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The only cause of death is birth

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The only true cause of death is birth.

Anything that is born will die. Everything that is created will be destroyed.

When it comes to so-called "causes of death", the rest is at best merely a matter of perspective, if not a deceptive shell game.

For example, consider a cigarette smoker who dies with lung cancer shortly after catching the common cold.

Would it even make sense to debate about whether the so-called "cause of death" was (1) cigarettes, (2) suicide, (3) lung cancer, or (4) the common cold? I propose that it would make no sense to have such a debate or to assert that one of those is or could be the cause.

No human can be saved from death. Thus, nothing else causes a human to die because the death is inevitable from the birth. The human will die regardless of whether they smoke, whether they catch a cold, whether they get lung cancer, whether they drive a motorcycle, whether they are suicidal, or whether they desperately cling to life in terrified fear of death. Neither the presence nor absence of any of those things--or any other things like them--will prevent the person from dying. Thus, those things and anything like them cannot be a true cause of death.

One could argue instead that a given event or factor (e.g. the presence of smoking versus non-smoking) would speed up the time of the death. Slightly accelerating or postponing the timing of something is very different than causing it. Moreover, analogous to accelerations or decelerations in Newtonian physics, these factors are cumulative not mutually exclusive, and are thus in practice immeasurable and countless if not infinite. For example, if 8 dogs are pulling a sled, it does not make sense to say which dog is the cause of the sled moving, nor is it true that only the dogs are responsible for the sled moving. Rather, there are countless and presumably infinite factors at play, such as but not limited to friction, gravity, the weather, and how much the guy riding the sled ate for breakfast.

Imagine the proverbial sled is going down a steep ice-hill, having black-hole-like properties, and thus the sled will reach its destination very soon regardless of any of those other factors, and some of the dogs are futilely trying to pull the sled up the hill but can only at best slightly decrease the rate of acceleration. That would be a more accurate analogy to anything attempting to prevent human death, such as exercising daily instead of smoking cigarettes daily. There is no preventing death, and no practical way to significantly change to its timing on cosmological scales. The length of a human life is but an itsy bitsy teeny tiny sliver in cosmological spacetime.

As a human, each of us is going to die very soon. Every human dies quickly.

There is no cause of death, besides birth itself.

Once born, the death is inevitable.

We are going down the black-hole-like ice-hill quickly, from birth to death, and no dog can reverse the trajectory.

When one of us humans reach the bottom of the ice-hill (human death), it is absurd and nonsensical, worse than false, to point to any one dog, or even a few dogs, or even dogs as a whole versus gravity or what the sled rider ate, and accuse that thing of being the cause. It doesn't matter what any of the dogs did, and what the rider ate or didn't eat, and thus those kinds of things cannot logically be considered causes.

If you take the cause away, then the result cannot happen. Therefore, if you take an alleged cause away, and the result does still happen, then the alleged cause is no true cause at all, reductio ad absurdum.

Thus, the only cause of death is birth.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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47 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The only true cause of death is birth.

Anything that is born will die. Everything that is created will be destroyed.

When it comes to so-called "causes of death", the rest is at best merely a matter of perspective, if not a deceptive shell game.

For example, consider a cigarette smoker who dies with lung cancer shortly after catching the common cold.

Would it even make sense to debate about whether the so-called "cause of death" was (1) cigarettes, (2) suicide, (3) lung cancer, or (4) the common cold? I propose that it would make no sense to have such a debate or to assert that one of those is or could be the cause.

No human can be saved from death. Thus, nothing else causes a human to die because the death is inevitable from the birth. The human will die regardless of whether they smoke, whether they catch a cold, whether they get lung cancer, whether they drive a motorcycle, whether they are suicidal, or whether they desperately cling to life in terrified fear of death. Neither the presence nor absence of any of those things--or any other things like them--will prevent the person from dying. Thus, those things and anything like them cannot be a true cause of death.

One could argue instead that a given event or factor (e.g. the presence of smoking versus non-smoking) would speed up the time of the death. Slightly accelerating or postponing the timing of something is very different than causing it. Moreover, analogous to accelerations or decelerations in Newtonian physics, these factors are cumulative not mutually exclusive, and are thus in practice immeasurable and countless if not infinite. For example, if 8 dogs are pulling a sled, it does not make sense to say which dog is the cause of the sled moving, nor is it true that only the dogs are responsible for the sled moving. Rather, there are countless and presumably infinite factors at play, such as but not limited to friction, gravity, the weather, and how much the guy riding the sled ate for breakfast.

Imagine the proverbial sled is going down a steep ice-hill, having black-hole-like properties, and thus the sled will reach its destination very soon regardless of any of those other factors, and some of the dogs are futilely trying to pull the sled up the hill but can only at best slightly decrease the rate of acceleration. That would be a more accurate analogy to anything attempting to prevent human death, such as exercising daily instead of smoking cigarettes daily. There is no preventing death, and no practical way to significantly change to its timing on cosmological scales. The length of a human life is but an itsy bitsy teeny tiny sliver in cosmological spacetime.

As a human, each of us is going to die very soon. Every human dies quickly.

There is no cause of death, besides birth itself.

Once born, the death is inevitable.

We are going down the black-hole-like ice-hill quickly, from birth to death, and no dog can reverse the trajectory.

When one of us humans reach the bottom of the ice-hill (human death), it is absurd and nonsensical, worse than false, to point to any one dog, or even a few dogs, or even dogs as a whole versus gravity or what the sled rider ate, and accuse that thing of being the cause. It doesn't matter what any of the dogs did, and what the rider ate or didn't eat, and thus those kinds of things cannot logically be considered causes.

If you take the cause away, then the result cannot happen. Therefore, if you take an alleged cause away, and the result does still happen, then the alleged cause is no true cause at all, reductio ad absurdum.

Thus, the only cause of death is birth.

Go to bed.

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@Mu_ it's not bedtime now lol :D

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Death may be the flip side of birth, but the causality is imaginary. You could also assert that the cause for death is the intercourse of the parents. Or the rip in the condom. Or the big bang. Any attempt to distinct and isolate the cause of some thing is artificial. Yes, it can serve some purposes, but what ever cause you isolate, it will never be Absolute Truth. 

Anyhoo, given that death is the end of the activities that takes place in life forms to prevent the dissolution of form, then it would be more precise to say that conception is the opposite of death. But again, this is only artificial. You can't really isolate birth or conception from the moment your parents met, or the sexual act which brought the conception. Ultimately, everything is just the unfoldment of the Absolute in form. Any distinctions within this unfoldment isn't ultimately real. 


Edited by Batman

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2 minutes ago, Batman said:

Death may be the flip side of birth, but the causality is imaginary. You could also assert that the cause for death is the intercourse of the parents. Or the rip in the condom. Or the big bang. Any attempt to distinct and isolate the cause of some thing is artificial. Yes, it can serve some purposes, but what ever cause you isolate, it will never be Absolute Truth. 

Anyhoo, given that death is the end of the activities that takes place in life forms to prevent the dissolution of form, then it would be more precise to say that conception is the opposite of death. But again, this is only artificial. You can't really isolate birth or conception from the moment your parents met, or the sexual act which brought the conception. Ultimately, everything is just the unfoldment of the Absolute in form. Any distinctions within this unfoldment isn't ultimately real. 


Totally agree ? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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33 minutes ago, Batman said:

Death may be the flip side of birth, but the causality is imaginary. You could also assert that the cause for death is the intercourse of the parents. Or the rip in the condom. Or the big bang. Any attempt to distinct and isolate the cause of some thing is artificial. Yes, it can serve some purposes, but what ever cause you isolate, it will never be Absolute Truth. 

Anyhoo, given that death is the end of the activities that takes place in life forms to prevent the dissolution of form, then it would be more precise to say that conception is the opposite of death. But again, this is only artificial. You can't really isolate birth or conception from the moment your parents met, or the sexual act which brought the conception. Ultimately, everything is just the unfoldment of the Absolute in form. Any distinctions within this unfoldment isn't ultimately real. 


The only cause of death is unprotected sex lol?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The only cause of death is unprotected sex lol?

Not agree, the cause of death being alive is protected sex?

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

The only cause of death is unprotected sex lol?


Or if the condom breaks and the male ejaculate inside but hides the fact :/

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