
Request to Leo, to make blog post/video about Putin behavior in Ukraine.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

A very clever move would be to surrender completely, give Putin a glorious victory and homecoming, then when Putin comes to Ukraine for his victory speech, assassinate him.

That's some Game of Thrones shit.

a.k.a pulling the trojan horse in 21 century ?

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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Really strange to see my own failings over my life so well highlighted in one side of a war. Slow to adapt, wants to control the conversation, can't deal with reality as it is but would rather invent a fantasy to deal with that instead. Big fat collective shadow everyone,  with a bright beam on its head to highlight it to the world. Why Russia is struggling and why Nato couldn't see the danger in front of them.

I have shifted thinking to that Putin will find it difficult to win now. He's buried himself in his own fantasy and resisted changing it. He will not commit the million men he needs to win long term and fight the war he's in. He is fighting the war he wants to be in, still even now. Russia is also steady, deliberate, overpowering but slow to adapt. Meaning the changing battlefield conditions that the Ukrainians are fighting can stall it for long periods. Russian logistics take a very long time to be built into place as they are so dependent on rails to supply their vast military, and Ukraine is focused on those logistics to slow everything to a grinding halt.

I see this lack of adaptation through almost all russian speakers I meet and in myself obviously, (can't be any other way)

There are so many anti tank weapons now, to win either Russa would need to get Ukraine to surrender, or Putin would need to commit so many vehicles that there will be nothing left of the Russian military by the end of this. Splitting the country in half is still probably his best outcome, but I don't think they will bring 500,000 people in to do and hold that either

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On 2/24/2022 at 11:36 PM, Leo Gura said:


And look, average Americans don't care about maintaining America's global empire of military bases. But that's because they don't understand what the empire accomplishes. Average people are idiots. They don't have a clue what it takes to secure success for a country. So going by the view of average Russians doesn't say much. Average Russians could not lead Russia to success. It takes a strategic genius with balls of steel to do it.

I love this statement. lol

Do you think American global leadership (and their insane 800 bases around the glob) was mostly positive for nations or negative ?

the More i think about it the more i realize how much the world hierarchical system is keeping things in place and how much chaos we can have with out the Pyramid schem  of nation.

but also it would be amazing if we can have yellow-green world leadership that doesn't fuck up smaller countries.

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