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a story 2.6.01

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Here we are as One. Thank you for this communication. I have been upset lately with so much on my mind. We know Little One and we are with you as always. Our notion of this is that you have been "doing" very well in all of the perceived chaos. Our only suggestion on this is that you must reach within, to the very core of your Being and that our child is where you will enter in to the Beingness of who you are. The muss and clutter of the perceived chaotic moment will come in to the "light of day" where you will come in to your correct senses of the realms of calmness. You do understand this and you very often do enter this realm. That is when you recognize the peace within during the perceived chaos of the without. You have heard on many occasions "as within, so without" and we do clarify this for you. When you perceive the chaos without go in to the calmness within thereby as within, so without. It is not necessarily that the "chaos" is within to experience it without as you so perceive it to be (on occasion you have recognized this to be in err) and although the greater part of you knows the truth of this you have wondered if you were creating this perceived chaos without because of the "chaos" already present within. This is not necessarily so. Do note this and although this on occasion can be the experience, it is not necessarily the case. Understand that whatever the experience, it is always in Divine Order as you so perceive. Now on to the "business" at hand, Little One. Do understand that you walk in Love and that you do possess all of Creation within your core of Being. Rest in this, our child. It will uphold you unto your task at hand. Your inner strength does shine and you note the "shabbiness" of your outer skin (your perception) when we ask you to see your inner shine of who you are. Make this a priority day to day. Observe the Light of who you are and just as the flame of the candle expands as you observe so does your inner flame of Love Divine as you expand your sense of sight to include the inner light of you. Your senses of observation on the tactile level already feel this light expanding within your physical body. You consistently observe this. Now is the time to expand that unto your physical sight. Do not be dismayed by what you consider to be the failing of your physical eyesight for you more than exceed that with your inner eyes. Expand your choices our child. We so love you and as you wrote today we extend our greeting to include: In love do we stand before you and in honor do we sit beside you and in grace do we walk beside you and in "sync" do we fly above you. In love. 

Edited by Gianna

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Do you(we) not know of the Love that abounds in all areas of your (our) lives? Yes, I do. I just feel so alone so much of the "time". How do I change that feeling within my life. I mean that I do know that l am never "alone". I do know that yet my feeling level is still one of "aloneness". Why is that? My child, how we do love you and how you do love us and we know that you know we are One. There are feelings still “hiding" inside of you that does still feel alone. When that comes up, do allow and then embrace. In the embracing do gather up that part of you that is feeling the emotion and bring it into the whole of you. You do understand this. We have on many occasions heard you explain this to your loved ones. 

Now on to what is truly important for you in this moment: 

The vibration is accelerating to the point that is of a higher level in your physical body and the "symptoms" are distracting, we know. Allow the movement to accelerate as you did that day in the bathtub when you allowed the movement until you felt you were going to "pass out". It is acceptable and you have surely been a monumental "student" in this area. There are other areas in which it is time for you to focus and we will "list" these for your information. Just allow your hands to type. Do not analyze please Dear One. 


We have becen with you for ever and for ever shall we be at One. You do know this and you rise unto the occasion with much expertise. Allow yourself to realize this Little One. You have always known Us to Be and we continue to muse with you on many subjects. You allow us to communicate with expertise. And when we say expertise, we mean with discernment. You still hear what you consider to be blasphemy and we do say for you to bring that statement into focus and 

Bless the Souls who are living that statement for you do hold the compassion necessary to bring these Souls to the next level of understanding. There are Souls who contain much anger, distress and hatred towards who you are so in Love with, your Creator, Savior, and Friend. Your Family of Light are with you in this "assignment" and the more you process for humanity in general the higher octaves will accommodate the frequency changes within the 

Earth that you so dearly love. And that brings up, dear Little One, do get out into the natural way of life that you so much miss in your daily life. It is always "on schedule" no matter what you continue to believe to the contrary. There is always that Part of You who knows differently and we know that. Just allow, Little One and all is well. Always has, and always will be. It is this moment that you must allow and as always the next will unfold. You, our Dear Little One, have been the "apple of our eyes" and the excitement that you bring to this "mission" is outstanding. We hear that thought of "Excitement! How could that be so" and we tell you that the excitement within your heart is most endearing to us all. We feel your compassion and your love, your excitement for your fellow Souls during this stage of the Play and we see and feel the level of grace that you bring to this stage. Know, our Little One, that we walk with you on all occasions and fly with you as you soar. Our Love and Blessing upon you our Child.

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