
Introduction and struggling with morality

5 posts in this topic

Hello guys this is my first post. I have been lurking for some time and since all the drama of lately I have decided to become a member. I want to be an active positive member of the community and contribute high consciousness resources and conversations. 

But I have also joined because I have a burning issue in my life. (22y male)

My passions are music, stories, film, games, basically artful things where entire worlds are created.

I have this dream of creating amazing things in these fields and having many people enjoy them. So basically I want for my art to reach a lot of people and be highly successful which is of course what everyone wants.

I have been making beats and playing the piano as a hobby for 7 years now, so I do have some skills already in this field. With films and games I have just enjoyed them and observed their qualities consciously, and thoroughly enjoyed them and contemplated on what was good about them. But I have no experience with making them.


An opportunity has come into my life, which would require me to also build skill and invest time, but It would be a very reliable and plentiful source of income. This opportunity is very stage orange, basically going for the money and probably fucking some people over, which is not congruent with my life purpose which would be more stage green/yellow.

I am struggling with money and housing, trying to move out which is really hard even though I work 36 hours in the week. I find it really hard to work and inspire myself for my life purpose because of it. It feels like years away before I would be good enough to create content that people actually really enjoy.

This is the choice I struggle with:

A: Going with the opportunity, sacrificing time and morality for money but it would allow me to have more personal money and also it would allow me to invest and market my life purpose content, which seems quite impossible to do in my current situation.

B: Leaving the opportunity and going balls in on life purpose skills and content creation. Just leaving the money and decide to live at parents broke for years to come, but massively putting in the time and grind for my life purpose skills to just become great AF and win that way eventually.

It's a really hard decision because It is easy to say B because it has the most "integrity", But I've been living with this question for a year now, and I have been going with B, but i am just struggling with life so much this way that I don't feel much inspiration for life purpose anymore, it has made me really bitter and low confidence. I feel like if I had the money i would not have this shitty job, i would be able to have my own apartment, travel the world, meet girls, have nice clothes etc. I would have a lot more time and energy for my life purpose even if it would cost some time to make the money with option A.

But also I feel like going with A i am selling my soul and going for the money which I also of course want for my own egoic needs. But B is killing me as of late. But it seems so paradoxical to work on life purpose which would make a lot of lives better but fund it with money from capitalistic exploitation. But it also seems like this is the only way in todays society.

Also, the ultimate projects that I dream of making would cost so much money, as in hundreds of millions, and I would definitely lose money on them If I made them similarly to how the ancient Egyptians "lost money" by making the pyramids. From a capitalistic perspective making the pyramids is a huge fail of labour energy. But we see the pyramids as one of the greatest things ever made. Because of this paradox i feel like it would anyway require me to make money some other way to fund my ultimate life purpose projects because they could never fund themselves.

Thanks for reading guys. I hope to be a cool member here.

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Thanks for asking this great question :)

Following passion and making money simultaneously is something I wouldn't call egoistical at all. Our situation is that most big companies live at the expense of others anyways so adding you here would just make good in big picture, because I guess you aren't going to make grand hoax scheme. Also take in account that you first need to take, before you can give and being in good financial situation is something which helps your spirituality and your capacity to help other people.

Also I make music so, if you would like to collab or just talk about this topic I am open for this. <3


Who told you that "others" are real?

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Follow your intuition. There are many ways to connect with your intuition, one is to sit down in meditation and say "I want to connect with my soul", feel it, and then ask your question in a way that you can receive a yes or no answer, then wait for the answer to come, it may come instantly before you have even finished asking the question, or you may have to be patient and wait. You can also ask someone, like an energy reader, tarot reader etc, and see if they give you the same answer.


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On 21/02/2022 at 10:37 PM, DreamVoid said:

A: Going with the opportunity, sacrificing time and morality for money but it would allow me to have more personal money and also it would allow me to invest and market my life purpose content, which seems quite impossible to do in my current situation.

B: Leaving the opportunity and going balls in on life purpose skills and content creation. Just leaving the money and decide to live at parents broke for years to come, but massively putting in the time and grind for my life purpose skills to just become great AF and win that way eventually.

Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I've read your story and I relate a lot, because currently I'm pursuing my passion but also making money, and it took me a while to find that balance for myself.

Here's what I'd do in your situation, knowing what I know now:

  1. Remain living where you live now (assuming this saves you money). But give yourself 6 months to get your project off the ground.
  2. Brainstorm creative ways to have people pay for you doing your passion, TODAY.
  3. Execute. Use the 6 month deadline as motivation.

Do not waste time and energy on anything that is out of alignment, "work experience" is worthless to you if you already know that it's not what you want to do, and the money you earn with it is worth less than the time you lose with it.

I repeat: the money you earn with it is worth less than the time you lose with it

Starting something next to a job, in the time and energy you have left over, is 10 times as hard as without the job. This is where most struggle. I did it, and I would not recommend it. Don't underestimate the power of prioritizing where your fresh energy goes versus the leftovers.

You are in a perfect position to make your purpose work for you. Don't blow it now by moving out and getting a job you hate ;)

DM me if you want to brainstorm a bit.

Edited by flowboy

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