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True story of awakening curing a mental illness

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Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I last visited I've got a true story of awakening curing a mental illness that I want to share with you guys. My cousin got an awakening that cured his mental illness But before I get into that, I think I get to say awakening is probably ( I'm not sure) not good in this case. 

I have a cousin that I really love. His mother and I recognized from his childhood that he had the potential to become a good actor but he unluckily inherited a mental illness from his father . He's been suffering from his childhood, worse by time. He's been lying unneccessarily just to enjoy himself by talking nonsense, causing trouble and all kinds of stuff,  not working to earn money. He lived an unhealthy life, being impatient like an animal, wasting his money like a rich kid while in reality his family is poor, though he never got into heroin or cigarrette or any drug of the sort. People could still communicate with him. If you just talk with him 2-3 times you would not realize he got a mental illness. You would even probably think he's an interesting guy. He never admitted ( probably even to himself) that he was an insane man even though his parents told me 1 female doctor have told him directly.
 About three years ago, he self-harmed himself by cutting his left hand (below the arm but above the palm) and therefore that led to a lot of scars on his hand. He sadly said he just wanted to bleed to death. What a stupid action and I heard it. How could small injuries lead to death by bleeding, ceartainly the body would heal them. It only resulted in him looking ugliness. His hand is now like a tree, not a human's hand. I told him to try meditation. And in 2021 Oct he somehow got awakened. He finally admitted he was insane his whole life. Now he's got a more healthy life, really healthy. 
However, after his mental illness was cured, he became very sad for having remembered he himself created all those scars on his hand. Prior to this, he never cared about those scars. He's got a temporary job now but always worried the boss would fire him if they know about those scars. Only heroin addicts would self-harm themselves but in fact he NEVER did drugs. 

He's still meditating now but honestly in this case, I feel that it would have been better if he just committed suicide because he himself because he tells me to him living is just like a dragging to grave. There's zero chance he can become an actor when he has those scars and he's facing the possibility of being fired if the boss saw those scars. He's got zero work experience. 

So, is awakening from a mental illness really good? I have reverence for life but honestly I think the people who have mental illness and ALREADY self-harmed themselves like my cousin should receive euthanasia. Having realized you yourself self-harmed and destroyed your life is more detrimental than anything.

Surprisingly, my cousin forgives his father for passing insane genes on him. He's told me an insane person does not know he's insane. Only healthy people can recognize insanity in mad people. Therefore, he instead hates his mother more for having married a madman. 


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