Bufo Alvarius

I asked Rupert Spira directly about solipsism - here is what he said

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4 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

But still, there's that paradox, that "other -me - self aka "other people" experience "their" bubble, and it can't  fit well into my mind, how is it possible... is it different timeline? Different live?  They are all me, but how?

 Not a paradox.  Other people are imaginary you are imagining others.  This is something you can become directly conscious of.


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1 minute ago, Forza21 said:

BUT it happens some-time in sober state as well, that i look into someone's eyes, and there's that recognition...it's me... it's like universe/god/me/ recognizes itself.

Yes I know exactly what you mean.


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@GreenWoods Time is the dimension in which something finite can stretch beyond itself so to constitute what humans call infinity.

If you conceive a flat earth with walls surrounding it you can conceive a finite earth, but when you conceive of a globe; the first dimension which is finite in the first conception becomes infinite in this conception (equator) so far as you allow that dimension to penetrate itself trough time.

The finitude of all objects of experience can likewise become infinite in consciousness trough time.

Edit: not to spoil it but in the conceptual domain everything is finite, including Cantor.

Edited by Reciprocality

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

 Not a paradox.  Other people are imaginary you are imagining others.  This is something you can become directly conscious of.

This is sloppy language... 

It's not only other people who are imagined, it's ALL people, including the "person" you believe you are. There aren't people at all, there is only Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Gili Trawangan said:

This is sloppy language... 

It's not only other people who are imagined, it's ALL people, including the "person" you believe you are. There aren't people at all, there is only Infinity.

True..my bad for not being more clear.


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2 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

So.... my "bubble" of consciousness is the whole fucking God. DAMN!

Yep :D

2 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

But still, there's that paradox, that "other -me - self aka "other people" experience "their" bubble, and it can't  fit well into my mind, how is it possible... is it different timeline? Different live?  They are all me, but how?

This bubble right now is all that exists. 

But the 'content' is not static, it's changing all the time, God keeps shapeshifting forever.

So by using our mind and getting into relative-perspective territory, we can say, that at some point, God will shapeshift into every possible form of Infinity. And then we can also say that time is an illusion, therefore all of Infinity, all possible bubbles, exist at once. But this is only the relative perspective, the way the human mind makes sense of it.

The way that Creation ultimately works is like @Inliytened1  said, you just imagine that there are other bubbles. There is only that bubble that exists right now.


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7 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Yes I know exactly what you mean.

I still can't admire it enough, how you've come to that level of realization, without psychedelics. Seriously, it's mind blowing. Some people are truly gifted! Have you ever tried some substances, though? What would happen to you, on psychedelics, with that high base level consciousness?

8 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

 Not a paradox.  Other people are imaginary you are imagining others.  This is something you can become directly conscious of.

That's what's always confusing, cause my "ego" corrupts this idea, but now, i'm aware of that. By "you" you refer to GOD, not my fake-ego-mind- identity. I'm a dream, therefore i don't exist too... :D

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@GreenWoods That which meets a wall trough the passing of time while traveling on the flat earth meets its starting point on the globe, it is an infinity we call it in math or in general when you can go beyond your starting point by means of a single deminsion.. as a closed system.

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4 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

 By "you" you refer to GOD, not my fake-ego-mind- identity. I'm a dream, therefore i don't exist too... :D

Yes, the ego doesn't exist. There are colors, thoughts, emotions and body sensations.

But to bundle these together and say that this is a self or a human is a complete illusion. Saying that this bundle of phenomena is "Forza" is no more true than saying it is "Trump" or "a frog".

Edited by GreenWoods

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12 minutes ago, GreenWoods said:

Yep :D

This bubble right now is all that exists. 

But the 'content' is not static, it's changing all the time, God keeps shapeshifting forever.

So by using our mind and getting into relative-perspective territory, we can say, that at some point, God will shapeshift into every possible form of Infinity. And then we can also say that time is an illusion, therefore all of Infinity, all possible bubbles, exist at once. But this is only the relative perspective, the way the human mind makes sense of it.

The way that Creation ultimately works is like @Inliytened1  said, you just imagine that there are other bubbles. There is only that bubble that exists right now.


Thanks for the insight! yeah it's easier to grasp when you put in that way. I think i've experienced "no-time" on DMT, so i can truly say, that time is an illusion.  To re-frame it, one can say, that it's like film reel, you see the movie which is your life, but without a time, and when you open film reel, every picture, and every scene, everthing, already is saved on it. Do you think it's good analogy? 

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14 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

I What would happen to you, on psychedelics, with that high base level consciousness?


I wouldn't be opposed to taking 5-Meo if I had access- I assume it would thrust me into the same states of consciousness (infinite Consciousness)I've accessed without psychedelics.  But it's not something I feel I need at this point.  You don't want to get into a mode of chasing states of consciousness.  It is more about the understanding of Truth.


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Okay I listened to this just now and mentally cross-referenced it to previous Rupert Spira solipsism video posted, they overlap and say the same thing. 

Rupert essentially believes in some monist version of reality where all of reality is composed of "consciousness", but he believes there are multiple bubbles of consciousness all occurring simultaneously. One thing Rupert did was question the other person whether they believe physical locations exist when they are not experiencing them, implying it would be a bit absurd to not believe that. Putting it together, it seems Rupert would probably have to claim that's he's aware of the ultimate substrate of reality, and that "substrate" is as true for him as it would be true for inorganic matter such as a rock, (that way rocks could exist even if no animals or biological life existed. )

Rupert pretty directly states by the end he thinks the world exists outside of your "finite mind". In both this audio and the previous Rupert solipsism video, Rupert used the word "evidence". He just seems to think its a very valid inference that other minds exist, since "that's my experience" 


By the end of audio Rupert was pushed to the limit and fed up by the difficult question, questioner and answerer alike unsatisfied. 

We may nit pick how we will at the ambiguities left over from it, but Rupert's claim is probably what I said above. 1) Rupert claims he's become aware of something universal and absolutely true which he calls "consciousness" 2) He also believes its a valid inference that the world exists outside of your direct experience

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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7 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

.  To re-frame it, one can say, that it's like film reel, you see the movie which is your life, but without a time, and when you open film reel, every picture, and every scene, everthing, already is saved on it. Do you think it's good analogy? 

Yes, from the relative perspective, all pictures, the whole film reel, exist at once. 

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3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Solipsism is pure non sense. Rupert agrees. 

Or maybe Rupert Spira, a 40 plus years spiritual practitioner is not ready for the Highest Teachings xD

Also having one experience at a time doesn't seem like Infinity to me. 

Leo had one awakening, which was from SMOKING a full dose of 5-MeO-DMT. He proceeded to make a video about the "absolutely infinite!!!!"... Then he decided to instead use it like a reccy drug almost, plugging threshold doses and jacking it to porn in the tub.

His actual insight was from vaporizing a release dose of 5-MeO-DMT. He's never had a "further awakening". He never came back from that first trip which was the real deal. All this further shit is delusion. Srs. Check his blog and his trips on this weird shit are chatting with God about narcissism.

And now the Tai Lopez cult type crowd of weak pauper tier pilgrims are coming in like "omg Leo I took 1/10th tab of acid and realized I'm alone then an angel appeared and said 'it's not a bug it's a feature' and I saw how it's all love and I'm creating this. P.S. $1000 is too low, charge me $100,000 daddy."

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit2 said:

But you claim that you already are the hand. If that's truly the case and you actually believe that, then what work is there to do?

None, of course. You're not trying to become that hand, you're just trying to become more and more authentic - even though one's striving for authenticity already is an expression of one's authenticity and therefore, there's nothing for you to do except play. 

1 hour ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Does embodying your role as the hand mean getting rid of your role as the finger? Is this "the work" from your perspective?

No, it means to embrace yourself as the entire hand: that of course includes your game as a finger. Hence there is no dissonance.



54 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

There is! i've seen it a couple of times, and i still forget it every-damn-time when i come back from trip xD.  I really believe i don't want to forget it, but ... i think it's self-deception as always. xDxD

Yes, I've also forgotten. Sometimes, Truth comes back and I know again. But in between, I don't believe, I just know.

I'm not even convinced, there's no need to be convinced of or believe in anything when you thoroughly, thoroughly know. 

That's faith. Just let go, you aready know. You don't need to try to go back, you don't need to do anything at all to achieve this - unless you want to, in which case, go ahead. 


In fact, this is the only reason why you have forgotten in the first place. Because the deepest from of knowing is Being. When you ARE, you KNOW so unshakingly and uncompromisingly deep, to the deepest, deepest of your infinite core, that you can totally and completely afford to let yourself go 100%, until there's absolutely NOHTING left of you.

And that is the greatest gift you could possibly give to yourself, because you know that you will remember, because there is absolutely no way AT ALL to not be who you are.

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@Bufo Alvarius @Bufo Alvarius I posted a video of Rubert Spira talking about how solipsism is a form of madness and it was taken down by charlatan Leo in under 3O mins saying it was poor quality... please think better about your post next time.  

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Just now, Pullmyfinger said:

@Bufo Alvarius @Bufo Alvarius I posted a video of Rubert Spira talking about how solipsism is a form of madness and it was taken down by charlatan Leo in under 3O mins saying it was poor quality... please think better about your post next time.  




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3 minutes ago, Pullmyfinger said:

@Bufo Alvarius @Bufo Alvarius I posted a video of Rubert Spira talking about how solipsism is a form of madness and it was taken down by charlatan Leo in under 3O mins saying it was poor quality... please think better about your post next time.  

That video has been posted here a dozen times.  It's not like it hasn't been shown here.


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@RMQualtrough enough with the immaturity.  If you disagree with the teachings here you know where the door is.  No one is forcing you to stay here.  It's not that you can't criticize or disagree but the childish behavior needs to stop.  Be here to learn.


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