Hardik jain

Meditation Is Making Me Insane!

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Meditation is making me insane.

Any idea how I can not become mad? & what's wrong why is it making me mad?

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This is good! your worst days are your best days. It is the days where you want to claw your eyes or get angry, miserable, depressed (even suicidal) that come as symptoms of the effect that meditation has on you. 

Think about it: Your whole life, your monkey mind has been constantly stimulated with all of the influences of mainstream media, society, culture, etc. and when you unhook from that, do you not think the mind will resist? Of course it will go crazy because you are taking yourself outside your comfort zone and forcing your mind to be still! It is like you take a heroine junkie who has been addicted for 10 years and you stop giving him his daily fix.How will he feel? Terrible, right? But does that mean he should go back to cocaine just because his emotions say so? ;) 



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I have been meditating now for several years with some sessions of meditation over 5 hours straight. Meditation is a tool that when learned you will be able to clear all the everyday chatter from the more deeply emotional feelings, which can sometimes be very annoying, but also shows a challenge that when mastered you are more and more able to self-realize. You learn the most during the time when you indeed get crazy about sitting still or thinking it is enough because these are the exact cause that cause procrastination and other "unfocused" thoughts.

You have to understand it is not "meditation" making you mad, everything you do is you and since you acknowledge that you don't like what you find there is the possibility to do inner work, or chose to ignore it while it still affects your thoughts in some deeper level.

In short, your doing the correct thing! Try to embrace the silence and let it be.

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13 hours ago, Hardik jain said:

Meditation is making me insane.

Any idea how I can not become mad? & what's wrong why is it making me mad?

If you begin with sitting, you will feel much disturbance inside. The more you try to just sit, the more disturbance will be felt; you will become aware only of your insane mind and nothing else. It will create depression, you will feel frustrated. You will not feel blissful; rather, you will begin to feel that you are insane. And sometimes you may really go insane.

If you make a sincere effort to 'just sit,' you may really go insane. Only because people do not really try sincerely does insanity not happen more often. With a sitting posture you begin to know so much madness inside you that if you are sincere and continue it, you may really go insane. You may not be ready to be aware of all the insanity that is inside you; you must be allowed to get to know certain things gradually. Knowledge is not always good; it must unfold itself slowly as your capacity to absorb it grows.

 If you dance madly, the opposite happens within you. With a mad dance, you begin to be aware of a silent point within you; with sitting silently, you begin to be aware of madness. The opposite is always the point of awareness. With your dancing madly, chaotically, with crying, with chaotic breathing, allow your madness. Then you begin to be aware of a subtle point, a deep point inside you that is silent and still, in contrast to the madness on the periphery. You will feel very blissful; at your center there is an inner silence. But if you are just sitting, then the inner one is the mad one; you are silent on the outside, but inside you are mad.

If you begin with something active, something positive, alive, moving , it will be better; then you will begin to feel an inner stillness growing. The more it grows, the more it will be possible for you to use a sitting posture or a lying posture , the more silent meditation will be possible. But by then things will be different, totally different.

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I don't understand. What does insane mean? 

How is one thing sane and another in-sane? This is the human experience, every human experience is a normal human experience. Embrace it. This is what it means to be a human.


So anyway, after I first read the power of now, I was excited for one reason: As long as I have the breath, I will never go "insane", because I can get out of the "mad" or unwanted stream of thought by concentrating on breath. It's an anchor to sanity, use it. It will calm you down for sure. 

If you don't give attention to thoughts but to breath or inner body, thoughts no longer get energised by you and will die out in their own time. Only energise what serves you. Let the good seeds grow and starve the bad.


Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Must watch, if you enjoyed this there is an application called "Headspace" which helps you guide during a meditation. For beginners this is excellent, because you stop thinking for a while and can enter a trance if you really follow what he is saying.


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Been reading this great book called: The Freedom of Choice by Tom J. Chalko

Loving it, thought i should share 2 pages i just snapshot.

"Whoever seeks - will find..."




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@pluto what does it say concentration part could be like?

Edited by Alex K

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At some point you'll have audio and visual hallucinations, you'll literally see and hear Santa Claus talking to you about raping little children !

Don't give up now !


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Hardik jain Just keep being very mindful of your emotions and thoughts, so you don't get sucked into them too much. Or at least so you can see that you getting sucked into them.

Grounding activities like physical exercise or sports can be helpful too.

Otherwise, just keep meditating. That's always the solution unless you're totally stressed out and need a rest. But after a rest, back into meditation!

Emotional upheaval is THE POINT of meditation (in a way). It's like muscle burn at the gym.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Hardik jain That's the key of meditation, you have to become insane in order to become peaceful. If you can deal with your emotion when you meditate then you will know how to deal with your emotion in your real life. At first, I couldn't understand how can meditation can help me but after I went to a vipassana retreat, the master in that retreat had helped me to understand how can I use meditation in real life. And this is it.

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Meditation should be done in a clean safe environment with incense. Some sweet smelling incense in the morning after you are cleaned and a stronger tougher incense around seven pm. Sitting criss cross with your back straight and hands on the knees. Starting with the fist closed become close to God. With the pinky on the thumb to start meditate on how you want education specially for you when your ready, thumb on index and meditate on the money, move on to the next finger meditate on health, next.. your carrier.. next is love. Ending with fist open. We come into this world with our fist closed(as babies we are holding onto something as our fists clench) and when we die our fists are open(we take nothing). Then pray for five minutes before you fall asleep. The order you mediate can be any just an example of an order. Remember the right way in life is always hard but comes with benefits in the end. The easy way or bad path brings lots of money but is temporary. This is all something my teacher has taught me and I'm not responsible for this wisdom. Just wanted to share I hope it helps.  

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