
Trip Report: First Psychedelic Experience - 10g "Atlantis" Magic Truffles

3 posts in this topic


Recently I've tried magic truffles, my first time doing psychedelics, and here's my trip report. It will be a pretty long report because I wanted to write about all I've learned, so at the end of each trip paragraph I've put a TL;DR section to summarize the contents.

I was staying in a hotel with my girlfriend. I had my trip in the hotel room.



10 grams of "Atlantis" magic truffles.


Intake Form

Grinded magic truffles in room temperature green tea with 15 drops of lemon juice. More details below.


Preparation: The Day Before

I tried to eat healthy in the days before, and the day before I had only vegetables for dinner.


Preparation: The Day Of The Trip

Woke up late, around 10 am. I had a banana for breakfast at around 11 am, then went out to buy magic truffles with my girlfriend who also wanted to try them. We planned to take truffles around 1 pm (13:00). We bought a pack of 20 grams of "Atlantis" magic truffles, 10 grams each. At the store we also bought a plastic weed grinder to grind magic truffles.

However we returned to the hotel late, at around 2:30 pm (14:30) and I was very hungry, I was pretty much fasting since dinner of the day before. But I decided not to eat anything. My girlfriend ate some food: we agreed that I would try truffles first, with her being my trip sitter, then we'd switch roles, because I'm more grounded and experienced with spirituality than her.

After returning to the hotel, I started the preparation. I found online about mushrooms/truffles tea and lemon tekking, and I wanted to combine both of their effects: the tea and the lemon to avoid nausea, the lemon to make the trip faster (even though lemon makes the trip stronger as people report). So I grinded my 10 grams of truffles with the grinder and put the crumbs in a glass, then poured some tea over them and added 15 drops of lemon juice (just 15 because I didn't want my trip to be too powerful). Then I stirred the mix with a straw. After 5 minutes I added more tea and stirred again. After more 5 minutes the mix was ready and I drank it, at around 3 pm (15:00).

The mix looked like an earthy and watered down schlob, with the truffles crumbs on the bottom of the glass. The taste was horrible: it was sour, and acid, and earthy, and the crumbs seemed like a sticky soup. I mean, the taste was bearable, but still horrible. I also drank the crumbs in order not to waste psylocibin.

Then I sat on the bed, cross-legged, back on the wall with some cushions behind me.

At this point I was anxious, because I knew that psychedelics are a powerful tool and I didn't know what to expect.


TL;DR - Check "Intake Form" paragraph above. Horrible taste.


The Trip: The Start

During the first 30 minutes I was anxious, but nothing happened. After ~30 minutes I started to have nausea, like wanting to throw up, but it didn't happen.

After ~35 minutes I also started to feel very tired, like I was lacking energies, and my body was starting to shutting down like it does when you go to sleep. My body wanted to surrender to this sensation of "melting" and fall asleep. I then searched through my notes about psylocibin and truffles to see if eating before the peak would end the trip, and I stumbled upon a comment from this forum which said that passing out during the peak can be terrifying. This scared me, but my anxiety was fighting this sleepy sensation.

Fortunately I managed to stay awake, even though I was becoming more and more tired and relaxed. These feelings made me more talkative, and I started to talk non-stop about my experience and details about everything that came to mind (pretty much boring, mundane stuff). I'm not talkative, I have to make an effort to be it, so this feeling of being easily talkative was quite enjoyable to me. I felt like my throat was an open door through which energy passed freely as and how it wanted, while sober my throat is more like a closed door. However, my mouth was starting to be more difficult to control, and I had more difficulty articulating thoughts verbally.

At some point I was feeling so tired and relaxed that I felt like laying down on the bed. So I did. When I lied down on the bed I noticed that my body was heavier, and it was a little more difficult to control my limbs. However my mind was still sharp and clear as before.

After laying down on the bed, the feeling of tiredness subsided a bit and remained mostly the feeling of relaxation.

After ~50 minutes I looked a wall to see if I'd see some visual effects. I'm not sure if it was placebo or not, but it seemed to me that the wall was slitghly more "inflated", like a balloon.

After ~1 hour I grabbed a drawing I had by my side and I looked it to see if I saw other visuals. But no, still no visuals (I was checking for visuals to know when the interesting part of the trip would start). When I put the drawing in front of me my arm felt very heavy, it was difficult to keep it raised. When I put the drawing down, I saw a feeble light pattern on the wall, like when you look at something for long enough and then you look to a white wall and you see the same shape of the drawing on the wall. I think this was the start of visuals because the feeble pattern didn't go away.

At some point my girlfriend started to tell me she was bored of waiting and she didn't know what to do in the meantime. Since I knew a trip can last many hours, since it was already late, since I took a newbie dose, and since the effects I had been mild up until that point, I allowed her to take her dose of truffles in about an hour. The idea was that she would have had the peak while I was having the comedown. And so we did (more details later, nothing bad happened, but still it was a VERY risky thing to do) (for the first 1 hour and half I kept telling my girlfriend the effects I was having, so that she could prepare herself).

After ~1 hour and 10 minutes I tried to close my eyes to see if I saw some geometries, which I did. I then stayed a while with my eyes closed, focusing on the geometries. They were like a more complex and structured version of the geometries and patterns you see sober when you close your eyes.

I also noticed that my sensation of relaxation transformed in a sensation of pleasure, emanating from the diaphragm area and expanding and diffusing nearby. This feeling of pleasure was accompanied by the feeling that nothing matters. Nothing mattered. This mood progressively increased.

I also noticed that my bodily awareness started to increase: I felt my physical sensations more clearly, they were more "evident": the feeling of the shirt on my arms, the feeling of the sheets of the bed under me, the general flow of energy in my body, my emotions, etc.

After ~1 hour and 15 minutes I reopened my eyes, but I couldn't still see on the walls the geometries I saw with my eyes closed.

After ~1hour and 20 minutes I looked at another wall. On this wall there were photos of wool fabric. I looked at them, and briefly after I started to see the wool fabric spinning in a vortex-like manner. This was the first clear visual effect I saw.

I then closed my eyes, to see if I saw more interesting geometries. This was the start of the peak.


TL;DR - Nausea and sleepiness. Some cool visual effects. Pleasure in the body. Mood of "nothing matters". Increased awareness in the body.


The Trip: The Peak

I closed my eyes to see the geometries, and this was the start of the "dimensions" phase. Before tripping, I wanted to do some self-inquiry and to contemplate some aspects of reality, but during the trip that desire, that pull, that drive melted because of the bodily sensations and I preferred to relax and enjoy the show. I also stopped talking to my girlfriend because talking would interfere with the experience.

After closing my eyes I started to see places rather than geometries: the first "dimension" I saw was a dimension with arabic machinery inside. I saw buildings with an arabic style, and inside them there were machines such as the ones you imagine you could find in a 18th century industry. But the machines were everywhere, and they overlapped.

I couldn't find anything similar on the internet, but I found these images which can give you a remote idea of what I've experienced:



(this last image is too cartoonish, too trippy, and too colourful, the dominant colours were beige and black)

Then I saw the mushroom dimension, a dimension where I saw shapes of mushrooms, plants, energy (I don't remember this very well) in a twisted manner, with violet and dark green colours, which gave me gloomy, Tim Burton vibes, like the ones this photo gives me (the lower part of the image):


Then I saw the dimension of pillars, a dimension where I saw striped black and white pillars, like this (which is not black and white though):


And finally I saw a dimension, or rather a big shiny infinite hallway, with a neon purple color, full of ganesha statues all identical to each other, lined up to the sides of the hallway to infinity. It felt pretty much like this animation at 1:02:02, but my body was not there and I saw the hallway as a pure point of awareness looking to the hallway from up.

All of these dimensions morphed, or they morphed while the dimensions changed. And I remember seeing symbols of eyes inside diamond shapes. It felt like DMT geometries/patterns/worlds, but not as vivid or intense because the dosage was too low.

All these dimensions were tridimensional, rather than a pattern on a black screen (my eyes were closed). They felt like real places.

I remember seeing the ganesha statues and thinking to myself: "Wait, why am I seeing ganesha statues? I'm not hindu, shouldn't I see symbols and iconography from my western culture?". So I focused my intention on seeing western symbols like Christ or something regarding the church (I'm not religious, just wanted to try) but I felt my will had no power there. At all. That dimension was being made from a deeper layer of my mind, a layer I didn't have access to.

I don't know how much time this journey inside these dimension lasted, but I felt like I forgot time existed. During this journey I noticed other interesting stuff.

I noticed that the sensations of pleasures became more intense and extended in all my body, like waves of pleasure washing my body. My internal bodily sensations become more vivid and evident, more noticeable, and also I felt a pull towards the ground (the bed I should say), like gravity had been amped. I felt a desire to drop into the bed, into that sensation, behind my back. A sensation telling me to surrender to the experience, to fall inside myself. I felt, intuitively and sensorially, that the experience and the substance were calling me, waiting for me kindly and patiently to surrender and fall into it. I also felt like the experience was telling me that I should have taken more than 10 grams.

I felt like the bodily sensations were wrapping me, hugging me, making me full. All of this made the experience of the dimensions more "real", meaning that I forgot I was in my room with another person, and I felt fully immersed in the dimensions' reality. But at the same time I was a spectator: I felt like the dimensions I saw were a show to be watched, rather than an experience to be savored immersively. I didn't have to do anything, just watch.

The dimensions I saw also felt like liminal realities: I felt like they were situated in the space between my point of awareness and reality (aka my room), between my point of awareness and the objects perceived.

The progression of the show had a direction indipendent of my will. I felt like the dimensions I saw and their sequence had a purpose, a reason, a goal, but I didn't understand what it was. Focusing on other stuff rather than the show was futile and counterproductive to my enjoyment. At some point I tried to focus my will on directing the trip on another direction, insisting on it, and when I did that, for a millisecond I felt an authoritative warning from the dimension I was experiencing, intuitively telling me that if I had insisted on resisting the experience I would have gone into a bad trip. I immediately stopped and I surrendered to the experience, giving up my desire to contemplate stuff or do something else.

The dimensions were alive, conscious, complex, infinite and vast. They were like a messanger that had something to tell me, and I understood that they were telling me a story, but I didn't understand the message. And at the same time I felt like those dimensions were governed by an entity (maybe more than one). I felt like this entity was communicating indirectly to me with the bodily sensations and the pleasure I perceived. And that pleasure was like a massage done to me while I was watching the show.

And this massage felt like freedom from and for the body: my bodily tensions were more "accessible", meaning that I didn't have to make an effort to make them surface like I do when I do body-related healing practices. They were more accessible but I didn't have the desire to work on them, to solve them, unless I decided to do so: again I felt like a spectator of my body.

Unfortunately when I felt the pull to the ground, the pull to fall into the experience, the call of the experience, I felt unable to do that fully because I had muscular tensions in my pelvic area (first chakra), which I addressed but couldn't solve.

And at the same time the waves of pleasure intuitively showed me that tensions in the body are always my choice. If I'm tense, it's me choosing to be tense, and I can choose whenever I want to be relaxed. But sadly this doesn't apply easily to sober reality.

Also, I noticed how the trip influenced my mind and thoughts. I noticed that while perceiving all of this stuff, my thoughts were more clear, more limpid, more evident, more nitid, "fuller" and without interferences or "background noise". They felt like putting glasses for the thoughts instead of glasses for the eyes, metaphorically speaking. Thoughts came up from nowhere already fully formed, from start to finish, and I understood that interferences are not an inherent quality of the thought: thoughts are always fully formed and clear, it's our mind which cover and blur and disturb them. It's us who add the disturbances to the thoughts.

The clarity of my thoughts was remarkable, and since they were less disturbed by my mind, I felt more authentic, more in tune with what I really think. I felt having less moral filters. I accepted my thoughts more without recognizing I was doing it. Also, I noticed my thoughts being more nitid only where my focus and attentions went.

And given this, I noticed that whenever I connected the dots regarding some topic or some reasoning, I felt the typical jolt of excitement you have when you have an insight (less intense though), even though I already had that insight.

All of this made me appreciate how powerful awareness is, and made me understand a little more clearly what awareness is.

This increased awareness made me more capable of seeing my personal and cultural biases in my reasonings, maybe because I felt my thoughts more "external", more like objects to be observed rather than something internal, something I consider part of me.

In addition, this sensation of my thoughts feeling more external was characteristic of the whole experience: this trip made me more detatched from my thoughts and my bodily sensations. I felt like I was a single point of awareness around which were glued sensations and thoughts. My thoughts felt like belonging to someone else, like someone was telling me them, arising from nowhere.

In the midst of all of this, while feeling like nothing mattered and with waves of pleasure rushing gently through my body, I watched the show. I felt that the overall experience came and went in 2-3 waves of intensity. When for the first time it went away I thought: "Nooo, the peak ended, I want it back!", and then it came again.

At some point, I asked this question in my mind: "Can I see the entity responsible for the dimensions?". The next thought that arose was: "Yes, you can see it" or something along those lines (don't know if that answer was something I made up without being aware of it).

But as the show I was seeing started to morph, I heard the door of the room opening, at about 6 pm (18:00).


TL;DR - DMT-like conscious dimensions, waves of pleasure, increased awareness, thoughts more nitid, experience telling me to surrender and fall into it, and other lessons.


The Trip: The Comedown

When I heard the door opening I didn't understand why I heard it opening. I opened my eyes and saw my girlfriend going out. I asked what she was doing, and she said she was going outside the hotel to get some fresh air. I suddenly remembered that while I was experiencing my peak, she took her dose of truffles at about 5 pm (17:00) (she told me and I was aware of it when she told me, but I forgot). I tried to convince her to stay in the room, but I failed, and she went out. After thinking what to do (my mind and body were telling me to surrender to the experience and that nothing matters), I went after her and babysitted her until we returned to the room. She was mostly absorbed by simple visual effects. Nothing bad happened.

While I babysitted her my mind came up with all sorts of thoughts in order to make me go to the room and finish enjoying the experience, but I stayed with her and when we returned to the room my peak had ended.

One thing worth mentioning is that when I exited my room to go after her I walked the hallway of that floor, and I had the classic visual effect of seeing the hallway stretch more and more as you walk through it. But when I made enough steps to get to the elevator, even if it seemed to me like I hadn't still got there, I thought: "This is a visual effect, I know I'll get to the elevator". I blinked and I was near the elevator. This shift felt like waking up from a dream.

After the peak I experienced calmness and relaxation in my body for 2-3 more hours (less intense though), gradually decreasing.

I also had an headache that night.


The Trip: The Days After

To this day I feel like the experience brought some tiny changes in my psyche, mostly regarding subconscious tensions and worries, which seem to be permanent. Overall a wonderful experience, and I'm eager to try it again.

Unfortunately my dose was too low for the lessons learned to seep in my mind deeply and change how I perceive reality or other stuff, but maybe next time will be better. I also learned that I may not need a trip sitter, I can trip solo if I'm careful and wise.


Edited by Superfluo

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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@Superfluo Awesome report. The Tim Burton vibes is something I always encounter on psilocybin. 

Sounds like you got your first good taste of the psychedelic experience! Even though you wanted to take more, I would say thats just about as perfect as a first trip could go.

Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed reading ?

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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Glad you liked it! 

Having had DMT-visuals, I thought the trip was too powerful to be a standard introduction.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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