
Is Nahm banned? Or just demoted?

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13 minutes ago, Loba said:

This is the only place on the net you can work on peace on topics like this and not get banned or labeled a weirdo, ect.  There are no other places to go to if this forum fails so we have to take care of it.

I agree. Most places/forums on the internet are quite judgmental and not remotely as open minded. This place might be unpolished and not perfectly cut, but it's still a jewel in an ocean of coal.


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1 minute ago, SOUL said:

Wait.... aren't we already in a time share? Since we are in a god share which the time share is a subsidiary of it along with consciousness share, space share and experience share.

Maybe if I sell all my shares I can afford to retire because I'm so tired of this sheet, so tired I need to be re-tired. Thank you.... I'll be here all week!...maybe.

Your never leaving .you'll be here till you die or Leo shuts it down lol.  U may disappear for a year but then return :(



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Just now, Raptorsin7 said:

I don't have an issue with spending money, but I do have an issue when vulnerable people are exploited and led on for financial gain

As far as I've read you mentioned they were donations. Saying that it's a scam implies you were a victim and therefore not responsible for your actions. Care to elaborate?


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10 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

You've always been a pretty level headed member with good contributions...never cause any problems..more members like you would be nice.

I've had my mistakes around here and with the work.

I like to think I have the capacity for some degree of self reflection and integrity. 

I simply realize... My stay here is not guaranteed. I can control my conduct. But not that of others. 

It does feel scary on some level. It's difficult to conceptualize everything that goes on with Leo's work cuz its fucking huge and maze like. My inner maze and the 'outer' maze.

I don't give my authority to anyone. Especially not Leo. His work, some of the things he says ring alarms of "Learn from him, but do not believe him nor give him a higher elevation over you". So, I respect him and his work. I realize he has a rare mind and I am grateful.

 I am going to build my own understanding because I think everyone is full of shit to some degree. I AM Reality. So, I am Authority. Yet, I am young and need to build this foundation of experience.

I am here for now, to grow and to learn. Whatever comes comes.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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23 minutes ago, Jonty said:

Can't we all just move on here without ripping the poor guy to shreds and dragging his name through the mud, completely unjustifiably?  This is supposed to be a spiritual forum after all!

Seems fair to say that it isnt Nahm as much as it is the types of action taken or conduct.  

Shadow work of spirituality is gritty and can produce desirable results.  Spirituality is all encompassing, not limited to rainbows and sparkly comments.  The only way the undesirable is mitigated is by going in head first, look it in the eyes, become familiar, understand..

There is an opportunity for growth.  The community can choose to identify types of engagement that it wishes to curtail.  

Like it or not.  Ultimately this forum is Leo's space to share within the framework he deems beneficial, a reflection of what he is sharing.

If he tries pleasing everyone versus establishing boundaries that mirror his own process then it will.most likely fray.  

This thread is good material for Leo to absorb.  We all need to realize that developing a platform happens over time, it evolves and improves.  We cant expect Leo to provide a perfected product, but wr can support him in developing a better platform.

There will always be something to consider, new procedures to potentially implement.  This is the awakening process is it not.

Nahm should possibly be thanked for taking one for the team, if new policies for engagement are brought about. 

On a personal note, if the nondual top tier smack down is somehow corralled I, and many others, would be pleased. Not because it isnt true or valid, because it is rather elementary and a total conversation nuke bomb.  Its like ya we get it, again, and again, and again.. 



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3 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Your never leaving .you'll be here till you die or Leo shuts it down lol.  U may disappear for a year but then return :(


Jokes on you.... I was never here because there is no one to be here, no here to be and no you to have been joked.... at least that's how the story goes.

Edited by SOUL

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2 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Well given how many people were shocked to find out about Nahm's conduct i think i do need to prove something.

Giving cover and defending dishonest and unethical teachers isn't too great either (:

I'm telling you from direct experience and not wanting to feed any of the mind's stories about "myself", a Nahm, Leo or actualized.

There isn't "Nahm" and "his" teaching. If this is understood and inspected, you would instantly stop projecting a "teaching" onto "Nahm". You dont even realize the narrative's given here projected on "Nahm". Nahm is reduced here. To a point of totally dismissing everything about what actually is the case. You blindly follow a narrative.

All I can say here, stay aware of the current narrative. 

This isn't about Nahm man. Nahm didnt want to teach a thing LOL. He just pointed out. Man. And I laughed realizing this.

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Just now, Roy said:

As far as I've read you mentioned they were donations. Saying that it's a scam implies you were a victim and therefore not responsible for your actions. Care to elaborate?

They were donations at first and then he started charging. I am responsible for my actions, I should have known he was a charlatan before I started paying him.

He set up a situation where i believed he was an authority and could alleviate my suffering. I thought he had the keys to happiness.

And so I end up in a situation where I am paying in hopes of one day finally understanding his great teaching.

There are guru-disciple relationships and ethics for a reason

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32 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

No, i mean I am bitter and part of my post is motivated by shadow motivations so it's not like my criticism is coming from pure harmony.

But Nahm isn't a good teacher or an honest person, it just took me a while to realize it.

I am being excessive, but Nahm was also unethical and fraudulent.


I could be wrong again..but I don't feel he was purposely swindling.  He may have been a spiritual "coo coo" in a sense..but that was just him.  He probably honestly thought he could give you liberation or awakening or peace of mind..whatever.. in other words it came from a place of love..but it seems he's not playing with a full deck.  Again I don't want to pounce on him I just want to mention that.  He didn't seem like a guy purposely out to scam you..he was way too out there for something like that.  However that knew him better and you could be right.


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1 minute ago, Nadosa said:

I'm telling you from direct experience and not wanting to feed any of the mind's stories about "myself", a Nahm, Leo or actualized.

There isn't "Nahm" and "his" teaching. If this is understood and inspected, you would instantly stop projecting a "teaching" onto "Nahm". You dont even realize the narrative's given here projected on "Nahm". Nahm is reduced here. To a point of totally dismissing everything about what actually is the case. You blindly follow a narrative.

All I can say here, stay aware of the current narrative. 

This isn't about Nahm man. Nahm didnt want to teach a thing LOL. He just pointed out. Man. And I laughed realizing this.

If he wasn't trying to teach anything then why did he continue to do calls with me for 8 months and accept over 6-8 thousands dollars in donations?

Okay so what has this "understanding" done for your life? What changed?

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4 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

I don't give my authority to anyone. Especially not Leo. I am going to build my own understanding because I think everyone is full of shit to some degree. I AM Reality. So, I am Authority.


That's kind of how you gotta do it, is just go within and build it from there.  Gl!

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10 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

I actually just read Leos opening post about demoting Nahm.

I have to admit something though I mean no ill will towards Nahm.

I noticed early on he was a respected member of the forum. As I have been increasing in my own awareness, reading books, contemplating, having awakenings and stuff I started to notice Nahms style of communication to not be helpful. The more aware and awake you are.... There should be a correlate of being personable, and people being able to speak to you and to find common ground. There have actually been many moments where I felt frustrated with this person because it was like "Yeah, sure, but don't you get the relative contextual situation I am in here at all?" Like, after a point I felt like I was talking to a wall of "Not this Not that" When reality actually "has this and that" and we need to be intelligent and emotionally intelligent enough to communicate with people at their level. It was a bit frustrating for me to read his responses to me at times.

Though, yes he did help and at times gave good advice and was a great person to speak to. I like Nahm, but I do not like being spoken to in the way he often does on the forum. It's almost like... people can get so lost in a bubble of concepts (which is what I think is sort of ironic about Nahm) we get lost in these 'spiritual' concepts of "Nothingness" "No self" "Reality is imagination" that we sort of stunt our own intelligence to be human. 

I don't know what the right thing to do is/ way. But, I agree with Leo his frustrations. Reading the pms between the two of them was also very telling that Nahm could be lacking emotional or contextual awareness.

There was times I would share an insight or awakening. He would be like "Thats just thoughts" or "Be like this forum member here" which I found difficult. I had to use these interacts to ground myself further into my own truth. I had to stop unconsciously giving my authority to 'Mods' or 'others' on the forum. 


Nice post.. Balanced.. Fair.. Honest..

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@Leo Gura thank you for the pointers through the youtube videos at the beginning of the self realization journey but you are got caught in the psychedelics & spiritual ego trap... with the levels of consciousness, highest teachings and other bullshit. @Nahm could help you to let those believes go through one-to-one sessions but you won't listen since there is a strong believe in "I'm a teacher having the highest teachings". Sure, I admire how much you did for the society with your free youtube content... I wish you will see what Nahm was pointing out all the time with believing in content of thinking. Please, demode me as well. Let clarity shine in you my friend ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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3 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

He set up a situation where i believed he was an authority and could alleviate my suffering. I thought he had the keys to happiness.

And so I end up in a situation where I am paying in hopes of one day finally understanding his great teaching.

Yeah a lot of therapists do this too unfortunately... Yes some was helpful but some you can tell are trying to drag things out with you and keep telling you you're still sick to keep you seeing them at pretty outrageous prices. It's really hard to tell the difference when you're in a vulnerable place.

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@Roy Tell me about it, I have tried other forums in the past and they ended up getting to be too toxic as a collective, but this place seems to, for the most part, not have as much of that toxicity - but it could, and that's what we all together have to work on as a community.

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4 minutes ago, Loba said:

@Roy Tell me about it, I have tried other forums in the past and they ended up getting to be too toxic as a collective, but this place seems to, for the most part, not have as much of that toxicity - but it could, and that's what we all together have to work on as a community.

Leo does a really good job maintaining it here. It's always gonna be ugly to enforce and too clean. We are dealing with a lot of people of varying education and maturity levels. 

Honestly, Leo probably has to do a lot of guess work because enforcing this shit is hard. He has his own devilry to deal with, plus everyone else's. Unfortunately there is a 'groundlessness' of control that is always a risk.

@allislove Maybe he did. But, maybe there is more going on here. It was not really possible to speak to Nahm at times. These spiritual insights of "not self" or whatever are useful. But we also need emotional intelligence and contextual awareness. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

If he wasn't trying to teach anything then why did he continue to do calls with me for 8 months and accept over 6-8 thousands dollars in donations?

Okay so what has this "understanding" done for your life? What changed?

The expectation of change changed to full recognition of felt guidance and being who I already and always have been. ME. 

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8 minutes ago, allislove said:

@Leo Gura thank you for the pointers through the youtube videos at the beginning of the self realization journey but you are got caught in the psychedelics & spiritual ego trap... with the levels of consciousness, highest teachings and other bullshit. @Nahm could help you to let those believes go through one-to-one sessions but you won't listen since there is a strong believe in "I'm a teacher having the highest teachings". Sure, I admire how much you did for the society with your free youtube content... I wish you will see what Nahm was pointing out all the time with believing in content of thinking. Please, demode me as well. Let clarity shine in you my friend ?

Indeed. Fully agree with this, and would do the same in your shoes.

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