
"You-ness" and "I-ness" - isn't this more accurate language to describe Self?

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I've been observing and enjoying all of the solipsism "debates" going on here the past week or so but can't help but think that we are all falling to a trap of language.

Using words like "you" or "I" while always qualifying which version of said words you're referring to seems a pretty inaccurate way to convey the Absolute. "You" and "I" are very dualistic terms that are ultimately false. Language creates separation where none physically exist. 

I think if we emphasize the qualitative nature of Self by using the suffix "ness" we would get around a lot of these stupid debates. 

When we think that there is only infinite "I-ness" it becomes easier to conceive of how "others" don't exist but rather that "you" are simply nothingness experiencing/feeling the particular body and life that "you" are dreaming. 


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All actual.

Edited by Zeroguy

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"I" and "you" are bad words do describe the self ime. The self which is pure beingness is devoid of any sense of I. It's devoid of any sense altogether. No self is good definition of it imo. My favorite definition of self is just nothingness. And nothingness is not an I. And nothingness is not a you. It's just beyond everything. Like isness. Isness can't be called an I. It just is. Not word can define isness. Not even "I" or "you".

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Nothigness refers to pure formless Love from which everything is made of.



Edited by Zeroguy

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Good insight! We think in terms of objects and nouns when the experience is of processes and verbs. Recently I had an image of awareness as energy which sometimes takes on a directionality; like a double ended arrow pointing inwards (me, self) and outwards (you, other). Or like a magnet with two poles. But it's all one energy. Cut the magnet in half and you still get two poles in each piece. 

Rupert Spira recently did a video on 'The Ego Is an Activity, Not an Entity' which relates. We could also add, that if the self is an activity, then so is the other, the rest of reality.

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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What is the most direct ... that is? What is this? The ... that is. This. This, right now.

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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11 hours ago, Anahata said:

What is the most direct ... that is? What is this? The ... that is. This. This, right now.

Infinite Love=God.

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@Zeroguy Absolutely. And the love that is experiened is one with the Infinite Love that God/Self is. 

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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On 1.3.2022. at 5:33 PM, Anahata said:

@Zeroguy Absolutely. And the love that is experiened is one with the Infinite Love that God/Self is. 

It is literally Infinite.It can be experinced.

Namaste.?(no it is not 150$)


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