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Fruit Basket of Perspectives

1 post in this topic

A range of idea exploration.

1 - Keeps worldview the same; only familiar with and studies current view

2 - Aware of other view's existences but does not know much about them; not interested in exploring other views

3 - Knows about other views and disagrees, censors, rejects, and blocks them; others are stupid, wrong, a waste of time; minimal time spent studying other views; feels threatened by other views; tries to convert others to one's own view

4 - Starts to get more curious about other views and purposefully studies opposing/disagreeing views; lots of time studying views; enjoys and appreciates different perspectives

5 - Self's views change constantly with new conversations, books, whatever; self can identify holes in one's current views

6 - Self wants to stop picking and identifying so strongly with a side; doesn't feel the need to convert anyone to any one view; can see the validity and holes in many views at once

This is not necessarily fully accurate but meh.

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