
Crazy! First time trying psychadelics...

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Here we go! first ever psychadelic trip experience! First a little background story,ive been practicing spirituality for 8+ years hardcore and in most of my day im in no mind and so called nothigness with being concious of infinity(not too strong) had over 10 enlightement experiences without drugs so i could compare it and knew whats happening...Considering that i didnt want to take even 1g because i knew it could open me up bad but didnt know how much, so i took close to 1g of dried mushrooms on the empty stomach as first try.I took it at 11:20 am,i started to feel changes 20 min after eating.What was left of ego started to melt and i already start to see infinity better nothing special but could feel changes...already in 40 minutes into a trip i went into what i was calling God head(but its not really just really weak one thats taking shape)everything was light and fun.My intent was to find out some queastions about authenticity and life and test how it will open me up since ego is not strong as regular 50 min in it was still 2 steps back and stronger infinity experinece than 10min ago(as i compared it with my sober enlightment experience)...
Suddenly i could feel vibrations through my fingertips and after each vibration i could feel joy/happiness, everything around me got a sense of erotic feeling(remembered Leo saying its like making love to reality thats what i thought atm but its not related)at this point everything was nice until suddenly i could feel the shift hour and 10 into a trip..Suddenly i wasnt conected with my body i could easily see im not the body and when looking at hands i could see those are not my hands(had that experience sober so nothing new)...until suddenly oh boy it hit me i was faced with my death all this thing called life dissaperead it was just pure experience and it was so shoking that it freaked me out...i was facing with my death no association to the body whatsoever and diassociated with this thing called life! At the time that was really tough thing to swallow,didnt know how i would relate to anybody and life in general because there is no life! And shock didnt end there i got face to face with Gods presence like never before and first thing i noticed how powerful he is (immidietly saw why they call him allmighty God) its so much power that all i could do is to go on my knees in his presence it felt like im just a spit of could feel how alive he is and that hes holding the strings of reality..this is what i wrote at the moment:"God is no joke hes all powerful 
Respect at his knees 
Now i get it!!!
Face to face with god it was too much
Im inside pure conciousness its unreal
This is serious shit im not even kidding dude 
Im completely dead its so radical that its too much"
At that moment realized why supressing experiences is a feature not a bug some experiences are too much to handle that its sometimes better to deny it to save yourself!
At that point i started to pray to God please dont go deeper i dont know i can handle more its too much it was scary because i didnt know how deeper it will take me and it could take me much much deeper and i took close to 1g...this lasted 30 min or so but sense of time is seen as imagionary so i dont know...slowly it took me back to what i would say nonduality phase and there it was for 3 hours or so but big problem was that i got disconnected from my body and when you are,body sends signals of anxiety hits i would call like little knife..this lasted whole day it was like hell and i was doing grounding exercises to help with it some weird energy that was shooting in my legs got also fear that i wont get kundalini awakening or something ? whole trip lasted from 11:20am when i took it until 11pm when i went to sleep conciousness is still expanded until now...
I dont think i would take psychadelics anymore mybe in a year or so because it opens me up so badly and Truth is so radical that when it hits you its so serious that its hard to stomach and you see why illusion/mixed with enlightement is best for me day it was freaky to talk to people because you can see that Gods speaking to you not a person ?
It was lifechanging experience but wouldnt want to experience it again or rather not soon because i feel like i survived with my head almost chopped off?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Haha nice one brother ?

God surely is unimagineably powerful, there is no limit to Him at all and that is why fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, don't fear those that can hurt the flesh, fear Him who can destroy your soul is an old saying 


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Adamq8 Yeah,you can hear about it,you can think whats like but when you face "him""you" just wanna shrink in a ball and acknowladge his strenght ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Good, but you're still so far from the ultimate God-realization. This was just a baby encounter with God.

God is you! But it will take you many more trips to realize and fully accept that.

Keep tripping, carefully. You don't need to wait a whole year to face your resistance. Give yourself time to integrate but also don't waste time in avoidance and fear. Fear has to be faced. Reaching the ultimate levels of awakening will involve facing lots of fear, over and over again.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:



I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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@NoSelfSelf Lol you must have a good intuition, being so long on this path and never took psychedelics because you knew it would be a blast. and it clearly was!! Good reminder that low dose can be powerful, if you are already spiritual developed

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Can you elaborate on your previous awakenings?

You and God aren't separate. When appearances morph after ingesting Psychedelic substance, it is Consciousness (God, You) that is morphing. It really doesn't matter whether you were conscious of it or not, but God is before tripping and while tripping. Tripping can just make you more conscious of it being this way always. Tripping tear of the conceptual matrix that hinder your true nature and trap you in a dream. The feeling of dying is because the identification with thought processes diminish greatly while tripping, and your sense of being a separated self is stemming from this identification.

Did you consider examining your beliefs and thought structure regarding who or what you are, or what reality is?


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@NoSelfSelf Sound like a good mushroom trip :)
Integrate and call back as they say. It gets better and worse (learning experiences), keep going <3

Edit: Also 8 years of prep work before psychedelics. You are in for a treat ^_^

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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Dang you guys are so sensitive to psychedelics. I'm kinda jealous. xD 1 gram of mushrooms is like a chillin on the weekend with my buds kinda dose for me. Some insights are there for sure, but I would say it takes at least 2.5 or 3 grams for a full blown psychedelic experience to manifest. But then maybe my ego is just really thick (that much at least is definitely true).

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@NoSelfSelf this is basically what happened to me the first time I did acid, watch out for the ego backlash I would suggest you go watch that episode even if you have seen it, there’s many many more awakenings, I personally didn’t wait a whole year I went deeper right after because it was the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me and it’s all I have ever wanted is to understand ever since I was a child,I was willing to give up everything for truth and I think this is one of the keys that allowed me to go very deep, good luck to you!

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@Leo Gura Yeah i could see that,it could go so much deeper,it showed me that im so  attached to this life that i want to first live it then let it go thats where that huge resistence came not sure how to dosage because this was a light dose and it killed me, so many people dont even get an ego death with 3g of mushrooms..

@Gregory1 I was looking at it and sensing something is missing ?@OBEler Yeah when i drink a glass of beer my conciousness expands...i immedietly knew somehow that this was most important thing in life

@Batman Previous awakenings were not this strong it was desolutions of the ego everything would become more alive and colorful rush of energy would flow through me i could see that im the whole room and everything is made out of me...but the deeper you go God becomes so real and strong that you dont look at it as yourself because it freaks you out how itspowerful and holding whole reality together! With every awakenings without drug ego mind would become less and less loud...

@Vincent S Yeah i got a taste of what door im barking on and its 1000 more serious than i expected its no joke :)

@eggopm3 Yeah everyone i talked in real life were confused as how i could trip 10+ hours on light dose@SgtPepper Thanks for reading!

@Yousif i had 100s of ego backlashes in my life i dont think i could get serious one anymore the resistence is to surrender life for awakening and honestly havent lived to the fullest yet to let go of it...acid is even more powerful i assume? I wanted truth so bad but deeper ones are just so radical that you are not so eager to surrender to it at this point ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Cool experience man. I would say to trust your intuition going forward. If you think you need to take some time off, take it! 


Yours dealer truly! ✌️

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22 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

im not sure how to dosage because this was a light dose and it killed me, so many people dont even get an ego death with 3g of mushrooms..

It doesn't matter what works for other people. What matters is what works for you.

Cut your dose in half. Test that and see. You should be close to good there.

This work is not about high doses. The number is irrelevant. What matters is the depth of your consciousness and how much you can handle.

All my doses are modest, yet I have reached levels of consciousness that would terrify Satan.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura True,got caught in numbers and what people are doing...

Ill try really low doses and built it up from there...

53 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


All my doses are modest, yet I have reached levels of consciousness that would terrify Satan.

Hahah this is funny/scary and conforting at the same time 

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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