
Time Frugality

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I think it is important to be frugal with our time and be mindful of how we spend it. We never get it back once it's spent. 

I like to think of it as having $1440 to spend every day, but we don't get to use that money again once the day is over.

There are 1440 minutes in a day, how would you spend each minute if each minute was worth $1? 

In what ways are you frugal with your time? 

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game changer for me was to get to bed at 8pm every night ... from there i divide the day into 12 6 3 2 1 hour blocks

12 is sleep meditation yoga

6 is work

3 is exercise

2 is entertainment

1 is review / plan

also doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting helps to use energy effectively

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@gettoefl is this a loose plan for u? Because you didn’t include a block for things like meeting friends or doing chores, like laundry or buying groceries. I sometimes make hyper ambitious plans but so much time is killed by everyday actions like preparing and eating food etc.

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17 hours ago, Joscha said:

@gettoefl is this a loose plan for u? Because you didn’t include a block for things like meeting friends or doing chores, like laundry or buying groceries. I sometimes make hyper ambitious plans but so much time is killed by everyday actions like preparing and eating food etc.

all those things are part of exercise - i do this 7 days a week, it's the lifestyle i enjoy - there is flexibility as i wish since i am accountable only to me - i may take 2 or 3 days a month where i am wholly social and live per another's schedule - am not a slave to it, it is just what works for me

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On 22/02/2022 at 7:22 AM, Vision said:

In what ways are you frugal with your time? 

I'm not and I feel like a King. But don't let me put you off.

57% paranoid

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On 2/23/2022 at 5:12 AM, gettoefl said:

game changer for me was to get to bed at 8pm every night ... from there i divide the day into 12 6 3 2 1 hour blocks

12 is sleep meditation yoga

6 is work

3 is exercise

2 is entertainment

1 is review / plan

also doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting helps to use energy effectively

@gettoeflHow long does it take you to fall asleep? It's extremely difficult for me to fall asleep that early. 


21 hours ago, lxlichael said:

@Vision Think less in terms of time and more in terms of growth per unit of time for every unit of growth there is a unit of return on investment more than how  you previously used time at a lower level of growth; global ripple effects for your fellow mind/sentience (dolphins anyone?). Build a world mind that seizes every moment in time more than a time mind that constrains the beings imagination to experiential units of time that bias ones perception of what is possible in this universe, possibilities of which you're designed to extend the horizons of for humanity in your own unique way. And remember to have fun in that process and journey, Earth looks kind of humorous from the perspective of a distant milkyway you know.

@lxlichael Can you elaborate on what you mean a bit more? This sounds interesting but I don't quite understand with the way your writing was structured. 

19 hours ago, LastThursday said:

I'm not and I feel like a King. But don't let me put you off.

@LastThursday How do you spend your time? 


14 hours ago, Ludwigvan said:

@Vision That's a great idea... One way to define investing is to define what it is not. Investing is not impulsive. Impulsive people discount the future and that might as well be the definition of impulsive. And the more one cares about the future the more they value truth. Just imagine how the margin of error can increase exponentially the longer one plans into the future. Don't just trade time today for today. Trade time today for tomorrow. Value long term wisdom to make decisions that are time-less and don't degenerate. The ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way, especially to different situations from that in which the knowledge was originally gained. It's the ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding. If it's wise then it works, and it works for everyone, across all time. Only those who understand time and manage time properly can produce the extraordinary result of maturity. 

@Ludwigvan Agreed. What do you think are the key habits to put in place in one's life? 

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5 hours ago, Vision said:

@gettoeflHow long does it take you to fall asleep? It's extremely difficult for me to fall asleep that early. 

yes at first it is tricky ... on the other hand i measure the success of my day by how tired i am ... if not tired, i didn't put in the work

8pm-4am is now second nature, asleep within 15 mins of going to bed and awake 15 mins before alarm goes

1st minute of day is lil painful (no lights or heating) but every minute of the day improves ... do hard things first save fun stuff til last

another good habit for my sedentary lifestyle: every 2 hours do 5-minute stretch break of 100 push up 100 toes touches 100 sit ups

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1 minute ago, gettoefl said:

8pm-4am is now second nature, asleep within 15 mins of going to bed and awake 15 mins before alarm goes

@gettoefl How long did it take you to make it second nature? I want to do it too but I feel so tired when I wake up. 


Do you feel rejuvenated when you wake up or do you feel tired?

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5 hours ago, Vision said:

@LastThursday How do you spend your time? 

Thinking, working my day job, hobbies, personal projects, creating music, socialising, writing stuff on this site, reading a shitload etc.

But other than my work hours, I don't have a schedule - and since I'm working from home, even my work schedule is pretty flexible.

You could take one view and think that I'm just wasting time because I'm not working towards anything as such. There's a kind of truth to that, but I've never quite been sure what exactly I should be working towards. If anything, it's living comfortably and not being stressed, which I've achieved. 

You can get stuff done even if you don't have a schedule to enforce it, you just do it more organically. I suppose it's a personal preference, I've never liked treating myself like a machine just churning stuff out. Each to their own I guess.

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On 24/02/2022 at 3:52 PM, Vision said:

@gettoefl How long did it take you to make it second nature? I want to do it too but I feel so tired when I wake up. 


Do you feel rejuvenated when you wake up or do you feel tired?

what i did was i pushed it back an hour every 3 months so i made the change gradually over a year ... i am planning to push it back another hout to 7pm maybe in arpril ... feel like i am using the best hours of the day for what is important to me

feel completely fresh and raring to go in the morning, have had my quota of quality sleep and now i hit the ground running

nightime is when i feel tired and i use that as a cue to go a bit easier the next day

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@LastThursday Do you have goals and/or a vision for your life? 

8 hours ago, gettoefl said:

what i did was i pushed it back an hour every 3 months so i made the change gradually over a year ... i am planning to push it back another hout to 7pm maybe in arpril ... feel like i am using the best hours of the day for what is important to me

feel completely fresh and raring to go in the morning, have had my quota of quality sleep and now i hit the ground running

nightime is when i feel tired and i use that as a cue to go a bit easier the next day

@gettoefl How do you push it back an hour and still be able to fall asleep? I don't feel sleepy enough an hour before I normally sleep. 

The only way I can reset my sleep schedule is to stay up all night and then sleep earlier the next day, but even that doesn't always work. I end up waking up 2-4 hours into my sleep at which point I'm back at square one. 

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20 hours ago, Vision said:

@LastThursday Do you have goals and/or a vision for your life?

I do, but you might call them soft goals or meta goals. I'm largely past the phase of wanting to aquire material things and status. I mostly just want inner peace and serenity, I'm still fairly beholden to the ups and downs of my mind and want to escape that. Also I want to have an aesthetically pleasing life, with some sort of close physical community, both of which are lacking for me. By aesthetics I mean beautiful surroundings and weather, good high conscious relationships, simple lifestyle, using my body regularly and treating it well, only having to worry about the things that matter, giving something back to people and nature, working for myself, and better work/life balance.

Edited by LastThursday

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