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Video about drugs/psychedelics' health effects

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I watch this teacher anyway, but I'm not a spiritual adept so you can judge for yourself and all even if I personally recommend him. Felt like it's a relevant topic in

There are terms in the video that you might not know, the 3 gunas, so here is a short terminology (can google for more in depth):

  • Tamas: inertia, structure, stupor, ignorance
  • Rajas: movement, dynamism, desire, passion, restlessness
  • Sattva: balance, light, repose, order, purity
Edited by YaNanNallari

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Not sure I agree but interesting. There is truth in his words. But doesn’t mean they are bad.

ive had some pretty sattva experiences.

how can he say they “are all this way?”

Really, he is saying something true in essence. 

However, there is definitely definitely room in our practice for these tools. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Good video. Just watched it. I heard the same arguments from other teachers aswell. Escpesially the draining of energy/Ojas that happens and not being useful when it comes to karmic realms. No real progress can be made without adressing it. It looks like it's a sensitive topic for him also, haha.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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