Time Traveler

From Good To Better Vs From Bad To Not So Bad

3 posts in this topic

Recently I watched a video about a goal setting / achieving.

One important point was that in your goal setting you should make a move from your current good situation to even better in future. 

I agree, that such paradigm would render strong motivation and consequently massive action and fast goal achievement.

Problem is that frequently my goals are fear based, meaning that I'm in deep shit and if I would not do something then I'll soon be even worse.

I understand that every half empty glass could be viewed as half full, but I don't know  how to do this perspective change  regarding my own situation.

Any advice ?

May be there are some books, videos on this subject ?

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@Time Traveler HI There, I am a NLP and Matrix Therapies Practitioner and I can honestly say that NLP and Matrix Therapies are life changing when done correctly. 

You want to really change your life and get the results you want? Read Tony Robbins, Unlimited power

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