@Leo Gura
Hello Leo Gura again! I have been watching this forum's topics and answers for a while and I have come in conclusion that we need some type of dictionary that explains basic spiritual words for newbies so we don't need to manually point out every technical word definition mistake they make. That list could be as big as we want and we could improve it day by day. Requirement for healthy and working communication is that we agree on basic word definitons and only this way we can translate information from one to another one.
Because you are web developper you could also make it work so it makes automatic link to the dictionary when one uses the word in his/her comment. That way it would be lot of easier for newbies to get into this whole spirituality and we could finally focus on deeper topics and eventually develop our lovely community. I have been reading different threads almost daily for at least 2 months and I have seen same topics coming again and again. I have got vibe - that you want to make this community better - from your thread starters and blog video so dictionary could be incredible boost for this comminity.
I consider myself good at writing and therefore I would offer help to make this change happen. Also we could make it like wikipedia that everyone can change and add something to dictionary, but you could personally verify that it makes sense and only after that modification would happen. I know this takes first lot of work, but I know that you are "strategic motherfucker :D" so you should know that this has exponential profit in a long run.
We could also make dictionary also to include basic logical fallacies so whenever anyone sees someone making basic logical mistake we could point that out using link so our time wouldn't go to explain same problems all day long. I would say that this frees so much confusion and time that actually this whole community could skyrocket and evolve into something way better that you have even thought about. Actually we have chance to make something remarkable in spiritual history that could be good stepping stone to new spiritual generation.
Also we have another problem which is that we have too many threads and lack of quality in them. Quality over quantity bro . There should be limit of how many new threads can one user make in a week and that would help to ensure better quality in posts. Of course moderators and well chosen users could have chance to make little bit more threads, but that would stop people from asking same stupid thing in a row.
@Leo Gura comment here something so I know that you have at least read this and give some opinions that could something like this be possible in a future.
This is something I would call as a good topic starter and you should aim to even half of the quality that this thread has on your own thread starters. Also we should give respect to @justfortoday, because he made very high quality post recently.
Reader, I love you <3