
Lead Poisoning

7 posts in this topic

Hi everyone.

I did a provoked urine test which showed high levels of lead.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to deal with lead?

I am planning to do some rounds of chelation with DMSA. However DMSA does not remove lead from the brain, so I am looking for ways to mitigate the effects of it - minerals/vitamins. Any ideas?

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Hmmm, as far as I have gathered from Andy's protocol, DMSA is the way to go and works better on lead than mercury (not sure about the brain and how much it collects there but I imagine with osmosis it would work its way out eventually?). Seems like the main differentiation is that you can do an initial 8 rounds, then just 1 round of DMSA every 1-2 months and continue for 3-5 years lol. 

Supplements are the same for mercury except you don't need zinc and magnesium.

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Cutler believed that lead in the brain would eventually come out on its own after lead body levels were decreased.

To mitigate the toxic effects of lead in the brain you can chelate with ALA as well since ALA has helped the symptoms of lead-toxic animals in studies, also, theoretically other anti oxidants will help, like vitamin c or vitamin e (the good one - D Alpha Tocopherol, not the one in racemic DL form). I also personally believe that having a good source of calcium in your diet helps while supplementing with d3 and k2 since lead mimics calcium on some receptors and may affect voltage-gated Ca2+ channels as well. I don't know your copper levels but lead toxicity may increase them through decreased bile flow, so supplementing with milk thistle, taurine, and lecithin would be great to increase overall liver function and decrease copper, also, dont forget molybdenum and zinc in case you use ala since ala increases copper levels through decreasing their excretion in bile as well.

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Thanks all and especially to Leo for the chelation video.

Since lead and zinc compete for the same binding sites I presume it would be a good idea to take plenty of zinc.

Im only just starting out on this topic and was intending to use DMSA, however DMPS is preferable in terms of dosing and also it crosses intracellularly where DMSA does not, acting faster. Then again some sources say DMSA is best for lead and DMPS for mercury.

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You need DMSA for lead. It does remove it from the brain, but indirectly I believe. It can’t cross the blood brain barrier, and ALA can’t chelate lead which does cross the BBB. However lead moves more freeely than mercury between the body and brain, so if you remove lead from the body it won’t “refill” the brain.

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