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In awe of discovery

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I guess I just wanted to say that I find it so weird how there can be stuff that is there that we don't see and it is like it is not there and then once we see it, it is like - wow, how come I never saw this before.

It is also weird how we can be so against opposing ideas and so refusing to want to listen to them when we are depriving ourselves of having another awe moment.  We are trading the potential awe for irritation because we have seemingly decided that there is no awe to be found - or we have forgotten that awe moments exist and just take everything for granted.

Then when we have that awe, and it is like - wow!  It feels like magic.  It feels like we have unlocked a mystery.  We then feel slightly weird and wonder, well, what other mysteries are right in my face that I am overlooking?

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