John Paul

Suggestion for meditation section of forum

12 posts in this topic

Make an enforced guideline that meditation section questions are about actualizing spirituality in one's "personal life".... my perspective is group philosophizing/contemplation in this forum format is extremely counter-productive/distracting. 

"I have a question about my practice" my breathing. my meditation schedule.

"i have a question about LSD" mushrooms, setting the stage for tripping

Is there a solid reason why we can't crack down on questions of philosophy?

"Here is my new advanced model of the Truth of reality"....extremely counter-productive to those serious about actual work

@Leo Gura


edit: "personal life" in quotations because some philosophical asshole is gonna come at me lol

Edit: those posts would be find in the journal section? group contemplations, trip reports etc. then they are owning that this is their shit and not sometime true for everyone?

Edited by John Paul

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Greetings! I'll be the ahole for your post today :D

What about collectivism. Universal experience. Unformed thoughts reaching for understanding or an I moment. Collective identity. Universal love yada yada. 

More sections can be helpful though.

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@BlueOak sure. except that you can't model God...... especially not in a number of characters. if you care about collectivism you care about the lives of the individuals within that collective, you care about them making a difference in their life: they can still share their personal spiritual journeys in the the journal section or a new fun philosophy section which i doubt since he wants to become more serious. the consciousness section is a dump and anyone serious should be contemplating... I'm not that serious that's why i'm online... which is not what we should want for, it being a distraction, not a help

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Just now, John Paul said:

@BlueOak sure. except that you can't model God......

You know that. I know that, but I choose to anyway.
Why do I choose to. Because I live here, not in the reality we'd like it to be. When the concept of god comes up, as it just did in a discussion then I have a response. Rather than saying [                ] - and even this defines god and lessens the meaning because i've had to respresent god with a symbol or box, or space at all. 

Most people don't know that. The vast majority in fact.

2 minutes ago, John Paul said:

if you care about collectivism you care about the lives of the individuals within that collective, you care about them making a difference in their life: they can still share their personal spiritual journeys in the the journal section or a new fun philosophy section which i doubt since he wants to become more serious. the consciousness section is a dump and anyone serious should be contemplating... I'm not that serious that's why i'm online... which is not what we should want for, it being a distraction, not a help

You are not the first to say they want a higher consciousness section that is more moderated, or exclusive. I prefer a mix of everything :D, I learn more about myself and feel its more helpful to everyday life. I understand though why people want to just go somewhere where people think or reference life more like they do, or don't have to deal with things they don't want to. I get it, we all do that to an extent.

I know collectivism is individualism. I get it. I am just giving you as best I can perspectives of people who identify more with those labels or choose to identify for whatever emotional attachment or identity they have formed to put them there.

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48 minutes ago, BlueOak said:

Why do I choose to. Because I live here, not in the reality we'd like it to be.

or is it because we are 1.lazy 2. allowing distraction 3. ignorance- in this case it is it feels kind of hard to ask to remove philosophizing from the forum. but still i think that maybe there should be an introductory playlist on the site for newbies and then when they read the forum guidelines: "if you have a question about what these items mean: " or "confusion about this concept" you can ask, any other "what is _____" question you have to ask yourself.


48 minutes ago, BlueOak said:

You are not the first to say they want a higher consciousness section that is more moderated, or exclusive.

moreso i am triggered by Leo bringing it up instead of proactively having something brought to the table. it's like he just wants to scold people idk. i'm trying to suggest productivity, where's he at, idk, commenting on some spiritual post that is some guy who has done like 4 hours of contemplation in his life

Edited by John Paul

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59 minutes ago, John Paul said:

my perspective is group philosophizing/contemplation in this forum format is extremely counter-productive/distracting. 

You do know that @Leo Gura is pushing philosophy most of the time? Is it a surprise it's so prevalent on the forum and that folks want to emulate him?

57% paranoid

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14 minutes ago, John Paul said:

or is it because we are 1.lazy 2. allowing distraction 3. ignorance- in this case it is it feels kind of hard to ask to remove philosophizing from the forum. but still i think that maybe there should be an introductory playlist on the site for newbies and then when they read the forum guidelines: "if you have a question about what these items mean: " or "confusion about this concept" you can ask, any other "what is _____" question you have to ask yourself.

1) Yes. 2) Yes but isn't everything distraction. 3) Yes.

I still feel like helping others is the way to go and letting them make mistakes is fine. I make them all the time.
*I know there are no mistakes ;)

Edited by BlueOak

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@LastThursday an intentional block of time in an intentionally focussed space... not for 10 minutes on the internet.

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It's easy to criticize Leo, i take back my attack. but the raw feedback remains

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1 hour ago, John Paul said:

in an intentionally focussed space

I can get behind that, just have another section for Philosophy and all the navel gazers (including me) can go there.

1 hour ago, John Paul said:

in an intentional block of time

I have no idea what you mean by this. What do you mean by this?

57% paranoid

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Dude, stop trying to enforce your narrow view of every little aspect that you think the forum "should be" onto it lol. 

The meditation section also has the word "paranormal" in the subheading. That means we can talk about ghosts, aliens, bigfoot, ESP and all kinds of stuff there. How are you going to account for that? You're okay with us discussing personal experiences we've had with Bigfoot, just not general philosophy about Bigfoot?

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