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Why do you search for info/answers?

4 posts in this topic

There can be comfort in getting more ideas because we may think, the more ideas we have, the more we may be able to react, adapt, respond, feel calm about things, etc. but yet our current relative form as is may temporary and our knowledge may be lost unless shared/utilized/stored - but even that could be lost too.  Futility of temporariness on the relative side.

Ideas may allow for making beauty, more love, changing things, growth, newness, comfort, healing, more perspectives, more ways to experience this experience, more resiliency, more diversity, inspiration, curiosity, etc.

We can keep on chasing ideas but we may never get everything.  Futility of never fully knowing.

Yes it could be to enjoy the ride and as a coping mechanism.

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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Cuz I wanna be closer to truths within the relative domain and live a functional, practical and sane existence.

Gotta embrace not knowing. Develop adeptness at the basic domains of life, and mastery in a thing or two l.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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The more info you have the better  you are at making decisions. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Hallucinogen propaganda merchants love preaching about their rainbows and butterfly fairytale love bullshit... But in reality if you get raped by it hard enough, you're not coming back... It just straight up deletes reality, and you'll then forever try to comprehend it.

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