environment / jobs? 
  • Any personal trauma, bereavement, stressor that came up? 
  • Have you tested covid19 positive in past 12 months? 
  • Have you been put on high doses of antibiotics? 
  • Do you take any regular medication? 
  • What is your sleep like? 
  • Do you exercise? How often? 
  • Have you had your vitamin D levels measured? What were the levels? 
  • Have you had your iron panel (ferritin, transferring TIBC etc) measured? What were the leavekl 
  • Have you had your blood cells measured (leukocytes etc)_ 
  • How is your digestive health? 



Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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I'm assuming your vegan because you mention taking vitamis. Quit veganism and see what happens. 

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Optimizing your diet would be the first key.

Then exercise.

If you socialize a lot you will catch more viruses in the short run. But then you should develop more immunity in the long run.

Comprehensive blood work is an important place to start troubelshooting. Especially check your vitamin D levels. Also vitamin B, iron, hormones, thyroid, etc.

Vitamin does needs to be in the mid to upper range. Low range is not good enough.

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If you are a vegan, I urge you to look at this interview:


Lierre Keith has been a vegan for 20 years. She did everything correctly, tracked her macroes, supplemented, she did the works. She still got major health issues, can't have babies anymore among other things, and it really took its toll on her body.

It's a very insightfull video.

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We often get sick when we resist rest. If you're forcing yourself to work and achieve you will get sick more often. Lean into it, instead of resisting. Being mad because you're sick and can't work is exactly why you're sick often. 

I've found being ill to be a fantastic opportunity to connect spiritually, and take a step back from the exhausting trajectory of my automatically going after what I think will make me happy. I'm not sure how being sick would hinder spiritual "work". 

I'd also look into taking a zinc supplement.

I would also consider that we are coming out of a pandemic and a lot of stuff is circulating that was inhibited from doing so for a while. So you might just be catching up that way. Doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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