
Artists aren't as impactful as engineers, People don't care about Art

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these are just my shower thoughts

It might be that I myself can't see the value of writing a novel, producing a film/cartoon & music, but I always enjoyed it. but the impact Art makes on the world seems to be masturatory, take one of the biggest Artists in human history: Picasso, What the hell are paintings supposed to do? they just sit there, people look at them, get a little inspiration or show appreciation, but that's about it. The biggest artist made no difference. but Bill Gates created Windows and allowed computers and the internet to flourish, which made a big difference! Computers made life so much easier, simper, more efficient and much much more. The impact artists make always seemed insignificant when compared to more technical math type of people.


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Art can connect you to God, directly, timelessly. That timeless moment is enough to justify all the artists in the world.

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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Inspiration is huge. Bill Gates was probably emotionally moved and inspired by art whether he knows it or not. Art has the capacity to heal someone. A piece of music could bring someone to tears. This in turn could be what they needed to move to the next part of their spiritual journey which might include becoming a president.

And the psychological effects of creating art can even help people that work in more practical, innovative careers like you're saying possibly.

You could also take the perspective, and i would, that Leo's PD content and Bill Gate's creations are Art. Art is not just Picasso painting a painting, it's connecting your inner, suppressed self and releasing that pain into beauty and progress for all. Everything is art whether your bias says it's productive or not. Maybe in 1000 years Microsoft is looked at as a regress by universities around the world....really we can't know. 

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2 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

@Gili Trawangan What about artists who make action movies? those don't connect you to God? 

they do connect you to god. more likely a more emotionally simplistic or some other adjective version of god


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24 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

Bill Gates created Windows and allowed computers and the internet to flourish

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniack, Mark Zuckerberg, etc are all artists. Technology is just not usually seen as a medium of art.

In the movie "Steve Jobs" with Michael Fassbender, they even reference this when Jobs insists that computers are paintings and that leading a team of software engineers is equivalent to conducting an orchestra

Edited by Phil King

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Accurate self-expression can be an equal measure to human-development than practicality. A focus on practicality from a society may be ignoring may emotions that art communities do not. And those emotions being expressed/talked about could exponentially increase the type of productivity you're speaking of counter-intuitively 

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23 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

these are just my shower thoughts

It might be that I myself can't see the value of writing a novel, producing a film/cartoon & music, but I always enjoyed it. but the impact Art makes on the world seems to be masturatory, take one of the biggest Artists in human history: Picasso, What the hell are paintings supposed to do? they just sit there, people look at them, get a little inspiration or show appreciation, but that's about it. The biggest artist made no difference. but Bill Gates created Windows and allowed computers and the internet to flourish, which made a big difference! Computers made life so much easier, simper, more efficient and much much more. The impact artists make always seemed insignificant when compared to more technical math type of people.


   I can relate, sometimes I'm like what's the point of art? Is this actually a good field for me? Is this aligned with my life purpose? My vision for my life? Do I want to get payed in this field? Is this realy my deepest passion? Is this really fixing and filing in what's missing in the world? Why are fields related to S.T.E.M more impactful than other forms of art?

   Bill Gates developed his skills early on, but also is inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, and I'm sure sometimes he would motivate myself from time to time, viewing art works. I think that's one of the purposes behind the existence of art pieces, and how they impact the world. They impact the world by inspiring viewers to one day be creators, and to keep reminding people that they are alive, not robots. Also helps develop and strengthen visualization skills, to the point you can 3d model anything in your mind 

   Erotic art is one extreme example, it is quite impactful in reminding you of your human nature to perv.


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Examples: the people we consider valuable, noble and who shaped our society 

Mathematicians, Scientists, Leaders, Engineers (overall technical people)

1. Albert Einstein
2. Elon Musk (Tesla,Spacex,Paypal,TBC)
3. Alan Turing (So impactful they put him on the 50 pound note)
4. Steve Jobs (Apple)
5. Bill Gates (Microsoft)
6. Henry Ford (The Ford Company)

Maybe it's because Leaders are more impactful, and most Artists have no interest in Leadership it seems, but technical people do.

take those I listed above and compare them to these:

1. Pablo Picasso
2. Michelangelo
3. Walt Disney (Honesty, I don't even know how something like Disneyland contributes to humankind, its all just fun and games...)
4. Every Musician ever (I googled most well known musicians, and I feel like even if you took all 50ish of them that we're listed in the search, all 50 couldn't hold a candle to a single one listed above)
5. George Lucas
6. Quentin Tarantino

These last two we're the best examples.

The Musicians seem to be the least valuable. it really seems like these people we're just the support pillars to inspire the people who actually made a difference. Albert was a fan of music, SteveJ loved Bob Dylan

Edited by MarkKol
sorry for the typos

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15 minutes ago, Phil King said:

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniack, Mark Zuckerberg, etc are all artists. Technology is just not usually seen as a medium of art.

In the movie "Steve Jobs" with Michael Fassbender, they even reference this when Jobs insists that computers are paintings and that leading a team of software engineers is equivalent to conducting an orchestra

I agree, every work can be seen as art. Maybe I'm not clear here, I'm trying to compare Technical people and people interested in science, math, engineering to people interested in Storytelling, books/writing, music, film, sculpting, animation, 3D modeling, Games and the rest 

A good example is China and their ban on Video games, I think its safe to assume that they think video games & movies and somehow harmful to society.

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32 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

@Gili Trawangan What about artists who make action movies? those don't connect you to God? 

Die Hard is a fucking masterpiece :D

So there are no rules, anything goes.

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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27 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

I can relate, sometimes I'm like what's the point of art? Is this actually a good field for me? Is this aligned with my life purpose? My vision for my life? Do I want to get payed in this field? Is this realy my deepest passion? Is this really fixing and filing in what's missing in the world? Why are fields related to S.T.E.M more impactful than other forms of art?

You get me, I'm also interested in Art an I've been considering turning it into my life purpose for months now. But I always fail to see what's the point of it, and it has to be strong! how am I supposed to wake up in the morning saying my work is the most important thing there is? how can you say that when all you do is paint or make cartoons? (which is what I'm interested in) how can cartoons or music be the most important thing there is? a person who thinks that has to be seriously misguided about everything. 

I can bullshit myself into thinking that Cartoons are important, but I can never bullshit myself into feeling that cartoons are important. 

replace "Cartoons" with every artistic field, they're all the same.

Edited by MarkKol

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I'd consider the following people/fields more valuable or rather most valuable - 

Self Development - coaches 

Medical field - doctors, nurses 

Military - soldiers, intelligence and strategists 

Technology - engineers, technologists 

Spirituality - sages that impart wisdom for daily life. And also psychologists, therapists 



Note - the order of the above is random and not in terms of priority 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Art is often a political tool.

There is access to the sublime via art. Also, it is an emotional coping mechanism for many. It allows many to feel seen, and validated.

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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@Gili Trawangan

17 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:

Die Hard is a fucking masterpiece :D

So there are no rules, anything goes.

Oh I'm not saying I can't appreciate good movies, In fact I'm a huge fan & and love them to death. but just how do you convince yourself that 
that's the most important work you could be doing?

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31 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

the people we consider valuable

Your personal bias/the bias of SD Orange.


13 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

But I always fail to see what's the point of it, and it has to be strong! how am I supposed to wake up in the morning saying my work is the most important thing there is?

because this is YOUR life.. no one else's and because you DESERVE to feel joy and spirituality bro 

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1 minute ago, Ulax said:

Also, it is an emotional coping mechanism for many. It allows many to feel seen, and validated.

is validation important? feel seen? then it seems like people are babies and art is a pacifier they can suck on, nobody gets up in the morning saying "Ah! ready to give everybody validation and comfort, because that's Important!"

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Just now, MarkKol said:

is validation important? feel seen? then it seems like people are babies and art is a pacifier they can suck on, nobody gets up in the morning saying "Ah! ready to give everybody validation and comfort, because that's Important!"

some are not seeking validation from others. maybe it's because they are validating them self and what they love to do/create. and that is inspiration for others to do the same to stop being a little baby trying to seek validation by having a productive, intelligent life purpose rather than an emotional one ;) 

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2 minutes ago, John Paul said:
34 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

the people we consider valuable

Your personal bias/the bias of SD Orange.


I can see that for sure, I'm definitely bias. but I'm trying to understand and move up a stage, but I don't know how. many times I even struggle to understand how Leo's work is important, the only difference is that is resonates with me intellectually, but emotionally I could never convince myself to make something like that my purpose. 

To my stage orange mind it seems like what he's doing is inefficient because people aren't willing to care about Wisdom or Integrity or Truth. Nothing wrong with his content of course but it seems like people(People who listen to him) are the bottleneck in all this. 

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18 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

@Gili Trawangan

Oh I'm not saying I can't appreciate good movies, In fact I'm a huge fan & and love them to death. but just how do you convince yourself that 
that's the most important work you could be doing?

Spirituality is what got me there.

By seeing that ultimately everything is God's dream, life ceases to be serious or heavy, so there isn't "most important work" any longer, there is following one's passion and love.

And even in relative terms, sharing love and positivity through art does help the world.

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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