
Want all worksheets of Actualized.org

12 posts in this topic

Hi actualized people,

Can anyone share all the worksheets which were designed by Leo in his videos ?


I guess it was around 2 years or 3 years ago where Leo would give us a lot of worksheets.

Can someone share all those worksheets?

Or best if Leo @Leo Gura could share all the worksheets that were shared in the vedios ?

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Aren't they still under the videos? 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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4 minutes ago, Ulax said:

@Yarco y?

Its about self mastery. Taking ownership of your results in life and realizing the hard work required to do it. Not getting spoon-fed everything you need.

How hard is it for someone to click through 500 videos and look through the descriptions themselves and find the links if they're actually committed to this work?

Why assume there is some value in getting and doing the worksheets without watching the associated videos first to put them in context?

Most videos have practical actions to take after watching them, you don't need worksheets.

Instead of coming to the forum and mooching for worksheets, assuming someone has made a super niche custom-tailored list for you, why don't you take some initiative and go compile that list yourself and provide some value.

Good posts on forums are ones that offer something, not just beg for handouts.

Why not take the effort to write out the word "why" instead of a single letter response?

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@Yarco Doesn't seem like a big issue for me.

Dude might be time pressed, or have a specific personal project he's working on. Also, bit of a waste of time to search through 500 videos if someone else has already compiled what you want


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@Ulax thanks buddy.

@Yarco that's why we are here in this form, so that we can help one and another grow right ? I had collected all worksheets earlier but my old laptop doesn't work anymore , many people in this forum have collected a lot of these resources so I thought maybe someone may have this already and could help me out. 

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@Yarco It’s actually the ego that wants to master itself. You’re loved, mastered or not. 

Actualized isn’t just about mastery anymore either.

Mastery was just the best part about Leo’s ego, that’s how we all got here.

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Someone made an actualized.org textbook a while back. Maybe they included the worksheet.

Using the forum's search function I reckon you could check quite quickly.


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