
My greatest insight

10 posts in this topic

Hey guys how is it going ? I just came across this insight few days ago and I would like to share this with you, I think about this and it is very helpfull in all aspects of life.

Work on your goal delegently and you will achieve it sooner or later.

So why be frustrated, angry, anxious and envious during the process ? 

Just enjoy life the way it comes.

Even if you don't achieve your goals, Why be frustrated, angry, anxious and envious ?

Just enjoy life, follow the mastery process and accept drudgery.

I would like to hear your most powerful insights too, please share them down below.

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It seems when one is taking action towards a goal and they have developed a a certain degree of conciousness then there is more flow states in ones life. It is enjoyable to take the action towards the meaningful goal. When I stop taking action, there is more of a tendency to experience the uncertainty you mentioned. It seems theres two components, there is the goal action component and there is the addressing the issues that one is aware of when they are not taking action. eg. Anxiety and frustration.


The acceptance of the drudgery is easier said than done...what helps you to embrace that drudgery again and again each day? 



Edited by Spence94

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The one who loves their Craft the most Wins in their domain. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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3 hours ago, Spence94 said:

The acceptance of the drudgery is easier said than done...what helps you to embrace that drudgery again and again each day? 

Having a why, cause, or purpose, meaningful enough that you would be willing to die for it to be brought to fruition at scale.

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@Vision How does one develop that kind of strength of purpose and love when it's all an illusion?


"The paradox of this whole game is that it's all an illusion but must be played with dead seriousness." Leo. \

How does one play the game more seriously? For example if someone wants to be an artist, how do they make art something they are willing to die for?

Perhaps the universal love inside needs to infuse the worldy actions to create the to die for meaning. Willing to kill the ego in the name of the love for the craft and the artform. In touch with the deepest parts of ourselves to draw the why deep from within.

Edited by Spence94

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I just love y'all ??.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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Yes. Perhaps love really is all you need.

" I am loving awareness." Ram Dass

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Life is a game and I the bigger picture it doesn't really matter who won or lost so why give a fuck ? Just enjoy the game, unless yoh like being an asshole with a stick up his ass.

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On 28/2/2022 at 5:09 PM, Spence94 said:

@Vision How does one develop that kind of strength of purpose and love when it's all an illusion?


"The paradox of this whole game is that it's all an illusion but must be played with dead seriousness." Leo. \

How does one play the game more seriously? For example if someone wants to be an artist, how do they make art something they are willing to die for?

Perhaps the universal love inside needs to infuse the worldy actions to create the to die for meaning. Willing to kill the ego in the name of the love for the craft and the artform. In touch with the deepest parts of ourselves to draw the why deep from within.


Eating food is an illusion, yet you still get hungry. 

You said it yourself, it’s all an illusion. So if it’s all an illusion, including your survival and emotions, you have the freedom to create your own meaning. Meaning is subjective and relative to every individual. It’s a construction, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyed, and it doesn’t mean it can’t be something you’re willing to die for. 

Perhaps some artist would be willing to die to have all their creative ideas brought to fruition in the world, so that it greatly inspires others. That could be the most meaningful thing to that artist, maybe not to us, but what matters is whether that feels meaningful to them. One thing that feels meaningful to one person can seem meaningless to another person. 

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