
Can women and men be friends?

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These comments about men and women are just repeating  "old wive's tales".  When I was younger, most of my roomates were female.   The tension is part of the fun.  I know two lesbians who recently broke up, which puts me in an ackward position, since I still want to be friends with both of them.  So, the “tension” also happens between women.  The real issue is to learn how to get along with people.  That's the real problem. 

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40 minutes ago, Loba said:

@PurpleTree I would/did, but they wanted more or I did.  Male/female friendships rarely ever pan out for a long time, unless the two people are both already in a relationship, sometimes that can work.

even if they would want more if the possibility arose and it wouldn't destroy the friendship or whatever, i think it still works

i'd also like to eat a chocolate cake and some chicken burgers right now, but i'm not going to do it

imo there are levels to this on one level there might be some tension between men/women if you think they're cute or whatever

but on another level there is also just the person and the being that you maybe got to know and appreciate

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Of course they can. However it's also a part of the reality we live in where nature kind of magnetizes us towards fucking each other lol.


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LoL, it's easier if at least one of them leans towards asexuality and/or is not attracted to each other in that way. 

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Yes, but the man needs to have his sexual needs met. In other words you can have a bunch of platonic female friends as long as you got at least one girl who you're sleeping with and happy with. But if you are starved for sex you can't just have female friends because you will start acting too weird and needy with them and ruin the friendships.

So start by getting yourself laid. Then you can build up a circle of platonic female friends if you want. And it would be a good idea to do so because they can introduce you to more hot girls.

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@fictional_character I’m sure it’s very possible to be friends with the opposite sex especially if you put up boundaries early on that you are only seeking friendship. 

My bf growing up was a super social butterfly and has had best friends both male and female. I think it worked to his advantage because he never had issues getting girl friends or just talking to anyone. I think the more relationships with women you have as friends the better off you can be because you can learn so much from experience.  It will be easier for you to connect and start conversations. Plus these women friends could help you meet someone! The more social your life is, the more exposure to people you will have, leading to more potential matches! 

@Preety_India I can also personally relate. Most men I’ve met are usually just interested in more than just friends the majority of the time. (Although there have been a few exceptions with a childhood friend or two). And it’s crazy because I’ve had a few instances where I’ve been hit on by men that are in relationships. I will say it’s nice to be in a committed relationship because then they leave me alone! Lol! 




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@Lisa Ann Are you are a guy or a girl?  On your description it says" male" eve though you have a pic of a girl.

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Men and women can start with being friends. Later if they like each other they can turn towards a relationship. If they don't, they have to set that boundary and be absolutely clear about it. Then they can remain friends. 

I don't have any female friends. I always wanted one, so that I can talk to her and understand the psychology of a woman. The woman might also want a male friend. They can ask each other questions that they are unsure of the opposite sex like: attraction,struggles and so on. Also since we feel comfortable more with the same sex, an opposite can make you more confident. Just don't waste time. And look out for one-sided relationships from either sides.


Edited by Vivaldo

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Sure I’ve got plenty of female friends. Using them for things like training social skills seems like a terrible idea?

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1 minute ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Not can be, but ARE? dogs are loyal af

If I ever come to a point of wanting to own a pet though, I'll get both cat and a dog, and "socialize" them together, to become best friends? that'd be so cute

my mom has a dog and a cat, they're funny

the dog really became like a good buddy, such a nice dog that even kids from the neighbourhood go ring my moms door to ask if they can take him on a walk

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@Vivaldo not sure which part you mean. However using people for your own benefit is hardly kind or appreciated. 

I enjoy female company more. I’m not really into sports,  games, cars or whatever. I prefer more “softer “ topics. Additionally girls have been better and closer friends in the past.

Be friends with people because you enjoy their company. If it comes with other benefits great.

Edited by Spiral

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@Vivaldo people, physiology and culture(such as art). Of course there are other guys who likes this too but it’s more common among girls.

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Yes, absolutely. Why not?

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whoever doubts it is that he does not understand the friendship between two human beings, only the mutual use between two egos

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