Hero in progress

Truth Is Simple

26 posts in this topic

Bodhidharma -

"If you use your mind to study reality, you won't understand either your mind or reality. If you study reality without using your mind, you'll understand both."

This is a great quote by the zen master, bodhidharma. 

Thoughts come & go you stay.

emotions come & go you stay.

Sensations come & go you stay.

Image of you, come & go you stay.

Story of you, come & go you stay.

That which doesn't come and go is you.

Its really that simple.

Awareness naturally Gives attention to the comings and goings, pull identity back from these comings and goings.

That which you are trying to look for is that which you are already looking from.

Truth is so simple, effortless.




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3 minutes ago, Callum A said:

Bodhidharma -

"If you use your mind to study reality, you won't understand either your mind or reality. If you study reality without using your mind, you'll understand both."

This is a great quote by the zen master, bodhidharma. 

Thoughts come & go you stay.

emotions come & go you stay.

Sensations come & go you stay.

Image of you, come & go you stay.

Story of you, come & go you stay.

That which doesn't come and go is you.

Its really that simple.

Awareness naturally Gives attention to the comings and goings, pull identity back from these comings and goings.

That which you are trying to look for is that which you are already looking from.

Truth is so simple, effortless.




I love things to be simple, straight and to the point. I like that being is exactly that and your post also!

Edited by Dodoster

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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You do realize all those concepts you have of enlightened being higher (finer) is as me saying i want fame?


Just live with what you are

Edited by Egoisego

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3 hours ago, Egoisego said:

You do realize all those concepts you have of enlightened being higher (finer) is as me saying i want fame?


Just live with what you are

Do you realize that the reason you feel the need to write a somewhat useless comment, such as this one, is because a big part of your mind/ego would like to disregard this whole enligtenment-thing (that you've been reading about out of pure curiosity for quite a wihle now) as a hoax, so it can continue its own materialistic and attaching practices without annoyance from that little part within you that tells you there might be something geniune about it? :>

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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On 17 januari 2017 at 10:52 PM, Callum A said:

Truth is so simple, effortless.

Bodhidharma -


Truth Is Simple

Although it is a nice post you posted. However if I would ask: What is a cup? Would you then say: The cup is easy, so effortless?


What is truth, Callum?

Edited by Aware

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOBDIoLi3C4 Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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2 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Do you realize that the reason you feel the need to write a somewhat useless comment, such as this one, is because a big part of your mind/ego would like to disregard this whole enligtenment-thing (that you've been reading about out of pure curiosity for quite a wihle now) as a hoax, so it can continue its own materialistic and attaching practices without annoyance from that little part within you that tells you there might be something geniune about it? :>

We are both enlightened really

Wanting fame, killing eachother, chasing money. You can do it all

There is no me getting enlightened i am enlightened



And you will never be what you call enlightenment before you agree that you already is rnlightened. And thats a big part of why i think Leo is greatly missing it all.

He is nomore than a man in a company who is trying to be on top.

And then he is enlightened. Everything is what it is

Edited by Egoisego

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@Egoisego I think Leo is doing  a great job at getting people to really think about themselves. Like you say we are already enlightened deep within us, but we first have to acknowledge that if we want to feel that way or be it. Enlightment maybe is about being able to think for yourself with a deeper understanding and background knowledge of reality and that is all he is providing. He cannot show you what it is, everybody has to find that for themselves.

Edited by Principium Nexus

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28 minutes ago, Principium Nexus said:

@Egoisego I think Leo is doing  a great job at getting people to really think about themselves. Like you say we are already enlightened deep within us, but we first have to acknowledge that if we want to feel that way or be it. Enlightment maybe is about being able to think for yourself with a deeper understanding and background knowledge of reality and that is all he is providing. He cannot show you what it is, everybody has to find that for themselves.

I would like to be able to agree, but have you read the comments in some of the videos?

"This is sooooo deep"

"wow, time to take mushrooms and watch a new video of my guru Leo"

"wow this is crazy, i will now becomming an enlightened "



People are basically just making them a new idea in their head, instead of them thinking money makes you happy do the think understanding enlightenment will make you happy.


I dont think we as people are very unique at all, just look at how we dress, how many people do you see today that  dress as the did on the 80?


If leo was interested in delivering the message would he made 1 video then stopped. 


This is what i think about it all. 

That said, i would do the same as every single one of them if i were them

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@Egoisego Still I do like all the topics he talks about, it is all part of the journey to broadening your perspective. Like you say most people are not that unique, but that is reinforced since you are in school and in society in general. I think that any debate is interesting that arises from these topics, they all show insight of the current state of being of people, their perspective and what an possible approach could be to show them how they can look differently at the world.


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The first thought that hit me was this:


"Understanding is not the way. 

A leap of faith is what is needed."

*some more steps


Once again am my thoughts left at the endstation of "everything is real" "it is what it is.



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You know that feeling when you grasped something in school, and then went on to grasp another thing and another thing, i see the point of being provocative to keep the fire alive in people so they don't settle and missing enlightenment, i however thinks that Leo himself is missing the point plain and simple. 

"A further enlightened me"

I however feel that he has moved alot from when he once started

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@Egoisego There is not much harm to provide knowledge in the first place. All he does it provide us with different perspectives which are all equally true in some way. You have to decide what resonates the best with your understanding and if that helps you to live a better life then thats all you need.

What do you mean with "Once again am my thoughts left at the endstation of "everything is real" "it is what it is.", I didn't completely get what you mean by that?

EDIT: So you think that enlightement is the actual process of learning itself and therefor there is no absolute understanding of what enlightenment is?


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7 minutes ago, Principium Nexus said:

@Egoisego There is not much harm to provide knowledge in the first place. All he does it provide us with different perspectives which are all equally true in some way. You have to decide what resonates the best with your understanding and if that helps you to live a better life then thats all you need.

What do you mean with "Once again am my thoughts left at the endstation of "everything is real" "it is what it is.", I didn't completely get what you mean by that?


hard to follow my own thoughts so didn't wrote them out.


what i mean is this: every state is, it is what it is.

Nothing more or nothing less, or it could but then is it again. Nothing is purer than anything else, because nothing is more than something else is.

When you see your enlightened state of tomorrow too be purer than you being stuck in the state of chasing money today are you saying that the state of being there is better


It is what it is, don't praise a state of understanding in a LSD trip and say it is more than the state of big despair in a depressed state of being

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I think this notion of enlightenment is as real as Donald Trump's notion about chasing power or Hitlers dreams (notions) about lebensraum*

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@Egoisego I agree, but we live in a society where some knowledge to proceed with life is more valued (emotionally, intellectually, ect.) than some other knowledge. I think in the core all experience is equally valid, but what matters is the context, the meta that gives it meaning in this relative or dualistic world. Enlightement does not exit in non-dual reality, but in our ego driven world where we value some experiences over others it might actually exist.

What its well-defined definition is we cannot say since we don't know everything yet in human terms, but we can speak subjectively of "an personal enlightmenent" that is significant enough to give it a term.

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And that is why a part of me is annoyed when Leo is saying things like "wow i wished i could show you the love you feel when you are high on LSD".

not saying he said it exactly.

But what is love?

Sure it is a state as any other state. 


HOWEVER, i think everybody of you who even slightly put enlightenment higher than anything else will be doomed to miss it completely. 

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@Egoisego  I do agree with you, each emotional state is equally important and interesting. They are all natural responses to improve your well being eventually and become better in survival. On youtube there is also now some debate about forced positivity because people seem to obviously like those videos more but this forced thing is actually quite harmful. It's maybe little off topic but I think it was worth noting since we are talking about the importance of any emotional state right?

However, I think positive emotions do turns us on and reinforce good or useful behaviour. If Leo talks about the love he feels he just refers to the fact that the experience was complete and useful. Which could in turn be an useful indication for people to know what can improve their lives and what not.

The debate we are having might be about how truthfully perspective really is? Proclaiming false perspective due to knowledge that was incorrectly established. That debate is subjective and I do think neither really can have the best truthfully view.

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What i amtrying to say with "everything is real" is that putting enlightenment as higher (purer) is to say that some activities (in the brain,or we could say in the world) are higher (purer) than other activities in the brain.

And then are there whole religions and beliefsystems that do exactly that and that is also.

And the ego is also a activity.


But happinness sure feels nicer than sadness, that is why i think we as humans are very antropcentric* when we say that enlightenment is or even comes with happiness contentment

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