
Is Nahm banned? Or just demoted?

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As the title suggests.

@Nahm @Leo Gura

Please keep Nahm on the forum. He has a unique perspective to offer which can help people.

For reference:

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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@Gregory1 I second this motion with all my might.

It is true Nahm is kinda different guy and his style might contrast leos. but,if he change his ways from self branding inside the forum and hyper spiritual vedantic advice , I would love him here !

my mini-blog! 

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1 minute ago, Gregory1 said:

As the title suggests.

@Nahm @Leo Gura

Please keep Nahm on the forum. He has a unique perspective to offer which can help people.

I think Nahm just needs to learn to not get so attached to his teacher role. I think it is lack of awareness actually, that he is unable to see that he has attached himself to a certain mode of operation/perspective. Every single of his posts is written from the same perspective, and maybe that is because he has an identity on this forum that he is he "teacher" guy, so basically a spiritual identity. He does not notice that he is undermining other aspects of reality by doing so.

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I hope he comes back to the forum at least to drop a statement to defend his position. As I saw in the other thread people accusing him of being a spiritual scam artist.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Just now, vizual said:

I hope he comes back to the forum at least to drop a statement to defend his position. As I saw in the other thread people accusing him of being a spiritual scam artist.

I don't think he can bring himself to do that, his response would be something like "Defend what? There is no "Nahm" and there is no "position".There is only Truth. Love, love, love".


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8 minutes ago, vizual said:

I hope he comes back to the forum at least to drop a statement to defend his position. As I saw in the other thread people accusing him of being a spiritual scam artist.

@vizual this is crazy. Who. Claimed that?

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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24 minutes ago, Tim R said:

@Gregory1 He's not banned, just demoted from mod to member. 

He basically was a member to begin with, though. I don't remember seeing him locking threads or giving warnings.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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There are far more problematic mods than Nahm. Yes, he is out of this world from time to time but he was clearly making progress compared to last year. Mods like Carl-Richard are far more problematic(in a different way and a big nuisance ideologically imo). I hope at least Nahm gets a chance for reinstitution. 

Edited by StarStruck

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I think the same. Nahm, you have received criticism from many, including myself, but greatness is shown by being truly humble. show what you're made of, leave your ego behind and keep contributing to that forum that you love. The important thing is the message

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I love Nahm very much. I watched some of his videos and took a look at his website, and they seemed genuine and heartful (although, in the Self-Actualization sub-forum, where Leo posted about his decision to demote Nahm, a member of the forum asserted that Nahm copied content from meditation app to his website. I didn't verify this claim and am not going to). Lately, I also had much distress trying to decipher his communications. I also disagree with his assertion that "thought is not a perception", which I find to be misleading.

I really wish him well and love him very much.

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1 hour ago, Scholar said:

Nahm just needs to learn to not get so attached to his teacher role.


Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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There is no Nahm. Demotion is just a concept. No demotion so nobody to demote.

Namaste. Prayer emoji heart emoji.

Edit: Buy my one on one coaching. Just $150.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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42 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

I don't remember seeing him locking threads or giving warnings.

Very rarely, he told me he doesn't like locking threads at all, even if people in the thread would go completely apesh*t (he didn't say it like that tho?)

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47 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

There is no Nahm. Demotion is just a concept. No demotion so nobody to demote.

Namaste. Prayer emoji heart emoji.

Edit: Buy my one on one coaching. Just $150.

I see what you did here.?

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I appreciate Nahm. 

But sometimes found him like, subtly spiritually combative with the whole "Thats just thoughts" thing. 

I also fall into this fruitless sort of banter so whatever

Thats just thoughts is just thoughts too. So, what are we gonna do?

Mod or not Mod, he is a good contributor to the forum. Overall, Nahm is a great person to learn from I think.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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56 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

There is no Nahm. Demotion is just a concept. No demotion so nobody to demote.

Namaste. Prayer emoji heart emoji.

Edit: Buy my one on one coaching. Just $150.

Hahaha absolutely. But those kinds of things we should have said when he was here. we are a bunch of lambs. Let's learn about this experience

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

There is no Nahm. Demotion is just a concept. No demotion so nobody to demote.

Namaste. Prayer emoji heart emoji.

Edit: Buy my one on one coaching. Just $150.

Plot twist: Dollar is a concept too. 

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