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You are no word

3 posts in this topic

The source of all words is no word. This nonverbal being exists otherwise this sentence would not exist.

This no word calls itself consciousness, awareness, nothing, something, God, source, being, etc. It refers to itself using the pronoun "I".

If I identify as any word I am in delusion.


Transcend all verbal identities for you are not them.





Edited by WokeBloke

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On a blank page lies every book that has ever been written, or could ever be written, every combination of gibberish that could ever be written. It's full of infinite potential, pure nothingness which also contains every possibility, until you make that first mark.

Man, I think this is like the third time in the past month I've used the quote here, but:


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

God is everything and nothing as no word. And with a single word comes finite creation.

Is awakening the backspace or undo button?

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