
Taking down Video that explained Take-Down of solipsism episode. Explanation?

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@Leo Gura

The video where you explained the take down of your solipsism video was taken down. Was this an accident?

Or did you regret the fact that you claimed being the "most woke" being that has ever lived?

Will there come a new video explaining the take down? (Obviously it's ok if you don't explain it but I think it might help people understand the take down)

Thx for your reply.

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

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Good move from Leo.

Everyone should just forget about solipsism and the related videos and go back to their lives and practices. I expect Leo will be banning all solipsism discussions from now on.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Because it wont help anyone on their path. The entire video was interesting, but yeah a great amount of doubt (on my side) and doubt always feels discordant. I felt like a yokel listening to the king talking down to his people. Especially for someone knowing what God is, it seemed extremely arrogant in one way, but I know what it feels like "being the one and only", so I felt compassion, it wasn't really intended by him I guess.

Good move.

Edited by Nadosa

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19 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Good move from Leo.

Everyone should just forget about solipsism and the related videos and go back to their lives and practices. I expect Leo will be banning all solipsism discussions from now on.

Then that would be a mistake because that is a key piece of these teachings.  Not solipism as a philosophy but solipsism as God or Absolute Solipsism.  Honestly i don't even like the word and to me its not necessary to use the word at all..reality just is what it is..but the fact is there are no other minds but yours. As God.  I have had this awakening and others have too.  To not talk about this facet of the Absolute world be a disservice.,  but maybe he will reserve all discussions of it for the course..this aspect of the teachings i mean.  

But we won't be able to escape questions here since it is such a key facet of these teachings.  I think it would be a mistake to demonize talks of it.  Yes some are not ready to hear it and just ask questions not really wanting the answers we are going to give...but others do wanna know at least the theoretical framework of how reality works at the highest levels 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Nothing was taken down.

I just logged into Vimeo and they said my account was disable due to over-use of bandwidth. This is very strange because Vimeo has no explicit bandwidth usage caps and my videos have not been using bandwidth any more than usual.

I am working with Vimeo to sort this out. Please be patient and avoid gossip and speculation. I intend for all the videos to be available as soon as possible.

Some of the Life Purpose Course videos will be unavailable during this time. Please be patient. They cannot be made available until I sort this out with Vimeo customer support. I'm hoping this will be resolved within a few days. But this is my first time hearing of such an issue so I don't know how long it will take to resolve.

My latest video will remain up. Everything I said in it still holds (sorry to disappoint you).

Keep calm and carry on.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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"Assumption Is The Mother Of All F**k-Ups" ?

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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5 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

Ok Leo, sorry for the speculation on my part. @mods: you can close this topic to further replies if you want.

If you want a thread to be locked then mention one or few mods in your post rather than writing like that. Nobody has time to go through every post. 

@Tim R @Inliytened1 please lock the thread.


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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