
Request to Leo, to make blog post/video about Putin behavior in Ukraine.

348 posts in this topic

8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

ukraine has been independent for 8 years

*facepalm* yeah you seem to be an expert on Ukraine indeed

Edited by hello1234

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8 hours ago, Alex_R said:


I agree 100% with this, sadly majority of population seems to support the populist clowns who are crazy enough to drag all the country to a massacre for just a little more attention . I'm sure that after this Zelensky will flee to a nice rich first world european country and still "fighting the Russians" super super comfy via twitter.


Diplomacy? no, thanks. I want more followers.

Judging by what you’re writing you have no faintest clue about what is going on in Ukraine. Sadly, the people who have no clue always scream the loudest. 

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@Leo Gura
Male Vulnerability.

Sorry to tag you again. It occurred to me when I reflect that a video on vulnerability and men. I don't have the words to give you the title it would need or the full perception of it, also the stigma or resistance that would be there attached to it (shame).  I see men act in a emotionally charged way when they feel any vulnerability and this applies to men leading countries, alliances, anything on the macro scale or down to myself too. I think exploration of that might help on healthier ways men can deal with it, without having to directly talk about ongoing events.

*This could be expanded to a lot of different topics.

Edited by BlueOak

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

But I think this move will get Ukraine to join NATO faster and gain more Western alignment.

EU and NATO won't accept new states unless there are no border disputes with any of its direct neighbors. That means dropping the claim on Crimea and the 2 new artificially created republics in eastern Ukraine, which won't happen. Also, by federalizing Ukraine, there would be pro Russian federations which will stop Ukraine from taking steps into getting into NATO. Ukraine hasn't joined NATO because some member states opposed it, and because Putin's Russia actively stopped them. Even if Russia stopped being a dick tomorrow, Ukraine couldn't instantly join the alliance. It's more complicated than that. 

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2 hours ago, Ryan_047 said:

Ukraine couldn't instantly join the alliance.

No one was saying instantly. It was planned for a long time. Which is exactly what Putin feared and what lead to this war. But now with the shitshow that Putin created, Ukraine will be even more aligned with the West. Even if Ukraine doesn't join NATO any time soon, Western support for Ukraine will only increase. Ukraine will not just be a quiet loyal puppet state of Russia. If Putin expects that he is fooling himself.

And at this point I am inclined to support Ukraine's entry into NATO. Before Putin could be compromised with. But not now.

The deal with Putin should have been: chill out and we promise Ukraine won't join NATO. But if you attack Ukraine, Ukraine will definitely enter NATO.

Well, too late for that now. Now Ukraine deserves as much anti-Russian support as it can get.

Putin made the morally wrong move. Now he has no moral high ground.

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28 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

And at this point I am inclined to support Ukraine's entry into NATO.

Ukraine is gone. It will be under Russian control, as it was during the Soviet era. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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2 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

Ukraine is gone. It will be under Russian control, as it was during the Soviet era. 

The Soviet era is gone.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This is a great example of healthy blue. 
President getting amongst the trenches, declining offers for evacuation and defending his country. 


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Russia's population is declining rapidly, it failed to catch up with the fourth industrial revolution, and at the same time its economy is tanking. This is what Putin thinks: I need to act now while Russia is still capable of facilitating and financing a large scale war. In geopolitics promises don't mean much. NATO and the US can promise jack shit but there is no mechanism to enforce those promises.

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7 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

This is a great example of healthy blue. 
President getting amongst the trenches, declining offers for evacuation and defending his country. 


I just want to say, I don’t think he is blue. I’ve been observing a lot of green for him, mind-body kind of ways, spirituality, inclusivity, etc. I do distrust all the politicians though.

Edited by hello1234

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2 minutes ago, hello1234 said:

I just want to say, I don’t think he is blue. I’ve been observing a lot of green for him, mind-body kind of ways, spirituality, inclusivity, etc.

Green has a healthy blue in it

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1 minute ago, StarStruck said:

Green has a healthy blue in it

What I meant to say, I don’t think he is based off of blue (centred at blue), doesn’t mean he doesn’t have parts of blue in him. But I might be wrong, just what I observed.

Edited by hello1234

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10 minutes ago, hello1234 said:

I just want to say, I don’t think he is blue. I’ve been observing a lot of green for him, mind-body kind of ways, spirituality, inclusivity, etc. I do distrust all the politicians though.

As a former famous Russian-speaking Jewish comedian/artist, Zelensky definitely has a unique worldly view on life. Definitely spirally-wise higher than the average Ukrainian or one comparable with an Ukrainian youth. Also, his background has never been a nationalistic Ukrainian one. (Due to an anti-Semitic history, Ukrainian jews usually viewed Ukrainian nationalism with suspicion, at least in the past). He was overwhelmingly elected because people trusted him to be uncorrupted. Fighting corruption was the people's number one priority despite Russian harassment and I think his friendly demeanor played a big role here. 
Because he is now all of the sudden leading a country in wartime under a brutal invasion he is operating from his stage blue. But now is a good time to observe the virtues and genuinely heroic side of stage blue, and not to mention excellent leadership. 

I think his background, personality, circumstances and eventual fate will be the subject of a great many books and movies.

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2 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

If however, China tries to use the situation to invade Taiwan... this is what I fear.

i don't think they will just yet but i think in the next 8 yrs or so, maybe they just want to see what happens to Russia after this attack and the aftermath so they can calculate for themselves what would happen after they take Taiwan sometime

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5 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

China is a lot more powerfull than Russia - not far from US level of power, in fact. The only thing they don't have a lot of, is nuclear weapons. That's why I fear. Russia is like an angry chivuavua, China is like a silent bulldog.

i don't think so necessarily.

Russia is also very battle tested, China not so much.

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NATO is a purely antagonist organization that deserves to be abolished. This ghastly organization stole 143 tons of gold from Libya. That gold was precisely why NATO invaded, as revealed by Clinton email leaks, as they didn’t want Libya to be financially independent from the West.

I still hold the position that NATO instigated this war by expanding eastward where they didn’t belong. They could have negotiated that Ukraine wouldn’t join NATO, but Joe Biden said this was “non-negotionable”. 

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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28 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

NATO is a purely antagonist organization that deserves to be abolished. This ghastly organization stole 143 tons of gold from Libya. That gold was precisely why NATO invaded, as revealed by Clinton email leaks, as they didn’t want Libya to be financially independent from the West.

I still hold the position that NATO instigated this war by expanding eastward where they didn’t belong. They could have negotiated that Ukraine wouldn’t join NATO, but Joe Biden said this was “non-negotionable”. 

Many still maintain myopic views towards it and are unable to see how Ukraine got played.  

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@HusseinisdoingfinePlease recognize, that even Joe Biden is not powerful enough to "negotiate" about the sovereignty of other countries. How would you feel if the USA decides for your country what to do and what not. 

47 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:


47 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:


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1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

They could have negotiated that Ukraine wouldn’t join NATO, but Joe Biden said this was “non-negotionable”. 

Please recognize, that even Joe Biden is not powerful enough to "negotiate" about the sovereignty of other countries. How would you feel if the USA decides for your country what to do and what not. 

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Of course the West would think Putin is crazy and "attacked for no reason". Do you really think someone would invade for no reason at all?

If people would not be so attached to their national identity, they would see why Russia is pissed. NATO has been playing with fire in a suble and nice way for a long time by expanding. They have eventually come to Russia's door (Ukraine).

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